Casper Schalkwijk


Prof. Casper Schalkwijk studied chemistry at University Utrecht and graduated in biochemistry. At the same university he obtained his PhD in 1992. He did post-graduate training in endothelial cell biology at TNO-PG in Leiden. He was appointed in 1995 as assistant professor and staff member at the Department of Clinical Chemistry at the Vrije Universiteit Medical Cente in Amsterdam and from 2004 as associate professor. He has led the Vascular Unit. He moved to the Department of Internal Medicine at Maastricht University in 2005, where he is heading the Laboratory for Metabolism and Vascular Medicine (~15fte). He was appointed as Professor of Experimental Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) of Maastricht UMC+ in 2011.

His main research themes are obesity, insulin resistance, endothelial function and vascular complications. The importance of endothelial dysfunction for the development of diabetic complications is studied in epidemiological setting with the availability of several cohorts and with experimental ex-vivo -, animal - and cell work. He has led several clinical studies. A major aim of his programme is to deliver specific and sensitive diagnostic biomarkers for the identification of patients developing  type 2 diabetes and to identify patients with high risk of vascular complications. Robust analytical techniques for measurements of biomarkers with multi-array technology and with UPLC-MSMS are available. A second aim of his programme is to obtain insight in the pathophysiology of vascular complications in diabetes. His current studies focus mainly on the importance non-enzymatic glycation for the development of diabetes and diabetic complications. He discovered, as one of the first, the link between AGEs and vascular complications in individuals with and without diabetes. He is an (inter)nationally recognised expert in the field of glycation. His lab is one of the most renowned labs in this field.The work has been supported by several grants and is now granted by the Diabetes Fonds Nederland, EFSD, NWO, ZonMw and NVWA.

Department of Internal Medicine
Universiteitssingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
Room number: 5.324
T: +31(0)43 388 21 86

  • 2013
    • van Eupen, M. G. A., Schram, M. T., Colhoun, H. M., Scheijen, J. L. J. M., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Plasma levels of advanced glycation endproducts are associated with type 1 diabetes and coronary artery calcification. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 12(1), Article 149.
    • Engelen, L., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Current therapeutic interventions in the glycation pathway: evidence from clinical studies. Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism, 15(8), 677-689.
    • Brouwers, O., de Vos-Houben, J. M., Niessen, P. M., Miyata, T., van Nieuwenhoven, F., Janssen, B. J., Hageman, G., Stehouwer, C. D., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Mild oxidative damage in the diabetic rat heart is attenuated by glyoxalase-1 overexpression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14(8), 15724-15739.
    • Hanssen, N. M. J., Engelen, L., Ferreira, I., Scheijen, J. L. J. M., Huijberts, M. S., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Dekker, J. M., Nijpels, G., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Plasma Levels of Advanced Glycation Endproducts N-is an element of-(carboxymethyl)lysine, N-is an element of-(carboxyethyl)lysine, and Pentosidine Are not Independently Associated With Cardiovascular Disease in Individuals With or Without Type 2 Diabetes: The Hoorn and CODAM Studies. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 98(8), E1369-E1373.
    • Reference Values for Arterial Measurements Collaboration, Schalkwijk, C., van Greevenbroek, M., van der Kallen, C., van de Laar, R., Staessen, J., Vermeer, C., Braam, L., & Knapen, M. H. J. (2013). Reference intervals for common carotid intima-media thickness measured with echotracking: relation with risk factors. European Heart Journal, 34(30), 2368-U30.
    • van Eupen, M. G. A., Schram, M. T., Colhoun, H. M., Hanssen, N. M. J., Niessen, H. W. M., Tarnow, L., Parving, H. H., Rossing, P., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). The methylglyoxal-derived AGE tetrahydropyrimidine is increased in plasma of individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus and in atherosclerotic lesions and is associated with sVCAM-1. Diabetologia, 56(8), 1845-1855.
    • van Bussel, B. C. T., Soedamah Muthu, S. S., Henry, R. M., Schalkwijk, C. G., Ferreira, I., Chaturvedi, N., Toeller, M., Fuller, J. H., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Unhealthy dietary patterns associated with inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in type 1 diabetes: The EURODIAB study. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 23(8), 758-764.
    • Wlazlo, N., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Ferreira, I., Jansen, E. H. J. M., Feskens, E. J. M., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Schalkwijk, C. G., Bravenboer, B., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Activated complement factor 3 is associated with liver fat and liver enzymes: the CODAM study. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 43(7), 679-688.
    • Nielsen, S. E., Schjoedt, K. J., Rossing, K., Persson, F., Schalkwijk, C. G., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Parving, H. H., & Rossing, P. (2013). Levels of NT-proBNP, markers of low-grade inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction during spironolactone treatment in patients with diabetic kidney disease.Journal of the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System, 14(2), 161-166.
    • van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Schalkwijk, C. G., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Obesity-associated low-grade inflammation in type 2 diabetes mellitus: causes and consequences. Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 71(4), 174-187.
    • van Bussel, B. C. T., Ferreira, I., van de Waarenburg, M. P., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Henry, R. M., Feskens, E. J., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Multiple inflammatory biomarker detection in a prospective cohort study: a cross-validation between well-established single-biomarker techniques and an electrochemiluminescense-based multi-array platform.PLOS ONE, 8(3), Article 58576.
    • Eringa, E. C., Serne, E. H., Meijer, R. I., Schalkwijk, C. G., Houben, A. J. H. M., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Smulders, Y. M., & van Hinsbergh, V. W. M. (2013). Endothelial dysfunction in (pre)diabetes: Characteristics, causative mechanisms and pathogenic role in type 2 diabetes. Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders, 14(1), 39-48.
    • Heijnen, B. F. J., Nelissen, J., van Essen, H., Fazzi, G. E., Tervaert, J. W. C., Peutz-Kootstra, C. J., Mullins, J. J., Schalkwijk, C. G., Janssen, B. J. A., & Struijker-Boudier, H. A. J. (2013). Irreversible Renal Damage after Transient Renin-Angiotensin System Stimulation: Involvement of an AT(1)-Receptor Mediated Immune Response. PLOS ONE, 8(2), Article e57815.
    • Gaens, K. H., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Advanced glycation endproducts and its receptor for advanced glycation endproducts in obesity. Current Opinion in Lipidology, 24(1), 4-11.
    • Cornelis, T., Spaanderman, M. E. A., Beerenhout, C., Perschel, F. H., Verlohren, S., Schalkwijk, C. G., van der Sande, F. M., Kooman, J. P., & Hladunewich, M. (2013). Antiangiogenic factors and maternal hemodynamics during intensive hemodialysis in pregnancy.Hemodialysis international, 17(4), 639-643.
    • Geelen, C. C., van Greevenbroek, M. M., van Rossum, E. F., Schaper, N. C., Nijpels, G., 't Hart, L. M., Schalkwijk, C. G., Ferreira, I., van der Kallen, C. J., Sauerwein, H. P., Dekker, J. M., Stehouwer, C. D., & Havekes, B. (2013). BclI Glucocorticoid Receptor Polymorphism Is Associated With Greater Body Fatness: The Hoorn and CODAM Studies. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 98(3), E595-E599.
    • Wlazlo, N., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Ferreira, I., Jansen, E. H., Feskens, E. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Schalkwijk, C. G., Bravenboer, B., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Iron Metabolism Is Associated With Adipocyte Insulin Resistance and Plasma Adiponectin: The Cohort on Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Maastricht (CODAM) study.Diabetes Care, 36(2), 309-315.
  • 2012
    • Wlazlo, N., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Ferreira, I., Jansen, E. H. J. M., Feskens, E. J. M., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Schalkwijk, C. G., Bravenboer, B., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2012). Low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance independently explain substantial parts of the association between body fat and serum C3: The CODAM study. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental, 61(12), 1787-1796.
    • van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Ghosh, S., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Brouwers, M. C. G. J., Schalkwijk, C. G., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2012). Up-Regulation of the Complement System in Subcutaneous Adipocytes from Nonobese, Hypertriglyceridemic Subjects Is Associated with Adipocyte Insulin Resistance. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 97(12), 4742-4752.
    • Campbell, D. J., Somaratne, J. B., Jenkins, A. J., Prior, D. L., Yii, M., Kenny, J. F., Newcomb, A. E., Schalkwijk, C. G., Black, M. J., & Kelly, D. J. (2012). Diastolic Dysfunction of Aging Is Independent of Myocardial Structure but Associated with Plasma Advanced Glycation End-Product Levels. PLOS ONE, 7(11), Article e49813.
    • Willemsen, S., Hartog, J. W. L., van Veldhuisen, D. J., van der Meer, P., Roze, J. F., Jaarsma, T., Schalkwijk, C., van der Horst, I. C. C., Hillege, H. L., & Voors, A. A. (2012). The role of advanced glycation end-products and their receptor on outcome in heart failure patients with preserved and reduced ejection fraction. American Heart Journal, 164(5), 742-U146.
    • Nin, J. W. M., Ferreira, I., Schalkwijk, C. G., Jorsal, A., Prins, M. H., Parving, H. .-H., Tarnow, L., Rossing, P., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2012). Higher plasma high-mobility group box 1 levels are associated with incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in type 1 diabetes: a 12 year follow-up study. Diabetologia, 55(9), 2489-2493.
    • Gruden, G., Barutta, F., Chaturvedi, N., Schalkwijk, C., Stehouwer, C. D., Pinach, S., Manzo, M., Loiacono, M., Tricarico, M., Mengozzi, G., Witte, D. R., Fuller, J. H., Perin, P. C., & Bruno, G. (2012). NH2-Terminal Probrain Natriuretic Peptide Is Associated With Diabetes Complications in the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study. Diabetes Care, 35(9), 1931-1936.
    • Hanssen, N. M. J., Huijberts, M. S., Schalkwijk, C. G., Nijpels, G., Dekker, J. M., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2012). Associations Between the Ankle-Brachial Index and Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality Are Similar in Individuals Without and With Type 2 Diabetes Nineteen-year follow-up of a population-based cohort study. Diabetes Care, 35(8), 1731-1735.
    • Alkhalaf, A., Kleefstra, N., Groenier, K. H., Bilo, H. J. G., Gans, R. O. B., Heeringa, P., Scheijen, J. L., Schalkwijk, C. G., Navis, G. J., & Bakker, S. J. L. (2012). Effect of Benfotiamine on Advanced Glycation Endproducts and Markers of Endothelial Dysfunction and Inflammation in Diabetic Nephropathy. PLOS ONE, 7(7), e40427.
    • Gruden, G., Barutta, F., Chaturvedi, N., Schalkwijk, C., Stehouwer, C. D., Witte, D. R., Fuller, J. H., Perin, P. C., & Bruno, G. (2012). Severe Hypoglycemia and Cardiovascular Disease Incidence in Type 1 Diabetes The EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study. Diabetes Care, 35(7), 1598-1604.
    • Simsek, S., Schalkwijk, C. G., & Wolffenbuttel, B. H. R. (2012). Effects of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on glycaemic control in Type 2 diabetes-the CORALL study. Diabetic Medicine, 29(5), 628-631.
    • Schalkwijk, C. G., & Miyata, T. (2012). Early- and advanced non-enzymatic glycation in diabetic vascular complications: the search for therapeutics. Amino Acids, 42(4), 1193-1204.
    • Gaens, K. H. J., Niessen, P. M. G., Rensen, S. S., Buurman, W. A., Greve, J. W. M., Driessen, A., Wolfs, M. G. M., Hofker, M. H., Bloemen, J. G., Dejong, C. H., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2012). Endogenous formation of Nε(carboxymethyl)lysine is increased in fatty livers and induces inflammatory markers in an in vitro model of hepatic steatosis. Journal of Hepatology, 56(3), 647-655.
    • Berner, A. K., Brouwers, O., Pringle, R., Klaassen, I., Colhoun, L., McVicar, C., Brockbank, S., Curry, J. W., Miyata, T., Brownlee, M., Schlingemann, R. O., Schalkwijk, C., & Stitt, A. W. (2012). Protection against methylglyoxal-derived AGEs by regulation of glyoxalase 1 prevents retinal neuroglial and vasodegenerative pathology. Diabetologia, 55(3), 845-854.
    • Nin, J. W. M., Ferreira, I., Schalkwijk, C. G., Prins, M. H., Chaturvedi, N., Fuller, J. H., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2012). Serum high-mobility group box-1 levels are positively associated with micro- and macroalbuminuria but not with cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes: the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study. European Journal of Endocrinology, 166(2), 325-332.
    • van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Jacobs, M., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Blaak, E. E., Jansen, E., Schalkwijk, C. G., Feskens, E. J. M., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2012). Human plasma complement C3 is independently associated with coronary heart disease, but only in heavy smokers (the CODAM study). International Journal of Cardiology, 154(2), 158-162.
    • Scheijen, J. L. J. M., Hanssen, N. M., van de Waarenburg, M. P., Jonkers, D. M. A. E., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2012). L(+) and d(-) lactate are increased in plasma and urine samples of type 2 diabetes as measured by a simultaneous quantification of l(+) and d(-) lactate by reversed-phase liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Experimental Diabetes Research, 2012, Article 234812.
    • van Bussel, B. C. T., Henry, R. M., Schalkwijk, C. G., Dekker, J. M., Nijpels, G., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2012). Low-grade inflammation, but not endothelial dysfunction, is associated with greater carotid stiffness in the elderly: the Hoorn Study. Journal of Hypertension, 30(4), 744-752.
    • Krijnen, P. A. J., Hahn, N. E., Kholova, I., Baylan, U., Sipkens, J. A., van Alphen, F. P., Vonk, A. B. A., Simsek, S., Meischl, C., Schalkwijk, C. G., van Buul, J. D., van Hinsbergh, V. W. M., & Niessen, H. W. M. (2012). Loss of DPP4 activity is related to a prothrombogenic status of endothelial cells: implications for the coronary microvasculature of myocardial infarction patients. Basic Research in Cardiology, 107(1), 233.
    • le Poole, C. Y., van Ittersum, F. J., Valentijn, R. M., Teerlink, T., Lindholm, B., Ter Wee, P. M., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2012). "NEPP" PERITONEAL DIALYSIS REGIMEN HAS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ON PLASMA CEL AND 3-DG, BUT NOT PENTOSIDINE, CML, AND MGO. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 32(1), 45-54.
  • 2011
    • van de Laar, R. J. J., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Boreham, C. A., Murray, L. M., Schalkwijk, C. G., Prins, M. H., Twisk, J. W. R., & Ferreira, I. (2011). Continuing smoking between adolescence and young adulthood is associated with higher arterial stiffness in young adults: the Northern Ireland Young Hearts Project. Journal of Hypertension, 29(11), 2201-2209.
    • Campbell, D. J., Somaratne, J. B., Jenkins, A. J., Prior, D. L., Yii, M., Kenny, J. F., Newcomb, A. E., Schalkwijk, C. G., Black, M. J., & Kelly, D. J. (2011). Impact of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome on myocardial structure and microvasculature of men with coronary artery disease. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 10, 14.
    • Falcao-Pires, I., Hamdani, N., Borbely, A., Gavina, C., Schalkwijk, C. G., van der Velden, J., van Heerebeek, L., Stienen, G. J. M., Niessen, H. W. M., Leite-Moreira, A. F., & Paulus, W. J. (2011). Diabetes Mellitus Worsens Diastolic Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Aortic Stenosis Through Altered Myocardial Structure and Cardiomyocyte Stiffness. Circulation, 124(10), 1151-1159.
    • Jacobs, M., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Ferreira, I., Feskens, E. J., Jansen, E. H., Schalkwijk, C. G., & Stehouwer, C. D. (2011). The association between the metabolic syndrome and alanine amino transferase is mediated by insulin resistance via related metabolic intermediates (the Cohort on Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Maastricht [CODAM] study).Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental, 60(7), 969-975.
    • van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Jacobs, M., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Vermeulen, V. M., Jansen, E. H., Schalkwijk, C. G., Ferreira, I., Feskens, E. J., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2011). The cross-sectional association between insulin resistance and circulating complement C3 is partly explained by plasma alanine aminotransferase, independent of central obesity and general inflammation (the CODAM study).European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 41(4), 372-379.
    • Engelen, L., Lund, S. S., Ferreira, I., Tarnow, L., Parving, H.-H., Gram, J., Winther, K., Pedersen, O., Teerlink, T., Barto, R., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Vaag, A. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2011). Improved glycemic control induced by both metformin and repaglinide is associated with a reduction in blood levels of 3-deoxyglucosone in nonobese patients with type 2 diabetes. European Journal of Endocrinology, 164(3), 371-379.
    • Thewissen, M. M. G. L., Damoiseaux, J. G. M. C., Duijvestijn, A. M., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Feskens, E. J., Blaak, E. E., Schalkwijk, C. G., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Tervaert, J. W., & Ferreira, I. (2011). Abdominal Fat Mass Is Associated With Adaptive Immune Activation: The CODAM Study. Obesity, 19(8), 1690-1698.
    • Calder, P. C., Ahluwalia, N., Brouns, F., Buetler, T., Clement, K., Cunningham, K., Esposito, K., Jonsson, L. S., Kolb, H., Lansink, M., Marcos, A., Margioris, A., Matusheski, N., Nordmann, H., O'Brien, J., Pugliese, G., Rizkalla, S., Schalkwijk, C. G., Tuomilehto, J., ... Winklhofer Roob, B. M. (2011). Dietary factors and low-grade inflammation in relation to overweight and obesity. British Journal of Nutrition, 106(S3), S5-S78.
    • van Bussel, B. C. T., Schouten, F., Henry, R. M., Schalkwijk, C. G., de Boer, M. R., Ferreira, I., Smulders, Y. M., Twisk, J. W., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2011). Endothelial Dysfunction and Low-Grade Inflammation Are Associated With Greater Arterial Stiffness Over a 6-Year Period. Hypertension, 58(4), 588-595.
    • van Bussel, B. C. T., Henry, R. M., Schalkwijk, C. G., Ferreira, I., Feskens, E. J., Streppel, M. T., Smulders, Y. M., Twisk, J. W., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2011). Fish consumption in healthy adults is associated with decreased circulating biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation during a 6-year follow-up. Journal of Nutrition, 141(9), 1719-1725.
    • Nin, J. W., Jorsal, A., Ferreira, I., Schalkwijk, C. G., Prins, M. H., Parving, H. H., Tarnow, L., Rossing, P., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2011). Higher Plasma Levels of Advanced Glycation End Products Are Associated With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality in Type 1 Diabetes: A 12-year follow-up study. Diabetes Care, 34(2), 442-447.
    • Engelen, L., Persson, F., Ferreira, I., Rossing, P., Hovind, P., Teerlink, T., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Parving, H. H., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2011). Irbesartan treatment does not influence plasma levels of the advanced glycation end products N(epsilon)(1-carboxymethyl)lysine and N(epsilon)(1-carboxyethyl)lysine in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria. A randomized controlled trial.Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 26(11), 3573-3577.
    • Brouwers, O., Niessen, P. M., Ferreira, I., Miyata, T., Scheffer, P. G., Teerlink, T., Schrauwen, P., Brownlee, M., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2011). Overexpression of Glyoxalase-I Reduces Hyperglycemia-induced Levels of Advanced Glycation End Products and Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Rats.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(2), 1374-1380.