Dominik Linz


Prof Dominik Linz is a clinician-scientist who received his PhD from Maastricht University, The Netherlands, in 2013 (Prof. U. Schotten) and completed his Cardiology training in Homburg/Saar, Germany, in 2017 (Prof. M. Böhm). In 2017, he was recruited as an Associate Professor and clinical EP-fellow to Adelaide to initiate and drive a translational research programme focussing on atrial fibrillation and sleep disordered breathing at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and University of Adelaide (Prof. P. Sanders). Since 2019, Dr Dominik Linz is a Staff member and consultant clinician at the Heart+Vascular Center, Maastricht UMC+.

Over the past years Prof. Dominik Linz has developed a National and International reputation in the field of cardiac arrhythmia research. The focus of this work has been to understand the pathophysiology and mechanisms underlying atrial arrhythmias and the development of treatment approaches. This research has broadly included: (i) Work describing sleep apnoea associated electrophysiological changes in the atria increasing atrial fibrillation susceptibility. (ii) Description of antiarrhythmic effects of autonomic modulation by renal sympathetic denervation under different pathophysiological conditions. (iii) Work describing the role of the lysosomal carboxypeptidase cathepsin A in the development of an atrial arrhythmogenic substrates. Ongoing research is mainly focused on risk factor modification and preventive interventions for AF.

As of January 2024, Dominik Linz (Department of Cardiology) has been appointed as a professor at Maastricht University. The title of his position is 'Comprehensive Atrial Fibrillation Management.

Department of Cardiology


  • 2022
    • Hendriks, J. M., Lee, G., Desteghe, L., & Linz, D. (2022). Sleep apnoea management in atrial fibrillation in clinical practice: key messages for health care professionals based on a joint survey by EHRA and ACNAP. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 21(7), 641–642.
    • Mehra, R., Chung, M. K., Olshansky, B., Dobrev, D., Jackson, C. L., Kundel, V., Linz, D., Redeker, N. S., Redline, S., Sanders, P., Somers, V. K., Amer Heart Association Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, & Stroke Council (2022). Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Cardiac Arrhythmias in Adults: Mechanistic Insights and Clinical Implications: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation, 146(9), E119-E136.
    • Gawałko, M., Agbaedeng, T. A., Saljic, A., Müller, D. N., Wilck, N., Schnabel, R., Penders, J., Rienstra, M., van Gelder, I., Jespersen, T., Schotten, U., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Kalman, J. M., Sanders, P., Nattel, S., Dobrev, D., & Linz, D. (2022). Gut microbiota, dysbiosis and atrial fibrillation. Arrhythmogenic mechanisms and potential clinical implications. Cardiovascular Research, 118(11), 2415-2427.
    • Van Mourik, M. J. W., Arita, V. A., Lyon, A., Lumens, J., De With, R. R., van Melle, J. P., Schotten, U., Bekkers, S. C. A. M., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Van Gelder, I. C., Rienstra, M., & Linz, D. K. (2022). Association between comorbidities and left and right atrial dysfunction in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: Analysis of AF-RISK. International Journal of Cardiology, 360, 29-35.
    • Verhaert, D. V. M., Linz, D., Chaldoupi, S. M., Westra, S. W., den Uijl, D. W., Philippens, S., Kerperien, M., Habibi, Z., Vorstermans, B., ter Bekke, R. M. A., Beukema, R. J., Evertz, R., Hemels, M. E. W., Luermans, J. G. L. M., Manusama, R., Lankveld, T. A. R., van der Heijden, C. A. J., Bidar, E., Hermans, B. M., ... Schotten, U. (2022). Rationale and Design of the ISOLATION Study: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study Identifying Predictors for Successful Atrial Fibrillation Ablation in an Integrated Clinical Care and Research Pathway. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9, Article 879139.
    • Fisser, C., Gall, L., Bureck, J., Vaas, V., Priefert, J., Fredersdorf, S., Zeman, F., Linz, D., Woehrle, H., Tamisier, R., Teschler, H., Cowie, M. R., & Arzt, M. (2022). Effects of Adaptive Servo-Ventilation on Nocturnal Ventricular Arrhythmia in Heart Failure Patients With Reduced Ejection Fraction and Central Sleep Apnea-An Analysis From the SERVE-HF Major Substudy. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9, 896917. Article 896917.
    • Linz, D. (2022). Longitudinal sleep apnea burden monitoring: Implications for future smart wearable- and implantable- devices. International Journal of Cardiology, 357, 46-47.
    • Svennberg, E., Tjong, F., Goette, A., Akoum, N., Di Biaise, L., Bordachar, P., Boriani, G., Burri, H., Conte, G., Deharo, J.-C., Deneke, T., Drossart, I., Duncker, D., Han, J. K., Heidbuchel, H., Jais, P., de Oliviera Figueiredo, M. J., Linz, D., Lip, G. Y. H., ... Sinner, M. (2022). How to use digital devices to detect and manage arrhythmias: an EHRA practical guide. EP Europace, 24(6), 979-1005.
    • Chaldoupi, S.-M., Maesen, B., Linz, D., & Luermans, J. G. L. M. (2022). Left-sided atrial tachycardia ablation in an atrial-esophageal fistula survivor. HeartRhythm Case Reports, 8(6), 428-432.
    • Benjamin Fyenbo, D., Charlotte Frederiksen, T., Linz, D., Jespersen, T., Dobrev, D., Gislason, G., Betz, K., Saljic, A., & Nielsen Holck, E. (2022). Researchers in cardiology - Why and how to get on Twitter?IJC Heart and Vasculature, 40, Article 101010.
    • Hereijgers, M. J. M., Betz, K., Simons, S. O., & Linz, D. (2022). Undiagnosed sleep apnea in patients with atrial fibrillation: An underutilized opportunity for antiarrhythmic management. IJC Heart and Vasculature, 40, Article 101050.
    • Chaldoupi, S.-M., Luermans, J., & Linz, D. (2022). Very high-power short-duration ablation for treatment of premature ventricular contractions: Truth or Dare?IJC Heart and Vasculature, 40, Article 101053.
    • Homberg, M. C., Bouman, E. A., Linz, D., van Kuijk, S. M. J., Joosten, B. A., & Buhre, W. F. (2022). High-flow nasal cannula versus standard low-flow nasal cannula during deep sedation in patients undergoing radiofrequency atrial fibrillation catheter ablation: a single-centre randomised controlled trial. Trials, 23(1), Article 378.
    • Hermans, A. N. L., Gawalko, M., Dohmen, L., van der Velden, R. M. J., Betz, K., Verhaert, D. V. M., Pluymaekers, N. A. H. A., Hendriks, J. M., & Linz, D. (2022). A systematic review of mobile health opportunities for atrial fibrillation detection and management. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 29(5), E205-E208.
    • Heckman, L. I. B., Luermans, J. G. L. M., Jastrzębski, M., Weijs, B., Van Stipdonk, A. M. W., Westra, S., den Uijl, D., Linz, D., Mafi-Rad, M., Prinzen, F. W., & Vernooy, K. (2022). A single-centre prospective evaluation of left bundle branch area pacemaker implantation characteristics. Netherlands Heart Journal, 30(5), 249-257.
    • Nissen, S. D., Weis, R., Krag-Andersen, E. K., Hesselkilde, E. M., Isaksen, J. L., Carstensen, H., Kanters, J. K., Linz, D., Sanders, P., Hopster-Iversen, C., Jespersen, T., Pehrson, S., & Buhl, R. (2022). Electrocardiographic characteristics of trained and untrained standardbred racehorses. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 36(3), 1119-1130.
    • Hermans, A. N. L., Gawalko, M., Dohmen, L., van der Velden, R. M. J., Betz, K., Duncker, D., Verhaert, D. V. M., Heidbuchel, H., Svennberg, E., Neubeck, L., Eckstein, J., Lane, D. A., Lip, G. Y. H., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Sanders, P., Hendriks, J. M., Pluymaekers, N. A. H. A., & Linz, D. (2022). Mobile health solutions for atrial fibrillation detection and management: a systematic review. Clinical research in cardiology, 111(5), 479-491.
    • Linz, D., & Stavrakis, S. (2022). Cardioneuroablation for vasovagal syncope: How to move beyond "learning by burning"?Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology. Advance online publication.
    • Verhaert, D. V. M., Betz, K., Gawałko, M., Hermans, A. N. L., Pluymaekers, N. A. H. A., van der Velden, R. M. J., Philippens, S., Vorstermans, B., Simons, S. O., den Uijl, D. W., Chaldoupi, S.-M., Luermans, J. G. L. M., Westra, S. W., Lankveld, T., Kadhim, K., Pepin, J.-L., van Steenwijk, R. P., Hol, B., Schotten, U., ... Linz, D. (2022). A VIRTUAL Sleep Apnoea management pathway For the work-up of Atrial fibrillation patients in a digital Remote Infrastructure: VIRTUAL-SAFARI. EP Europace, 24(4), 565-575.
    • Guerra, F., Linz, D., Garcia, R., Kommata, V., Kosiuk, J., Chun, J., Boveda, S., & Duncker, D. (2022). The use of social media for professional purposes by healthcare professionals: the #intEHRAct survey. EP Europace, 24(4), 691-696.
    • de Groot, J. R., & Linz, D. (2022). Arterial stiffness and atrial fibrillation recurrence: another risk marker or a call for better management of concomitant disease? Comment. Netherlands Heart Journal, 30(4), 187-189.
    • Krist, D., Linz, D., Schotten, U., Zeemering, S., & Leenen, D. (2022). A Novel Laser Energy Ablation Catheter for Endocardial Cavo-Tricuspid Isthmus Ablation and Epicardial Ventricular Lesion Formation: An in vivo Proof-of-Concept Study. Frontiers in Medical Technology, 4, Article 834856.
    • Hohl, M., Selejan, S.-R., Wintrich, J., Lehnert, U., Speer, T., Schneider, C., Mauz, M., Markwirth, P., Wong, D. W. L., Boor, P., Kazakov, A., Mollenhauer, M., Linz, B., Klinkhammer, B. M., Hübner, U., Ukena, C., Moellmann, J., Lehrke, M., Wagenpfeil, S., ... Böhm, M. (2022). Renal Denervation Prevents Atrial Arrhythmogenic Substrate Development in CKD. Circulation Research, 130(6), 814-828.
    • Zink, M. D., Laureanti, R., Hermans, B. J. M., Pison, L., Verheule, S., Philippens, S., Pluymaekers, N., Vroomen, M., Hermans, A., van Hunnik, A., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Vernooy, K., Linz, D., Mainardi, L., Auricchio, A., Zeemering, S., & Schotten, U. (2022). Extended ECG Improves Classification of Paroxysmal and Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Based on P- and f-Waves. Frontiers in physiology, 13, Article 779826.
    • Isaksen, J. L., Baumert, M., Hermans, A. N. L., Maleckar, M., & Linz, D. (2022). Artificial intelligence for the detection, prediction, and management of atrial fibrillation. Herzschrittmachertherapie und Elektrophysiologie, 33(1), 34-41.
    • Linz, B., Hertel, J. N., Hendriks, J., Saljic, A., Dobrev, D., Baumert, M., Jespersen, T., & Linz, D. (2022). Sleep apnea and atrial fibrillation: challenges in clinical and translational research. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy, 20(2), 101-109. Article 2036606.
    • de Groot, N. M. S., Shah, D., Boyle, P. M., Anter, E., Clifford, G. D., Deisenhofer, I., Deneke, T., van Dessel, P., Doessel, O., Dilaveris, P., Heinzel, F. R., Kapa, S., Lambiase, P. D., Lumens, J., Platonov, P. G., Ngarmukos, T., Martinez, J. P., Sanchez, A. O., Takahashi, Y., ... Linz, D. (2022). Critical appraisal of technologies to assess electrical activity during atrial fibrillation: a position paper from the European Heart Rhythm Association and European Society of Cardiology Working Group on eCardiology in collaboration with the Heart Rhythm Society, Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, Latin American Heart Rhythm Society and Computing in Cardiology. EP Europace, 24(2), 313–330.
    • De With, R. R., Artola Arita, V., Nguyen, B.-O., Linz, D., Ten Cate, H., Spronk, H., Schotten, U., van Zonneveld, A. J., Erküner, Ö., Bayón, M. A., Schmidt, A. S., Luermans, J. G. L. M., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Van Gelder, I. C., & Rienstra, M. (2022). Different circulating biomarkers in women and men with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: results from the AF-RISK and RACE V studies. EP Europace, 24(2), 193-201.
    • Artola Arita, V., Santema, B. T., De With, R. R., Nguyen, B.-O., Linz, D., Schotten, U., Van Gelder, I. C., Crijns, H. J., Voors, A. A., & Rienstra, M. (2022). Atrial function in paroxysmal AF patients with and without heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Data from the AF-RISK study. American Heart Journal, 244, 36-41.
    • Linz, B., Thostrup, A. H., Saljic, A., Rombouts, K., Hertel, J. N., Hohl, M., Milnes, J., Tfelt-Hansen, J., Linz, D., & Jespersen, T. (2022). Pharmacological inhibition of acetylcholine-regulated potassium current (I K,ACh) prevents atrial arrhythmogenic changes in a rat model of repetitive obstructive respiratory events. Heart Rhythm O2, 3(1), 97-104.
    • Hermans, A. N. L., Gawalko, M., Hillmann, H. A. K., Sohaib, A., van der Velden, R. M. J., Betz, K., Verhaert, D., Scherr, D., Meier, J., Sultan, A., Steven, D., Terentieva, E., Pisters, R., Hemels, M., Voorhout, L., Lodzinski, P., Krzowski, B., Gupta, D., Kozhuharov, N., ... TeleCheck-AF investigators (2022). Self-Reported Mobile Health-Based Risk Factor and CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc-Score Assessment in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: TeleCheck-AF Results. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 8, Article 757587.
  • 2021
    • Linz, B., Linz, D., & Wagner, S. (2021). Atrial connexin dysregulation in sleep apnea patients undergoing cardiac surgery: Implications for postoperative atrial fibrillation?Heart Rhythm, 18(12), 2195-2196.
    • Lyon, A., van Mourik, M., Cruts, L., Heijman, J., Bekkers, S. C. A. M., Schotten, U., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Linz, D., & Lumens, J. (2021). Understanding the effects of heart beat irregularity on ventricular function in human atrial fibrillation: simulation models may help to untie the knot-Authors' reply. EP Europace, 23(11), 1869-1869.
    • Mueller, P., Weijs, B., Bemelmans, N. M. A. A., Muegge, A., Eckardt, L., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Bax, J. J., Linz, D., & den Uijl, D. W. (2021). Echocardiography-derived total atrial conduction time (PA-TDI duration): risk stratification and guidance in atrial fibrillation management. Clinical research in cardiology, 110(11), 1734-1742.
    • Starczynski, M., Krzowski, B., Gawalko, M., Linz-, D., & Lodzinski, P. (2021). Impact of photoplethysmography on therapeutic decisions in atrial fibrillation. Kardiologia Polska, 79(10), 1155-1156.
    • Linz, D., Arzt, M., & Baumert, M. (2021). Keep your rhythm during rotational night work shifts!European Heart Journal, 42(40), 4189-4191.
    • Elliott, A. D., Middeldorp, M. E., & Linz, D. K. (2021). The ins and outs of physical activity monitoring: implications for atrial fibrillation management. European Heart Journal, 42(38), 3989-3991.
    • Hermans, A. N. L., Pluymaekers, N. A. H. A., Lankveld, T. A. R., van Mourik, M. J. W., Zeemering, S., Dinh, T., den Uijl, D. W., Luermans, J. G. L. M., Vernooy, K., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Schotten, U., & Linz, D. (2021). Clinical utility of rhythm control by electrical cardioversion to assess the association between self-reported symptoms and rhythm status in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation. IJC Heart and Vasculature, 36, Article 100870.
    • Chaldoupi, S. M., Luermans, J., Vernooy, K., & Linz, D. (2021). High-power short-duration ablation: The new standard for pulmonary vein isolation?IJC Heart and Vasculature, 36, Article 100865.
    • Hendriks, J. M., Spreeuwenberg, M. D., & Linz, D. (2021). Mobile health and cardiac arrhythmias: patient self-management in digital care pathways. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20(7), 631-632.
    • Desteghe, L., Hendriks, J. M. L., Heidbuchel, H., Potpara, T. S., Lee, G. A., & Linz, D. (2021). Obstructive sleep apnoea testing and management in atrial fibrillation patients: a joint survey by the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) and the Association of Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professions (ACNAP). EP Europace, 23(10), 1677-1684.
    • Van Der Velden, R. M. J., Verhaert, D. V. M., Hermans, A. N. L., Duncker, D., Manninger, M., Betz, K., Gawalko, M., Desteghe, L., Pisters, R., Hemels, M., Pison, L., Sohaib, A., Sultan, A., Steven, D., Wijtvliet, P., Gupta, D., Svennberg, E., Luermans, J. C. L. M., Chaldoupi, M., ... Linz, D. (2021). The photoplethysmography dictionary: practical guidance on signal interpretation and clinical scenarios from TeleCheck-AF. European Heart Journal - Digital Health, 2(3), 363-373.
    • Gruwez, H., Evens, S., Proesmans, T., Duncker, D., Linz, D., Heidbuchel, H., Manninger, M., Vandervoort, P., Haemers, P., & Pison, L. (2021). Accuracy of Physicians Interpreting Photoplethysmography and Electrocardiography Tracings to Detect Atrial Fibrillation: INTERPRET-AF. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 8, Article 734737.
    • Linz, D., Gawalko, M., Sanders, P., Penders, J., Li, N., Nattel, S., & Dobrev, D. (2021). Does gut microbiota affect atrial rhythm? Causalities and speculations. European Heart Journal, 42(35), 3521-3525.
    • Linz, D., Verheule, S., Isaacs, A., & Schotten, U. (2021). Considerations for the Assessment of Substrates, Genetics and Risk Factors in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review, 10(3), 132-139.
    • Fox, H., Arzt, M., Bergmann, M. W., Bitter, T., Linz, D., Oldenburg, O., Penzel, T., Rillig, A., Schobel, C., Sinha, A. M., Sommer, P., Spiesshofer, J., Stadler, S., & Skobel, C. E. (2021). Positionspapier „Schlafmedizin in der Kardiologie“, Update 2021. Der Kardiologe, 15(5), 429-461.
    • Betz, K., van der Velden, R., Gawalko, M., Hermans, A., Pluymaekers, N., Hillmann, H. A. K., Hendriks, J., Duncker, D., & Linz, D. (2021). Interpretation der Photoplethysmographie: Schritt für Schritt. Herzschrittmachertherapie und Elektrophysiologie, 32(3), 406-411.
    • Cowie, M. R., Linz, D., Redline, S., Somers, V. K., & Simonds, A. K. (2021). Sleep Disordered Breathing and Cardiovascular Disease: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 78(6), 608-624.
    • Linz, B., Sattler, S. M., Flethoj, M., Hansen, M. E. H., Hesselkilde, E. M., Saljic, A., Wirth, K., Linz, D., Tfelt-Hansen, J., & Jespersen, T. (2021). Arrhythmogenic mechanisms of acute obstructive respiratory events in a porcine model of drug-induced long QT. Heart Rhythm, 18(8), 1384-1391.
    • Linz, D., Garcia, R., Guerra, F., Kommata, V., Bollmann, A., & Duncker, D. (2021). Twitter for professional use in electrophysiology: practical guide for #EPeeps. EP Europace, 23(8), 1192-1199.