Talent development
The HS-BAFTA is intended for three groups of young scientific researchers:
HS-BAFTA Talented future PhD candidates
Deadline: No call in 2025
The fellowship is intended for:
a. Talented Bachelor students in Health, Medicine or Life Sciences, who have demonstrated to be able to combine their studies with an active involvement in scientific research. It can be used to interrupt their study and to perform a research project within CARIM for 6-12 months during their Bachelor phase.
b. Talented Master students in Health, Medicine or Life Sciences, who have demonstrated to be able to combine their studies with an active involvement in scientific research. It can be used to interrupt their study and to perform a research project for 6-12 months within CARIM during their Master phase.
c. Post graduates to bridge the time between graduation and the start of an official contract as a PhD student within CARIM. The fellowship has to start within the first year after graduation and is open to students not yet contracted by or enrolled in a PhD programme.
The fellowship amounts to max. € 24,000 (in accordance with scale 7-0) and € 3,000 for exploitation costs and is meant for a period of max. 6 months. For Ba/Ma students the regular curriculum should be interrupted to perform the research project within CARIM. The PI concerned has to match an equal amount of money for the candidate for an equal period of max. 6 months. This brings the max. total annual amount for the HS BAFTA on € 54,000 for a total of 12 months.
HS-BAFTA Talented PhD candidates
Deadlines: May, November
The fellowship is meant to support PhD students who want to spend time abroad during their PhD in order to gain experience and improve their chances in receiving a personal grant (i.e. Rubicon; Veni; Dr E. Dekker) after their PhD. The fellowship amounts to € 10,500 based on actual costs of max. € 1,500 for (extra) living allowance per month and travel costs, for a period of max. 6 months. The fellowship can be performed during any period within the PhD trajectory.
HS-BAFTA Talented future postdocs
Deadline: May
The fellowship is intended for recently graduated CARIM PhD candidates. The fellowship is meant to keep top CARIM talents connected to our institute by giving the opportunity to go abroad, thereby gaining the experience required for acquiring personal grants. Therefore, a main requirement for this fellowship is that approximately 9 months (min. 6, max. 12) shall be spent at a partner institute outside the Netherlands to acquire (further) foreign experience and strengthen the international network of the candidate and PI(s) involved. The candidate should use this year for setting up international collaborations and writing a proposal for a post-doc position (i.e. Rubicon; Veni; Dr E. Dekker) and will be judged on his intentions of performing research of this grant from within CARIM. The ultimate goals are to acquire and/or increase international research experience, to broaden the scientific/medical network, and to enhance the chances of obtaining prestigious grants in order to strengthen the personal and professional ties to Maastricht University and specifically CARIM.
For more information, contact carim-office@maastrichtuniversity.nl