Hugo ten Cate


Prof. Hugo ten Cate graduated in Medicine at the University of Amsterdam in 1987. The title of his PhD thesis was 'Clinical and experimental studies with a low molecular weight heparinoid'. Hugo had his post-doctoral training at the laboratory of Prof. Robert Rosenberg and Dr Kenneth Bauer at the Beth Israel Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston on mechanisms of inflammation associated coagulation activity (1988-1990). He completed his internal medicine training in 1996 and became a general internist in conjunction with research at Academic Medical Center (laboratory of Experimental Internal medicine, Prof. Pieter Reitsma). He received a Clinical Established Investigator grant from the Dutch Heart Foundation in 1998.

In 2002, Hugo ten Cate was appointed Professor of Clinical Thrombosis and Haemostasis at CARIM. In addition, Prof. ten Cate was appointed adjunct professor at the Center for Thrombosis and Haemostasis (CTH) at Gutenberg University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany in 2017

Since the transfer to CARIM in 2002 his research focus shifted from coagulation-inflammation research in sepsis models, to the broader field of cardiovascular (CV) disease (atherothrombosis and 'thrombo-inflammation'). A specific focus of current research is the pleiotropic actions of coagulation proteases in atherosclerosis, atherothrombosis and ischemia reperfusion injury. Clinical research is aimed at chronic thrombotic disease including peripheral artery disease, high risk patients with coronary disease on antithrombotic medication and, together with Dr Arina ten Cate-Hoek, on venous thrombosis and post thrombotic syndrome (PTS). He is workpackage leader in CVON consortia RACE-5 (coagulation and its impact on atrial fibrillation) and CONTRAST (acute ischemic stroke) and involved in the ITN consortia TAPAS and TICARDIO. His group has an ongoing target finding programme with Bayer (steered from CARIM by Dr Henri Spronk and Prof. Hugo ten Cate) as well as with 2M (on POC development).

Department of Biochemistry
Department of Internal Medicine
Universiteitssingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
Room number: 4.344
T: +31(0)43 388 42 62

  • 2012
    • Lance, M. D., Ninivaggi, M., Schols, S. E. M., Feijge, M. A. H., Oehrl, S. K., Kuiper, G. J. A. J. M., Nikiforou, M., Marcus, M. A. E., Hamulyak, K., van Pampus, E. C. M., ten Cate, H., & Heemskerk, J. W. M. (2012). Perioperative dilutional coagulopathy treated with fresh frozen plasma and fibrinogen concentrate: a prospective randomized intervention trial. Vox Sanguinis, 103(1), 25-34.
    • van der Meijden, P. E. J., van Schilfgaarde, M., van Oerle, R., Renne, T., ten Cate, H., & Spronk, H. M. H. (2012). Platelet- and erythrocyte-derived microparticles trigger thrombin generation via factor XIIa. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 10(7), 1355-1362.
    • Loeffen, R., Spronk, H. M. H., & ten Cate, H. (2012). The impact of blood coagulability on atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 10(7), 1207-1216.
    • Beijers, H. J. B. H., Ferreira, I., Spronk, H. M. H., Bravenboer, B., Dekker, J. M., Nijpels, G., ten Cate, H., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2012). Impaired glucose metabolism and type 2 diabetes are associated with hypercoagulability: potential role of central adiposity and low-grade inflammation - The Hoorn Study. Thrombosis Research, 129(5), 557-562.
    • ten Cate, H. (2012). Tissue factor-driven thrombin generation and inflammation in atherosclerosis. Thrombosis Research, 129(SUPPL. 2), S38-S40.
    • Trappenburg, M. C., van Schilfgaarde, M., Frerichs, F. C. P., Spronk, H. M. H., ten Cate, H., de Fijter, C. W. H., Terpstra, W. E., & Leyte, A. (2012). Chronic renal failure is accompanied by endothelial activation and a large increase in microparticle numbers with reduced procoagulant capacity. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 27(4), 1446-1453.
    • ten Cate, H. (2012). Thrombin generation in clinical conditions. Thrombosis Research, 129(3), 367-370.
    • Janknegt, R., Ruiters, L., & ten Cate, H. (2012). InforMatrix: ADP antagonists in acute coronary syndromes. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 13(3), 357-385.
    • Knottnerus, I. L. H., Winckers, K., ten Cate, H., Hackeng, T. M., Lodder, J., Rouhl, R. P. W., Staals, J., Govers-Riemslag, J. W. P., Bekers, O., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2012). Levels of heparin-releasable TFPI are increased in first-ever lacunar stroke patients. Neurology, 78(7), 493-498.
    • van Es, J., Mos, I., Douma, R., Erkens, P., Durian, M., Nizet, T., van Houten, A., Hofstee, H., ten Cate, H., Ullmann, E., Buller, H., Huisman, M., & Kamphuisen, P. W. (2012). The combination of four different clinical decision rules and an age-adjusted D-dimer cut-off increases the number of patients in whom acute pulmonary embolism can safely be excluded. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 107(1), 167-171.
    • Bouman, H. J., van Werkum, J. W., Rudez, G., Hackeng, C. M., Leebeek, F. W. G., ten Cate, H., Ten Berg, J. M., & de Maat, M. P. M. (2012). The relevance of P2Y(12)-receptor gene variation for the outcome of clopidogrel-treated patients undergoing elective coronary stent implantation: A clinical follow-up. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 107(1), 189-191.
    • Kleinegris, M.-C., Ten Cate-Hoek, A. J., & ten Cate, H. (2012). Coagulation and the vessel wall in thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej-Polish Archives of Internal Medicine, 122(11), 557-565.
  • 2011
    • Mahmoodi, B. K., Mulder, A. B., Waanders, F., Spronk, H. M. H., Mulder, E. R., Slagman, M. C. J., Vogt, L., Navis, G., Ten Cate, H., Kluin-Nelemans, H. C., & Laverman, G. D. (2011). The impact of antiproteinuric therapy on the prothrombotic state in patients with overt proteinuria. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9(12), 2416-2423.
    • Wildhagen, K. C. A. A., Lutgens, E., Loubele, S. T. G. B., ten Cate, H., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2011). The structure-function relationship of activated protein C Lessons from natural and engineered mutations. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 106(6), 1034-1045.
    • Winckers, K., Siegerink, B., Duckers, C., Maurissen, L. F., Tans, G., Castoldi, E., Spronk, H. M. H., Ten Cate, H., Algra, A., Hackeng, T. M., & Rosendaal, F. R. (2011). Increased tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity is associated with myocardial infarction in young women: results from the RATIO study. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9(11), 2243-2250.
    • Konings, J., Govers-Riemslag, J. W. P., Philippou, H., Mutch, N. J., Borissoff, J. I., Allan, P., Mohan, S., Tans, G., ten Cate, H., & Ariens, R. A. S. (2011). Factor XIIa regulates the structure of the fibrin clot independently of thrombin generation through direct interaction with fibrin. Blood, 118(14), 3942-3951.
    • Honickel, M., Rieg, A. D., Rossaint, R., Braunschweig, T., Spronk, H. M. H., ten Cate, H., van Oerle, R., Tolba, R., & Grottke, O. (2011). Prothrombin complex concentrate reduces blood loss and enhances thrombin generation in a pig model with blunt liver injury under severe hypothermia. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 106(4), 724-733.
    • Panova-Noeva, M., Marchetti, M., Buoro, S., Russo, L., Leuzzi, A., Finazzi, G., Rambaldi, A., Ottomano, C., ten Cate, H., & Falanga, A. (2011). JAK2V617F mutation and hydroxyurea treatment as determinants of immature platelet parameters in essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera patients. Blood, 118(9), 2599-2601.
    • Grottke, O., Braunschweig, T., Spronk, H. M. H., Esch, S., Rieg, A. D., van Oerle, R., ten Cate, H., Fitzner, C., Tolba, R., & Rossaint, R. (2011). Increasing concentrations of prothrombin complex concentrate induce disseminated intravascular coagulation in a pig model of coagulopathy with blunt liver injury. Blood, 118(7), 1943-1951.
    • Bouman, H. J., Harmsze, A. M., van Werkum, J. W., Breet, N. J., Bergmeijer, T. O., ten Cate, H., Hackeng, C. M., Deneer, V. H. M., & Ten Berg, J. M. (2011). Variability in on-treatment platelet reactivity explained by CYP2C19*2 genotype is modest in clopidogrel pretreated patients undergoing coronary stenting. Heart, 97(15), 1239-1244.
    • Kilinc, E., Van Oerle, R., Borissoff, J. I., Oschatz, C., Gerlofs Nijland, M. E., Janssen, N. A., Cassee, F. R., Sandstrom, T., Renne, T., Ten Cate, H., & Spronk, H. M. H. (2011). Factor XII activation is essential to sustain the procoagulant effects of particulate matter. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9(7), 1359-1367.
    • Douma, R. A., Mos, I. C. M., Erkens, P. M. G., Nizet, T. A. C., Durian, M. F., Hovens, M. M. C., van Houten, A., Hofstee, H. M. A., Klok, F. A., ten Cate, H., Ullmann, E. F., Buller, H. R., Kamphuisen, P. W., & Huisman, M. V. (2011). Performance of 4 Clinical Decision Rules in the Diagnostic Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism A Prospective Cohort Study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 154(11), 14-718.
    • Maas, A. H. E. M., van der Schouw, Y. T., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Swahn, E., Appelman, Y. E., Pasterkamp, G., ten Cate, H., Nilsson, P. M., Huisman, M. V., Stam, H. C. G., Eizema, K., & Stramba-Badiale, M. (2011). Red alert for women's heart: the urgent need for more research and knowledge on cardiovascular disease in women. European Heart Journal, 32(11), 1362-U89.
    • Borissoff, J. I., Spronk, H. M. H., & ten Cate, H. (2011). MECHANISMS OF DISEASE The Hemostatic System as a Modulator of Atherosclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine, 364(18), 1746-1760.
    • Bouman, H. J., van Werkum, J. W., Breet, N. J., ten Cate, H., Hackeng, C. M., & Ten Berg, J. M. (2011). A case-control study on platelet reactivity in patients with coronary stent thrombosis. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9(5), 909-916.
    • Trappenburg, M. C., van Schilfgaarde, M., Bredewold, E. O., van Aalderen, M. C., Spronk, H. M. H., ten Cate, H., Leyte, A., & Terpstra, W. E. (2011). Elevated numbers and altered subsets of procoagulant microparticles in breast cancer patients using endocrine therapy. Thrombosis Research, 127(4), 363-369.
    • Kilinc, E., Schulz, H., Kuiper, G. J. A. J. M., Spronk, H. M. H., ten Cate, H., Upadhyay, S., Ganguly, K., Stoeger, T., Semmler-Bhenke, M., Takenaka, S., Kreyling, W. G., Pitz, M., Reitmeir, P., Peters, A., Eickelberg, O., & Wichmann, H. E. (2011). The procoagulant effects of fine particulate matter in vivo. Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 8, 3.
    • Smid, M., Dielis, A. W. J. H., Winkens, M. H. M., Spronk, H. M. H., van Oerle, R., Hamulyak, K., Prins, M. H., Rosing, J., Waltenberger, J. L., & ten Cate, H. (2011). Thrombin generation in patients with a first acute myocardial infarction. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9(3), 450-456.
    • Korporaal, S. J. A., Meurs, I., Hauer, A. D., Hildebrand, R. B., Hoekstra, M., Ten Cate, H., Pratico, D., Akkerman, J.-W. N., van Berkel, T. J. C., Kuiper, J., & Van Eck, M. (2011). Deletion of the High-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Scavenger Receptor BI in Mice Modulates Thrombosis Susceptibility and Indirectly Affects Platelet Function by Elevation of Plasma Free Cholesterol. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 31(1), 34–42.
  • 2010
    • Jong, E., Louw, S., van Gorp, E. C. M., Meijers, J. C. M., ten Cate, H., & Jacobson, B. F. (2010). The effect of initiating combined antiretroviral therapy on endothelial cell activation and coagulation markers in South African HIV-infected individuals. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 104(6), 1228-1234.
    • Beijers, H. J. B. H., Ferreira, I., Spronk, H. M. H., Bravenboer, B., Dekker, J. M., Nijpels, G., ten Cate, H., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2010). Body composition as determinant of thrombin generation in plasma: the Hoorn study.Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 30(12), 2639-2647.
    • Boersma, R. S., Hamulyak, K., Ten Cate, H., & Schouten, H. C. (2010). Congenital Thrombophilia and Central Venous Catheter-Related Thrombosis in Patients With Cancer. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis-Hemostasis, 16(6), 643-649.
    • Siegerink, B., Govers-Riemslag, J. W. P., Rosendaal, F. R., ten Cate, H., & Algra, A. (2010). Intrinsic Coagulation Activation and the Risk of Arterial Thrombosis in Young Women Results From the Risk of Arterial Thrombosis in Relation to Oral Contraceptives (RATIO) Case-Control Study. Circulation, 122(18), 1854-1861.
    • Dargaud, Y., Spronk, H. M. H., Leenders, P., Hemker, H. C., & Ten Cate, H. (2010). Monitoring platelet dependent thrombin generation in mice. Thrombosis Research, 126(5), 436-441.
    • Borissoff, J. I., Heeneman, S., Kilinc, E., Kassak, P., Van Oerle, R., Winckers, K., Govers-Riemslag, J. W. P., Hamulyak, K., Hackeng, T. M., Daemen, M. J. A. P., Ten Cate, H., & Spronk, H. M. H. (2010). Early Atherosclerosis Exhibits an Enhanced Procoagulant State. Circulation, 122(8), 821-U145.
    • Knottnerus, I. L. H., Govers-Riemslag, J. W. P., Hamulyak, K., Rouhl, R. P. W., Staals, J., Spronk, H. M. H., van Oerle, R., van Raak, E. P. M., Lodder, J., ten Cate, H., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2010). Endothelial Activation in Lacunar Stroke Subtypes. Stroke, 41(8), 1617-1622.
    • Beckers, H. J. M., Ruven, H. J. T., Haas, F. J. L. M., Doevendans, P. A., ten Cate, H., Prins, M. H., & Biesma, D. H. (2010). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in inflammation-related genes are associated with venous thromboembolism. European journal of internal medicine, 21(4), 289-292.
    • Loubele, S. T. B. G., ten Cate, H., & Spronk, H. M. H. (2010). Anticoagulant therapy in critical organ ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 104(1), 136-142.
    • ten Cate-Hoek, A. J., ten Cate, H., Tordoir, J., Hamulyak, K., & Prins, M. H. (2010). Individually tailored duration of elastic compression therapy in relation to incidence of the postthrombotic syndrome. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 52(1), 132-138.
    • Rennenberg, R. J. M. W., van Varik, B. J., Schurgers, L. J., Hamulyak, K., ten Cate, H., Leiner, T., Vermeer, C., de Leeuw, P. W., & Kroon, A. A. (2010). Chronic coumarin treatment is associated with increased extracoronary arterial calcification in humans. Blood, 115(24), 5121-5123.
    • Bouman, H. J., Parlak, E., van Werkum, J. W., Breet, N. J., ten Cate, H., Hackeng, C. M., Ten Berg, J. M., & Taubert, D. (2010). Which platelet function test is suitable to monitor clopidogrel responsiveness? A pharmacokinetic analysis on the active metabolite of clopidogrel. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 8(3), 482-488.
    • de Kruif, M. D., Limper, M., Gerritsen, H., Spek, C. A., Brandjes, D. P. M., ten Cate, H., Bossuyt, P. M., Reitsma, P. H., & van Gorp, E. C. M. (2010). Additional value of procalcitonin for diagnosis of infection in patients with fever at the emergency department. Critical Care Medicine, 38(2), 457-463.
    • Schols, S. E. M., Lance, M. D., Feijge, M. A. H., Damoiseaux, J., Marcus, M. A., Hamulyak, K., ten Cate, H., Heemskerk, J. W. M., & van Pampus, E. C. M. (2010). Impaired thrombin generation and fibrin clot formation in patients with dilutional coagulopathy during major surgery. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 103(2), 318-328.
    • de Kruif, M. D., Limper, M., Sierhuis, K., Wagenaar, J. F. P., Spek, C. A., Garlanda, C., Cotena, A., Mantovani, A., ten Cate, H., Reitsma, P. H., & van Gorp, E. C. M. (2010). PTX3 predicts severe disease in febrile patients at the emergency department. Journal of Infection, 60(2), 122-127.
    • Engelen, L., Ferreira, I., Gaens, K. H. J., Henry, R. M. A., Dekker, J. M., Nijpels, G., Heine, R. J., 't Hart, L. M., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Blaak, E. E., Feskens, E. J. M., ten Cate, H., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2010). The association between the-374T/A polymorphism of the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts gene and blood pressure and arterial stiffness is modified by glucose metabolism status: the Hoorn and CoDAM studies. Journal of Hypertension, 28(2), 285-293.
    • Lobbes, M. B., Kooi, M. E., Lutgens, E., Lima Passos, V., Braat, S. H. J. G., Rousch, M. J. M., ten Cate, H., van Engelshoven, J. M., Daemen, M. J., & Heeneman, S. (2010). Leukocyte counts, myeloperoxidase, and pregnancy-associated plasma protein a as biomarkers for cardiovascular disease: towards a multi-biomarker approach.International Journal of Vascular Medicine, 2010(726207).
    • Wisse, W., Rookhuizen, M. B., de Kruif, M. D., van Rossum, J., Jordans, I., ten Cate, H., van Loon, L. J. C., & Meesters, E. W. (2010). Prescription of physical activity is not sufficient to change sedentary behavior and improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients.Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 88(2), E10-13.
    • Segers, O., van Oerle, R., ten Cate, H., Rosing, J., & Castoldi, E. (2010). Thrombin generation as an intermediate phenotype for venous thrombosis A proof-of-concept study. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 103(1), 114-122.
    • Senen, K., Topal, E., Kilinc, E., ten Cate, H., Tek, I., Karakoc, Y., & Yetkin, E. (2010). Plasma viscosity and mean platelet volume in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 44(1), 35-41.
  • 2009