Robert van Oostenbrugge


Robert van Oostenbrugge is Professor of Neurology, with a chair on Vascular Neurology, head of the Department of Neurology (UM); principal Investigator of CARIM and programme leader of Vascular Neurology / Stroke. Robert (R.J.) van Oostenbrugge; (born Havelte, 1965) obtained a MD at the Maastricht University in Maastricht (1990). He was registered as neurologist in 2000 and obtained a PhD in 1999 (University Maastricht, Maastricht). In 2013, he was appointed Professor of Neurology chair of the Department of Neurology at Maastricht University. He is member of the Centers of Excellence in Neurodegeneration initiative and of the JPND funded initiative HARNESS aiming to harmonise imaging standards in vascular dementia, member of the board of the Dutch Section of Vascular Neurology.

Department of Neurology
P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 HX Maastricht 
PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht
T: +31 (0)43 387 70 58


  • 2015
    • Klarenbeek, P., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Staals, J. (2015). Ambulatory Arterial Stiffness Index Is Not Associated With Magnetic Resonance Imaging Markers of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in Lacunar Stroke Patients. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 17(5), 352-356.
    • van Bussel, F. C., Backes, W. H., Hofman, P. A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Kessels, A. G., van Boxtel, M. P., Schram, M. T., Stehouwer, C. D., Wildberger, J. E., & Jansen, J. F. (2015). On the Interplay of Microvasculature, Parenchyma, and Memory in Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 38(5), 876-882.
    • van den Berg, L. A., Koelman, D. L. H., Berkhemer, O. A., Rozeman, A. D., Fransen, P. S. S., Beumer, D., Dippel, D. W., van der Lugt, A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., van Zwam, W. H., Brouwer, P. A., Jenniskens, S., Boiten, J., Nijeholt, G. A. L. A., Vos, J. A., Schonewille, W. J., Majoie, C. B. L. M., & Roos, Y. B. W. E. M. (2015). Type of Anesthesia and Differences in Clinical Outcome After Intra-Arterial Treatment for Ischemic Stroke. Stroke, 46(5), 1257-1262.
    • Dirks, M., Zonneveld, T. P., Dippel, D. W. J., Nederkoorn, P. J., van de Beek, D., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Kruyt, N. D. (2015). Elevated pretreatment blood pressure and IV thrombolysis in stroke. Neurology, 84(14), 1419-1425.
    • de Greef, B. T. A., Schreuder, F. H. B. M., Vlooswijk, M. C. G., Schreuder, A. H. C. M. L., Rooyer, F. A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Rouhl, R. P. W. (2015). Early seizures after intracerebral hemorrhage predict drug-resistant epilepsy. Journal of Neurology, 262(3), 541-546.
    • Berkhemer, O. A., Fransen, P. S. S., Beumer, D., van den Berg, L. A., Lingsma, H. F., Yoo, A. J., Schonewille, W. J., Vos, J. A., Nederkoorn, P. J., Wermer, M. J. H., van Walderveen, M. A. A., Staals, J., Hofmeijer, J., van Oostayen, J. A., Nijeholt, G. J. L. A., Boiten, J., Brouwer, P. A., Emmer, B. J., de Bruijn, S. F., ... Dippel, D. W. J. (2015). A Randomized Trial of Intraarterial Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke. New England Journal of Medicine, 372(1), 11-20.
    • Nederkoorn, P. J., van Dijk, E. J., Koudstaal, P. J., Luijckx, G.-J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Visser, M. C., Wermer, M. J. H., Ruigrok, Y. M., Algra, A., & Kappelle, L. J. (2015). The Dutch String-of-Pearls Stroke Study: Protocol of a large prospective multicenter genetic cohort study. International journal of stroke, 10(1), 120-122.
  • 2014
    • Truijman, M. T., de Rotte, A. A., Aaslid, R., van Dijk, A. C., Steinbuch, J., Liem, M. I., Schreuder, F. H., van der Steen, A. F., Daemen, M. J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Wildberger, J. E., Nederkoorn, P. J., Hendrikse, J., van der Lugt, A., Kooi, M. E., & Mess, W. H. (2014). Intraplaque Hemorrhage, Fibrous Cap Status, and Microembolic Signals in Symptomatic Patients With Mild to Moderate Carotid Artery Stenosis: The Plaque At RISK Study. Stroke, 45(11), 3423-3426.
    • Fransen, P. S. S., Beumer, D., Berkhemer, O. A., van den Berg, L. A., Lingsma, H., van der Lugt, A., van Zwam, W. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Roos, Y. B. W. E. M., Majoie, C. B., & Dippel, D. W. J. (2014). MR CLEAN, a multicenter randomized clinical trial of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke in the Netherlands: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 15(1), Article 343.
    • Uiterwijk, R., Huijts, M., Staals, J., Duits, A., Gronenschild, E., Kroon, A. A., de Leeuw, P. W., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2014). Subjective Cognitive Failures in Patients With Hypertension Are Related to Cognitive Performance and Cerebral Microbleeds. Hypertension, 64(3), 653-657.
    • Truijman, M. T., Kooi, M. E., van Dijk, A. C., de Rotte, A. A., van der Kolk, A. G., Liem, M. I., Schreuder, F. H., Boersma, E., Mess, W. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Koudstaal, P. J., Kappelle, L. J., Nederkoorn, P. J., Nederveen, A. J., Hendrikse, J., van der Steen, A. F., Daemen, M. J., & van der Lugt, A. (2014). Plaque At RISK (PARISK): prospective multicenter study to improve diagnosis of high-risk carotid plaques. International journal of stroke, 9(6), 747-754.
    • van Dooren, M., Staals, J., de Leeuw, P. W., Kroon, A. A., Henskens, L. H., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2014). Progression of Brain Microbleeds in Essential Hypertensive Patients: A 2-Year Follow-up Study. American Journal of Hypertension, 27(8), 1045-1051.
    • Tijssen, M. P. M., Hofman, P. A. M., Stadler, A. A. R., van Zwam, W., de Graaf, R., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Klotz, E., Wildberger, J. E., & Postma, A. A. (2014). The role of dual energy CT in differentiating between brain haemorrhage and contrast medium after mechanical revascularisation in acute ischaemic stroke. European Radiology, 24(4), 834-840.
    • Schols, A. M. R., Schreuder, F. H. B. M., van Raak, E. P. M., Schreuder, T. H. C. M. L., Rooyer, F. A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Staals, J. (2014). Incidence of Oral Anticoagulant-Associated Intracerebral Hemorrhage in the Netherlands. Stroke, 45(1), 268-270.
    • Huijts, M., Duits, A., Staals, J., Kroon, A. A., de Leeuw, P. W., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2014). Basal Ganglia Enlarged Perivascular Spaces are Linked to Cognitive Function in Patients with Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. Current Neurovascular Research, 11(2), 136-141.
    • Vangheluwe, R., Postma - Jacobi, L., Ten Tusscher, M., Baijens - Leurs, L., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2014). Post-traumatic Winking Induced by Extension of the Hand: A Case Report of a Novel Synkinesis. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine.
    • van Buchem, M. A., Biessels, G. J., la Rocca, H. P. B., de Craen, A. J. M., van der Flier, W. M., Ikram, M. A., Kappelle, L. J., Koudstaal, P. J., Mooijaart, S. P., Niessen, W., van Oostenbrugge, R., de Roos, A., van Rossum, A. C., & Daemen, M. J. A. P. (2014). The Heart-Brain Connection: A Multidisciplinary Approach Targeting a Missing Link in the Pathophysiology of Vascular Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 42, S443-S451.
  • 2013
    • Huijts, M., Duits, A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Kroon, A. A., de Leeuw, P. W., & Staals, J. (2013). Accumulation of MRI markers of cerebral small vessel disease is associated with decreased cognitive function. A study in first-ever lacunar stroke and hypertensive patients. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 5(NOV), Article 72.
    • Klarenbeek, P., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Rouhl, R. P. W., Knottnerus, I. L. H., & Staals, J. (2013). Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Patients With Lacunar Stroke Association With Total MRI Burden of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. Stroke, 44(11), 2995-2999.
    • Vles, G. F., Soudant, D. L., Hoving, M. A., Vermeulen, R. J., Bonouvrie, L. A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Vles, J. S. H. (2013). Long-term follow-up on continuous intrathecal Baclofen therapy in non-ambulant children with intractable spastic Cerebral Palsy. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 17(6), 639-644.
    • van Overbeek, E. C., Staals, J., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2013). Vitamin B12 and Progression of White Matter Lesions. A 2-Year Follow-Up Study in First-Ever Lacunar Stroke Patients. PLOS ONE, 8(10).
    • MR CLEAN Investigators, & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2013). Automated Cerebral Infarct Volume Measurement in Follow-up Noncontrast CT Scans of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 34(8), 1522-1527.
    • Wardlaw, J. M., Smith, E. E., Biessels, G. J., Cordonnier, C., Fazekas, F., Frayne, R., Lindley, R. I., O'Brien, J. T., Barkhof, F., Benavente, O. R., Black, S. E., Brayne, C., Breteler, M., Chabriat, H., DeCarli, C., de Leeuw, F.-E., Doubal, F., Duering, M., Fox, N. C., ... Dichgans, M. (2013). Neuroimaging standards for research into small vessel disease and its contribution to ageing and neurodegeneration. Lancet Neurology, 12(8), 822-838.
    • Huijts, M., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Duits, A., Burkard, T., Muzzarelli, S., Maeder, M. T., Schindler, R., Pfisterer, M. E., & Brunner-La Rocca, H.-P. (2013). Cognitive impairment in heart failure: results from the Trial of Intensified versus standard Medical therapy in Elderly patients with Congestive Heart Failure (TIME-CHF) randomized trial. European journal of heart failure, 15(6), 699-707.
    • Kwee, R. M., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Mess, W. H., Prins, M. H., van der Geest, R. J., Ter Berg, J. W., Franke, CL., Korten, A. G., Meems, B. J., van Engelshoven, J. M., Wildberger, J. E., & Kooi, M. E. (2013). MRI of carotid atherosclerosis to identify TIA and stroke patients who are at risk of a recurrence. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 37(5), 1189-1194.
    • Klarenbeek, P., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Rouhl, R. P. W., Knottnerus, I. L. H., & Staals, J. (2013). Higher Ambulatory Blood Pressure Relates to New Cerebral Microbleeds 2-Year Follow-Up Study in Lacunar Stroke Patients. Stroke, 44(4), 978-983.
    • Truijman, M. T., Kwee, R. M., van Hoof, R. H., Hermeling, E., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Mess, W. H., Backes, W. H., Daemen, M. J., Bucerius, J., Wildberger, J. E., & Kooi, M. E. (2013). Combined 18F-FDG PET-CT and DCE-MRI to Assess Inflammation and Microvascularization in Atherosclerotic Plaques.Stroke, 44(12), 3568-3570.
    • Huijts, M., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Rouhl, R. P., Menheere, P. P. C. A., & Duits, A. (2013). Effects of vitamin B12 supplementation on cognition, depression, and fatigue in patients with lacunar stroke. International Psychogeriatrics, 25(3), 508-510.
    • Klarenbeek, P., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Lodder, J., Rouhl, R. P. W., Knottnerus, I. L. H., & Staals, J. (2013). Higher ambulatory blood pressure relates to enlarged Virchow-Robin spaces in first-ever lacunar stroke patients. Journal of Neurology, 260(1), 115-121.
    • Martens, R. J. H., Vink, H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Staals, J. (2013). Sublingual Microvascular Glycocalyx Dimensions in Lacunar Stroke Patients. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 35(5), 451-454.
  • 2012
    • Postma, A. A., Hofman, P. A. M., Stadler, A. A. R., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Tijssen, M. P. M., & Wildberger, J. E. (2012). Dual-Energy CT of the Brain and Intracranial Vessels. American Journal of Roentgenology, 199(5), S26-S33.
    • Loos, C. M. J., Staals, J., Wardlaw, J. M., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2012). Cavitation of Deep Lacunar Infarcts in Patients With First-Ever Lacunar Stroke A 2-Year Follow-Up Study With MR. Stroke, 43(8), 2245-U450.
    • Rouhl, R. P. W., Damoiseaux, J. G. M. C., Lodder, J., Theunissen, R. O. M. F. I. H., Knottnerus, I. L. H., Staals, J., Henskens, L. H. G., Kroon, A. A., de Leeuw, P. W., Tervaert, J. W. C., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2012). Vascular inflammation in cerebral small vessel disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 33(8), 1800-1806.
    • Mees, S. M. D., Algra, A., Vandertop, W. P., van Kooten, F., Kuijsten, H. A. J. M., Boiten, J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Salman, R. A.-S., Lavados, P. M., Rinkel, G. J. E., & van den Bergh, W. M. (2012). Magnesium for aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (MASH-2): a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet, 380(9836), 44-49.
    • Dirks, M., Niessen, L. W., van Wijngaarden, J., Koudstaal, P. J., Franke, C. L., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Dippel, D. W. J. (2012). The effectiveness of thrombolysis with intravenous alteplase for acute ischemic stroke in daily practice. International journal of stroke, 7(4), 289-292.
    • Knottnerus, I. L. H., Winckers, K., ten Cate, H., Hackeng, T. M., Lodder, J., Rouhl, R. P. W., Staals, J., Govers-Riemslag, J. W. P., Bekers, O., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2012). Levels of heparin-releasable TFPI are increased in first-ever lacunar stroke patients. Neurology, 78(7), 493-498.
    • Huijts, M., Duits, A., Staals, J., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2012). Association of Vitamin B12 Deficiency with Fatigue and Depression after Lacunar Stroke. PLOS ONE, 7(1), Article e30519.
    • Rouhl, R. P. W., Mertens, A. E. C. S., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Damoiseaux, J. G. M. C., Debrus-Palmans, L. L., Henskens, L. H. G., Kroon, A. A., de Leeuw, P. W., Lodder, J., & Tervaert, J. W. C. (2012). Angiogenic T-Cells and Putative Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Hypertension-Related Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. Stroke, 43(1), 256-U509.
    • Loos, C. M. J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Staals, J. (2012). The Appearance of a New White Matter Lesion Adjacent to the Old Infarct in First-Ever Lacunar Stroke Patients: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study with MRI. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 34(5-6), 443-445.
  • 2011
    • Hoff, E. I., Steinbusch, H. W. M., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Garrett, L., Otte, W. M., van der Marel, K., & Dijkhuizen, R. M. (2011). Alterations in the cholinergic system after frontal cortical infarction in rat brain: Pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging of muscarinic receptor responsiveness and stereological analysis of cholinergic forebrain neurons. Neurobiology of Disease, 43(3), 625-634.
    • Kwee, R. M., Truijman, M. T. B., Mess, W. H., Teule, G. J. J., Ter Berg, J. W., Franke, CL., Korten, A. G., Meems, B. J., Prins, M. H., van Engelshoven, J. M. A., Wildberger, J. E., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Kooi, M. E. (2011). Potential of integrated (18F) fluordeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography/CT in identifying vulnerable carotid plaques. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 32(5), 950-954.
    • Dirks, M., Niessen, L. W., van Wijngaarden, J. D. H., Koudstaal, P. J., Franke, C. L., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Huijsman, R., Lingsma, H. F., Minkman, M. M. N., & Dippel, D. W. J. (2011). Promoting Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke. Stroke, 42(5), 1325-1330.
    • Klompenhouwer, E. G., Dings, J. T. A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Oei, S., Wilmink, J. T., & van Zwam, W. H. (2011). Single-Center Experience of Surgical and Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 32(3), 570-575.
    • Kwee, R. M., Hofman, P. A., Gronenschild, E. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Mess, W. H., Ter Berg, J. W., Franke, CL., Korten, A. G., Meems, B. J., van Engelshoven, J. M., Wildberger, J. E., & Kooi, M. E. (2011). Association between carotid plaque characteristics and cerebral white matter lesions: one-year follow-up study by MRI. PLOS ONE, 6(2), Article e17070.
    • Henskens, L. H. G., van Boxtel, M. P. J., Kroon, A. A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Lodder, J., & de Leeuw, P. W. (2011). Sleep disturbance increases the nocturnal blood pressure level and attenuates the correlation with target organ damage. Journal of Hypertension, 29(2), 242-250.
  • 2010
    • Rouhl, R. P. W., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Theunissen, R. O. M. F. I. H., Knottnerus, I. L. H., Staals, J., Henskens, L. H. G., Kroon, A. A., de Leeuw, P. W., Lodder, J., Tervaert, J. W. C., & Damoiseaux, J. G. M. C. (2010). Autoantibodies Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. Stroke, 41(11), 2687-2689.
    • Knottnerus, I. L. H., Govers-Riemslag, J. W. P., Hamulyak, K., Rouhl, R. P. W., Staals, J., Spronk, H. M. H., van Oerle, R., van Raak, E. P. M., Lodder, J., ten Cate, H., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2010). Endothelial Activation in Lacunar Stroke Subtypes. Stroke, 41(8), 1617-1622.
    • Hoff, E. I., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Otte, W. M., van der Marel, K., Steinbusch, H. W. M., & Dijkhuizen, R. M. (2010). Pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor activation in rat brain. Neuropharmacology, 58(8), 1252-1257.