• 2024
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    • Knapen, R. R. M. M., Olthuis, S. G. H., van Es, A. C. G. M., Emmer, B. J., Schonewille, W. J., van der Leij, C., van Zwam, W. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & MR CLEAN LATE Trial investigators (2024). Association of first-line thrombectomy technique and outcome in late-window large vessel occlusion strokes: A post hoc analysis of the MR CLEAN-LATE trial. International journal of stroke. https://doi.org/10.1177/17474930241268303
    • Knapen, R. R. M. M., Goldhoorn, R.-J. B., Hofmeijer, J., Lycklamaa Nijeholt, G. J., van den Berg, R., van den Wijngaard, I. R., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., van Zwam, W. H., van der Leij, C., MR CLEAN Registry Investigators, Goldhoorn, R.-J., Hinsenveld, W., Staals, J., Postma - Jacobi, L., Brans, R., Olthuis, S., & Pinckaers, F. (2024). Balloon Guide Catheter Versus Non-Balloon Guide Catheter: A MR CLEAN Registry Analysis. Stroke: vascular and interventional neurology, 4(4), Article e001103. https://doi.org/10.1161/SVIN.123.001103
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    • Lecouffe, N. E., Treurniet, K. M., Kappelhof, M., Jansen, I. G. H., Boers, M., Marquering, H. A., Beenen, L. F. M., Boiten, J., van Zwam, W. H., Yo, L. S. F., Majoie, C. B. L. M., Roos, Y. B. W. E. M., Emmer, B. J., Coutinho, J. M., & MR CLEAN Registry Investigators (2024). Outcome of patients with multivessel occlusion stroke after endovascular treatment. European Stroke Journal, 9(2), 312-319. https://doi.org/10.1177/23969873231216811
    • Pinckaers, F. M. E., Robbe, M. M. Q., Olthuis, S. G. H., Boogaarts, H. D., van Zwam, W. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Postma, A. A. (2024). Prognostic Implications of Intracranial Haemorrhage on Dual-Energy CT Immediately Following Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke. Journal of Neuroradiology, 51(4), Article 101168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neurad.2023.11.003
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    • Knapen, R. R. M. M., Frol, S., van Kuijk, S. M. J., Oblak, J. P., van der Leij, C., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & van Zwam, W. H. (2024). Intravenous thrombolysis for ischemic stroke in the posterior circulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases , 33(5), Article 107641. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2024.107641
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