Hugo ten Cate


Prof. Hugo ten Cate graduated in Medicine at the University of Amsterdam in 1987. The title of his PhD thesis was 'Clinical and experimental studies with a low molecular weight heparinoid'. Hugo had his post-doctoral training at the laboratory of Prof. Robert Rosenberg and Dr Kenneth Bauer at the Beth Israel Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston on mechanisms of inflammation associated coagulation activity (1988-1990). He completed his internal medicine training in 1996 and became a general internist in conjunction with research at Academic Medical Center (laboratory of Experimental Internal medicine, Prof. Pieter Reitsma). He received a Clinical Established Investigator grant from the Dutch Heart Foundation in 1998.

In 2002, Hugo ten Cate was appointed Professor of Clinical Thrombosis and Haemostasis at CARIM. In addition, Prof. ten Cate was appointed adjunct professor at the Center for Thrombosis and Haemostasis (CTH) at Gutenberg University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany in 2017

Since the transfer to CARIM in 2002 his research focus shifted from coagulation-inflammation research in sepsis models, to the broader field of cardiovascular (CV) disease (atherothrombosis and 'thrombo-inflammation'). A specific focus of current research is the pleiotropic actions of coagulation proteases in atherosclerosis, atherothrombosis and ischemia reperfusion injury. Clinical research is aimed at chronic thrombotic disease including peripheral artery disease, high risk patients with coronary disease on antithrombotic medication and, together with Dr Arina ten Cate-Hoek, on venous thrombosis and post thrombotic syndrome (PTS). He is workpackage leader in CVON consortia RACE-5 (coagulation and its impact on atrial fibrillation) and CONTRAST (acute ischemic stroke) and involved in the ITN consortia TAPAS and TICARDIO. His group has an ongoing target finding programme with Bayer (steered from CARIM by Dr Henri Spronk and Prof. Hugo ten Cate) as well as with 2M (on POC development).

Department of Biochemistry
Department of Internal Medicine
Universiteitssingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
Room number: 4.344
T: +31(0)43 388 42 62

  • 2017
    • Kremers, R. M. W., Kleinegris, M.-C., Ninivaggi, M., de Laat, B., ten Cate, H., Koek, G. H., Wagenvoord, R. J., & Hemker, H. C. (2017). Decreased prothrombin conversion and reduced thrombin inactivation explain rebalanced thrombin generation in liver cirrhosis. PLOS ONE, 12(5), Article 0177020.
    • Bloemen, S., Zwaveling, S., ten Cate, H., ten Cate-Hoek, A., & de Laat, B. (2017). Prediction of bleeding risk in patients taking vitamin K antagonists using thrombin generation testing. PLOS ONE, 12(5), Article e0176967.
    • Kleinegris, M.-C. F., Konings, J., Daemen, J. W., Henskens, Y., de Laat, B., Spronk, H. M. H., ten Cate-Hoek, A. J., & ten Cate, H. (2017). Increased Clot Formation in the Absence of Increased Thrombin Generation in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease: A Case-Control Study. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 4, Article 23.
    • Hobbelt, A. H., Spronk, H. M., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Ten Cate, H., Rienstra, M., & Van Gelder, I. C. (2017). Prethrombotic State in Young Very Low- Risk Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 69(15), 1990-1992.
    • Winckers, K., Thomassen, S., ten Cate, H., & Hackeng, T. M. (2017). Platelet full length TFPI-alpha in healthy volunteers is not affected by sex or hormonal use. PLOS ONE, 12(2), Article 0168273.
    • Panova-Noeva, M., Arnold, N., Hermanns, M. I., Prochaska, J. H., Schulz, A., Spronk, H. M., Binder, H., Pfeiffer, N., Beutel, M., Blankenberg, S., Zeller, T., Lotz, J., Muenzel, T., Lackner, K. J., ten Cate, H., & Wild, P. S. (2017). Mean Platelet Volume and Arterial Stiffness - Clinical Relationship and Common Genetic Variability. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 40229.
    • Spronk, H. M. H., De Jong, A. M., Verheule, S., De Boer, H. C., Maass, A. H., Lau, D. H., Rienstra, M., van Hunnik, A., Kuiper, M., Lumeij, S., Zeemering, S., Linz, D., Kamphuisen, P. W., ten Cate, H., Crijns, H. J., Van Gelder, I. C., van Zonneveld, A. J., & Schotten, U. (2017). Hypercoagulability causes atrial fibrosis and promotes atrial fibrillation. European Heart Journal, 38(1), 38-50.
    • Vries, M. J. A., Bouman, H. J., Olie, R. H., Veenstra, L. F., Zwaveling, S., Verhezen, P. W. M., ten Cate-Hoek, A. J., ten Cate, H., Henskens, Y. M. C., & van der Meijden, P. E. J. (2017). Determinants of agreement between proposed therapeutic windows of platelet function tests in vulnerable patients. European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, 3(1), 11-17.
    • Severens-Rijvers, C. A. H., Al-Nasiry, S., Ghossein-Doha, C., Marzano, S., Ten Cate, H., Winkens, B., Spaanderman, M. A. E., & Peeters, L. L. H. (2017). Circulating Fibronectin and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-2 Levels as Possible Predictors of Recurrent Placental Syndrome: An Exploratory Study. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 82(4), 355-360.
    • Kuiper, G. J. A. J. M., Houben, R., Wetzels, R. J. H., Verhezen, P. W. M., van Oerle, R., ten Cate, H., Henskens, Y. M. C., & Lance, M. D. (2017). The use of regression analysis in determining reference intervals for low hematocrit and thrombocyte count in multiple electrode aggregometry and platelet function analyzer 100 testing of platelet function. Platelets, 28(7), 668-675.
    • Adler, M., Ivic, S., Bodmer, N. S., ten Cate, H., Bachmann, L. M., Wuillemin, W. A., & Nagler, M. (2017). Thromboelastometry and Thrombelastography Analysis under Normal Physiological Conditions - Systematic Review. Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 44(2), 78-83.
  • 2016
    • Magnette, A., Chatelain, M., Chatelain, B., Ten Cate, H., & Mullier, F. (2016). Pre-analytical issues in the haemostasis laboratory: guidance for the clinical laboratories. Thrombosis Journal, 14(1), Article 49.
    • ten Cate, V., ten Cate, H., & Verheugt, F. W. A. (2016). Erratum to: The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD - Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF): Exploring the changes in anticoagulant practice in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation in the Netherlands (vol 24, pg 574, 2016). Netherlands Heart Journal, 24(12), 768-768.
    • Haas, S., ten Cate, H., Accetta, G., Angchaisuksiri, P., Bassand, J.-P., Camm, A. J., Corbalan, R., Darius, H., Fitzmaurice, D. A., Goldhaber, S. Z., Goto, S., Jacobson, B., Kayani, G., Mantovani, L. G., Misselwitz, F., Pieper, K., Schellong, S. M., Stepinska, J., Turpie, A. G. G., ... Kakkar, A. K. (2016). Quality of Vitamin K Antagonist Control and 1-Year Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Global Perspective from the GARFIELD-AF Registry. PLOS ONE, 11(10), Article e0164076.
    • Bassand, J.-P., Accetta, G., Camm, A. J., Cools, F., Fitzmaurice, D. A., Fox, K. A. A., Goldhaber, S. Z., Goto, S., Haas, S., Hacke, W., Kayani, G., Mantovani, L. G., Misselwitz, F., ten Cate, H., Turpie, A. G. G., Verheugt, F. W. A., & Kakkar, A. K. (2016). Two-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation: results from GARFIELD-AF. European Heart Journal, 37(38), 2882-2889A.
    • ten Cate, V., ten Cate, H., & Verheugt, F. W. A. (2016). The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF). Netherlands Heart Journal, 24(10), 574-580.
    • Fitzmaurice, D. A., Accetta, G., Haas, S., Kayani, G., Lucas Luciardi, H., Misselwitz, F., Pieper, K., ten Cate, H., Turpie, A. G. G., & Kakkar, A. K. (2016). Comparison of international normalized ratio audit parameters in patients enrolled in GARFIELD-AF and treated with vitamin K antagonists. British Journal of Haematology, 174(4), 610-623.
    • ten Cate, H. (2016). Insight MicroRNA studies can help to reveal underlying biological mechanisms that are operational in DVT and its resolution... MicroRNA and venous thrombosis. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 116(2), 205-205.
    • ten Cate, H., & Hemker, H. (2016). Thrombin Generation and Atherothrombosis: What Does the Evidence Indicate?Journal of the American Heart Association, 5(8), Article e003553.
    • Loeffen, R. A., van Oerle, R., Leers, M. P. G., Kragten, J. A., Crijns, H., Spronk, H. M. H., & ten Cate, H. (2016). Factor XIa and Thrombin Generation Are Elevated in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Predict Recurrent Cardiovascular Events. PLOS ONE, 11(7), Article e0158355.
    • Godschalk, T. C., Konings, J., Govers-Riemslag, J., ten Berg, J. M., Hackeng, C. M., & ten Cate, H. (2016). Fibrin clot formation and fibrinolysis in patients with a history of coronary stent thrombosis. Thrombosis Research, 143, 58-62.
    • Jong, W. M. C., ten Cate, H., Linnenbank, A. C., de Boer, O. J., Reitsma, P. H., de Winter, R. J., & Zuurbier, C. J. (2016). Reduced acute myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in IL-6-deficient mice employing a closed-chest model. Inflammation Research, 65(6), 489-499.
    • Squizzato, A., Hunt, B. J., Kinasewitz, G. T., Wada, H., ten Cate, H., Thachil, J., Levi, M., Vicente, V., D'Angelo, A., & Di Nisio, M. (2016). Supportive management strategies for disseminated intravascular coagulation: An international consensus. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 115(5), 896-904.
    • Eijgenraam, P., ten Cate, H., Henskens, Y., van den Ham, R., & ten Cate - Hoek , A. (2016). Effects of peri-operative bridging with low molecular weight heparins on coagulation during interruption of vitamin K antagonists: A mechanistic study. Thrombosis Research, 140, 59-65.
    • Baaten, C. C. F. M. J., Moenen, F. C. J. I., Henskens, Y. M. C., Swieringa, F., Wetzels, R., van Oerle, R., ten Cate, H., Beckers, E. A. M., Heemskerk, J. W. M., & van der Meijden, P. E. J. (2016). Multiple functional defects in platelets from thrombocytopenic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Thrombosis Research, 140S1, S171-S171.
    • Cheung, Y. W., Bouman, A. C., Castoldi, E., Wielders, S. J., Spronk, H. M. H., ten Cate, H., Hoek - ten Cate, A., & ten Wolde, M. (2016). Toll-like receptor 9 gene expression in the post-thrombotic syndrome, residual thrombosis and recurrent deep venous thrombosis: A case-control study. Thrombosis Research, 140, 106-109.
    • van Overbeek, E. C., Staals, J., Knottnerus, I. L. H., ten Cate, H., & van Oostenbrugge, R. J. (2016). Plasma tPA-Activity and Progression of Cerebral White Matter Hyperintensities in Lacunar Stroke Patients. PLOS ONE, 11(3), Article e0150740.
    • Nagler, M., Bachmann, L. M., ten Cate, H., & ten Cate - Hoek, A. (2016). Diagnostic value of immunoassays for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Blood, 127(5), 546-557.
    • Honickel, M., Maron, B., van Ryn, J., Braunschweig, T., ten Cate, H., Spronk, H. M. H., Rossaint, R., & Grottke, O. (2016). Therapy with activated prothrombin complex concentrate is effective in reducing dabigatran-associated blood loss in a porcine polytrauma model. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 115(2), 271-284.
    • Panova-Noeva, M., Schulz, A., Hermanns, M. I., Grossmann, V., Pefani, E., Spronk, H. M. H., Laubert-Reh, D., Binder, H., Beutel, M., Pfeiffer, N., Blankenberg, S., Zeller, T., Muenzel, T., Lackner, K. J., ten Cate, H., & Wild, P. S. (2016). Sex-specific differences in genetic and nongenetic determinants of mean platelet volume: results from the Gutenberg Health Study. Blood, 127(2), 251-259.
    • Kuiper, G.-J., Kleinegris, M.-C., van Oerle, R., Spronk, H., Lance, M., ten Cate, H., & Henskens, Y. (2016). Validation of a modified thromboelastometry approach to detect changes in fibrinolytic activity. Thrombosis Journal, 14(1), Article 1.
    • Bouman, A. C., McPherson, H., Cheung, Y. W., ten Wolde, M., ten Cate, H., Ariëns, R., & Ten Cate - Hoek, A. (2016). Clot structure and fibrinolytic potential in patients with post thrombotic syndrome. Thrombosis Research, 137, 85-91.
    • Vries, M. J. A., van der Meijden, P. E. J., Henskens, Y. M. C., Ten Cate - Hoek, A., & ten Cate, H. (2016). Assessment of bleeding risk in patients with coronary artery disease on dual antiplatelet therapy A systematic review. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 115(1), 7-24.
    • Ten Cate, H. (2016). Challenging the anticoagulant paradigm?Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 14(1), 134-136.
    • ten Cate, H. (2016). Dabigatran and apolipoprotein B. Heart, 102(1), 5-6.
    • Willemsen, R., Dinant, G., ten Cate, H., & Weerkamp, N. (2016). Bloedverdunning anno 2016. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 59(7), 312-8.
    • Moenen, F. C., Vries, M. C., Henskens, Y., ten Cate, H., Wetzels, R. J., Verhezen, P. W., van Oerle, R., & Beckers, E. (2016). Uitdagingen bij het screenen en diagnosticeren van milde bloedingsziekten. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie, 13(5), 182-189.
    • Gulpen, A. J. W., Hoek - ten Cate, A., & Ten Cate, H. (2016). Upstream versus downstream thrombin inhibition. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy, 14(11), 1273-1282.
  • 2015
    • Honickel, M., Braunschweig, T., van Ryn, J., ten Cate, H., Spronk, H. M. H., Rossaint, R., & Grottke, O. (2015). Prothrombin Complex Concentrate Is Effective in Treating the Anticoagulant Effects of Dabigatran in a Porcine Polytrauma Model. Anesthesiology, 123(6), 1350-1361.
    • Grottke, O., Honickel, M., van Ryn, J., ten Cate, H., Rossaint, R., & Spronk, H. M. (2015). Idarucizumab, a Specific Dabigatran Reversal Agent, Reduces Blood Loss in a Porcine Model of Trauma With Dabigatran Anticoagulation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 66(13), 1518-1519.
    • Hoek - ten Cate, A. J., ten Cate, H., Henskens, Y., van der Meijden, P. E. J., Spronk, H. M. H., & Wittens, C. (2015). Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis (MCCT): A roadmap for future research, February 11-13, 2015, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Thrombosis Research, 136, S1-S2.
    • Loeffen, R., Winckers, K., Ford, I., Jukema, J. W., Robertson, M., Stott, D. J., Spronk, H. M., ten Cate, H., & Lowe, G. D. (2015). Associations Between Thrombin Generation and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Elderly Patients: Results From the PROSPER Study. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 70(8), 982-988.
    • Konings, J., Hoving, L. R., Ariens, R. S., Hethershaw, E. L., Ninivaggi, M., Hardy, L. J., de Laat, B., ten Cate, H., Philippou, H., & Govers-Riemslag, J. W. P. (2015). The role of activated coagulation factor XII in overall clot stability and fibrinolysis. Thrombosis Research, 136(2), 474-480.
    • Loeffen, R., Godschalk, T. C., van Oerle, R., Spronk, H. M. H., Hackeng, C. M., ten Berg, J. M., & ten Cate, H. (2015). The hypercoagulable profile of patients with stent thrombosis. Heart, 101(14), 1126-1132.
    • den Exter, P. L., van Es, J., Kroft, L. J. M., Erkens, P. M. G., Douma, R. A., Mos, I. C. M., Jonkers, G., Hovens, M. M. C., Durian, M. F., ten Cate, H., Beenen, L. F. M., Kamphuisen, P. W., & Huisman, M. V. (2015). Thromboembolic resolution assessed by CT pulmonary angiography after treatment for acute pulmonary embolism. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 114(1), 26-34.
    • Grottke, O., & ten Cate, H. (2015). Reply to Faraoni D, Fenger-Eriksen C, Gillard S et al. Evaluation of dynamic parameters of thrombus formation measured on whole blood using rotational thromboelastometry in children undergoing cardiac surgery: a descriptive study. Pediatric Anesthesia, 25(6), 646-647.
    • Hermanns, M. I., Grossmann, V., Spronk, H. M. H., Schulz, A., Juenger, C., Laubert-Reh, D., Mazur, J., Gori, T., Zeller, T., Pfeiffer, N., Beutel, M., Blankenberg, S., Muenzel, T., Lackner, K. J., Hoek - ten Cate, A. J., ten Cate, H., & Wild, P. S. (2015). Distribution, genetic and cardiovascular determinants of FVIII:c - Data from the population-based Gutenberg Health Study. International Journal of Cardiology, 187(1), 166-174.
    • Posthuma, J. J., van der Meijden, P. E. J., ten Cate, H., & Spronk, H. M. H. (2015). Short- and Long-term exercise induced alterations in haemostasis: a review of the literature. Blood Reviews, 29(3), 171-178.
    • GARFIELD-AF Investigators, & ten Cate, H. (2015). Does Sex Affect Anticoagulant Use for Stroke Prevention in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation? The Prospective Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation : Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 8(2), S12-S20.
    • van Geffen, J. P., Kleinegris, M.-C., Verdoold, R., Baaten, C. C. F. M. J., Cosemans, J. M. E. M., Clemetson, K. J., ten Cate, H., Roest, M., de Laat, B., & Heemskerk, J. W. M. (2015). Normal Platelet Activation Profile in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease on Aspirin. Thrombosis Research, 135(3), 513-520.