• 2013
    • Reinders, I., van Ballegooijen, A. J., Visser, M., Elshorbagy, A. K., Refsum, H., Henry, R. M. A., Dekker, J. M., Nijpels, G., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Brouwer, I. A. (2013). Associations of serum n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids with echocardiographic measures among older adults: the Hoorn Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67(12), 1277-1283. https://doi.org/10.1038/ejcn.2013.167
    • Gilsing, A. M. J., Weijenberg, M. P., Goldbohm, R. A., Dagnelie, P. C., van den Brandt, P. A., & Schouten, L. J. (2013). The Netherlands Cohort Study - Meat Investigation Cohort; a population-based cohort over-represented with vegetarians, pescetarians and low meat consumers. Nutrition Journal, 12(1), Article 156. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2891-12-156
    • Huijts, M., Duits, A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Kroon, A. A., de Leeuw, P. W., & Staals, J. (2013). Accumulation of MRI markers of cerebral small vessel disease is associated with decreased cognitive function. A study in first-ever lacunar stroke and hypertensive patients. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 5(NOV), Article 72. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2013.00072
    • Brouwers, M. C. G. J., Konrad, R. J., van Himbergen, T. M., Isaacs, A., Otokozawa, S., Troutt, J. S., Schaefer, E. J., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Stalenhoef, A. F. H., & de Graaf, J. (2013). Plasma proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin type 9 levels are related to markers of cholesterol synthesis in familial combined hyperlipidemia. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 23(11), 1115-1121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2012.11.008
    • Gronenschild, E. H. B. M., Muris, D. M. J., Schram, M. T., Karaca, U., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Houben, A. J. H. M. (2013). Semi-automatic assessment of skin capillary density: Proof of principle and validation. Microvascular Research, 90, 192-198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mvr.2013.08.003
    • Touwslager, R. N., Gielen, M., Tan, F. E. S., Mulder, A. L., Gerver, W. J., Zimmermann, L. J., Houben, A. J. H. M., Zeegers, M. P., Derom, C., Vlietinck, R., Maes, H. H., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Thomis, M. (2013). Genetic, Maternal and Placental Factors in the Association between Birth Weight and Physical Fitness: A Longitudinal Twin Study. PLOS ONE, 8(10), Article 76423. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0076423
    • van Eupen, M. G. A., Schram, M. T., Colhoun, H. M., Scheijen, J. L. J. M., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Plasma levels of advanced glycation endproducts are associated with type 1 diabetes and coronary artery calcification. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 12(1), Article 149. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2840-12-149
    • Chuang, S.-C., Rota, M., Gunter, M. J., Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Vollset, S. E., Ueland, P. M., Norat, T., Ziegler, R. G., & Vineis, P. (2013). Quantifying the Dose-Response Relationship Between Circulating Folate Concentrations and Colorectal Cancer in Cohort Studies: A Meta-Analysis Based on a Flexible Meta-Regression Model. American Journal of Epidemiology, 178(7), 1028-1037. https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwt083
    • van Twist, D. J. L., Houben, A. J. H. M., de Haan, M. W., Mostard, G. J. M., Kroon, A. A., & de Leeuw, P. W. (2013). Angiotensin-(1-7)-Induced Renal Vasodilation in Hypertensive Humans Is Attenuated by Low Sodium Intake and Angiotensin II Co-Infusion. Hypertension, 62(4), 789-793. https://doi.org/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.01814
    • Wlazlo, N., van Greevenbroek, M. M., Curvers, J., Schoon, E. J., Friederich, P., Twisk, J. W. R., Bravenboer, B., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Diabetes mellitus at the time of diagnosis of cirrhosis is associated with higher incidence of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, but not with increased mortality. Clinical Science, 125(7-8), 341-348. https://doi.org/10.1042/CS20120596
    • Ulvik, A., Theofylaktopoulou, D., Midttun, O., Nygard, O., Eussen, S. J. P. M., & Ueland, P. M. (2013). Substrate product ratios of enzymes in the kynurenine pathway measured in plasma as indicators of functional vitamin B-6 status. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98(4), 934-940. https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.113.064998
    • Sulo, G., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O., Midttun, O., Ueland, P. M., Eussen, S. J. P. M., Pedersen, E. R., & Tell, G. S. (2013). Neopterin and kynurenine-tryptophan ratio as predictors of coronary events in older adults, the Hordaland Health Study. International Journal of Cardiology, 168(2), 1435-1440. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.12.090
    • Heymans, S., Corsten, M. F., Verhesen, W., Carai, P., van Leeuwen, R. E., Custers, K., Peters, T., Hazebroek, M., Stoger, L., Wijnands, E., Janssen, B. J., Creemers, E. E., Pinto, Y. M., Grimm, D., Schurmann, N., Vigorito, E., Thum, T., Stassen, F. R., Yin, X., ... Schroen, B. L. (2013). Macrophage MicroRNA-155 Promotes Cardiac Hypertrophy and Failure. Circulation, 128(13), 1420-1432. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.001357
    • Engelen, L., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Current therapeutic interventions in the glycation pathway: evidence from clinical studies. Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism, 15(8), 677-689. https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.12058
    • Brouwers, O., de Vos-Houben, J. M., Niessen, P. M., Miyata, T., van Nieuwenhoven, F., Janssen, B. J., Hageman, G., Stehouwer, C. D., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Mild oxidative damage in the diabetic rat heart is attenuated by glyoxalase-1 overexpression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14(8), 15724-15739. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms140815724
    • Hanssen, N. M. J., Engelen, L., Ferreira, I., Scheijen, J. L. J. M., Huijberts, M. S., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Dekker, J. M., Nijpels, G., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Plasma Levels of Advanced Glycation Endproducts N-is an element of-(carboxymethyl)lysine, N-is an element of-(carboxyethyl)lysine, and Pentosidine Are not Independently Associated With Cardiovascular Disease in Individuals With or Without Type 2 Diabetes: The Hoorn and CODAM Studies. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 98(8), E1369-E1373. https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2013-1068
    • Reference Values for Arterial Measurements Collaboration, Schalkwijk, C., van Greevenbroek, M., van der Kallen, C., van de Laar, R., Staessen, J., Vermeer, C., Braam, L., & Knapen, M. H. J. (2013). Reference intervals for common carotid intima-media thickness measured with echotracking: relation with risk factors. European Heart Journal, 34(30), 2368-U30. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehs380
    • van Eupen, M. G. A., Schram, M. T., Colhoun, H. M., Hanssen, N. M. J., Niessen, H. W. M., Tarnow, L., Parving, H. H., Rossing, P., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). The methylglyoxal-derived AGE tetrahydropyrimidine is increased in plasma of individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus and in atherosclerotic lesions and is associated with sVCAM-1. Diabetologia, 56(8), 1845-1855. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-013-2919-8
    • van Bussel, B. C. T., Soedamah Muthu, S. S., Henry, R. M., Schalkwijk, C. G., Ferreira, I., Chaturvedi, N., Toeller, M., Fuller, J. H., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Unhealthy dietary patterns associated with inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in type 1 diabetes: The EURODIAB study. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 23(8), 758-764. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2012.04.005
    • Eussen, S. J. P. M., Nilsen, R. M., Midttun, O., Hustad, S., IJssennagger, N., Meyer, K., Fredriksen, A., Ulvik, A., Ueland, P. M., Brennan, P., Johansson, M., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B., Vineis, P., Chuang, S.-C., Boutron-Ruault, M.-C., Dossus, L., Perquier, F., Overvad, K., Teucher, B., ... Vollset, S. E. (2013). North-south gradients in plasma concentrations of B-vitamins and other components of one-carbon metabolism in Western Europe: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study. British Journal of Nutrition, 110(2), 363-374. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114512004990
    • Theofylaktopoulou, D., Midttun, O., Ulvik, A., Ueland, P. M., Tell, G. S., Vollset, S. E., Nygard, O., & Eussen, S. J. P. M. (2013). A community-based study on determinants of circulating markers of cellular immune activation and kynurenines: the Hordaland Health Study. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 173(1), 121-130. https://doi.org/10.1111/cei.12092
    • Wlazlo, N., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Ferreira, I., Jansen, E. H. J. M., Feskens, E. J. M., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Schalkwijk, C. G., Bravenboer, B., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Activated complement factor 3 is associated with liver fat and liver enzymes: the CODAM study. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 43(7), 679-688. https://doi.org/10.1111/eci.12093
    • Versteylen, M. O., Kietselaer, B. L., Dagnelie, P. C., Joosen, I. A., Dedic, A., Raaijmakers, R. H., Wildberger, J. E., Nieman, K., Crijns, H. J., Niessen, W. J., Daemen, M. J., & Hofstra, L. (2013). Additive Value of Semiautomated Quantification of Coronary Artery Disease Using Cardiac Computed Tomographic Angiography to Predict Future Acute Coronary Syndrome. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 61(22), 2296-2305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2013.02.065
    • Smit, J. V., Wierema, T. K. A., Kroon, A. A., & de Leeuw, P. W. (2013). Blood pressure and renal function before and after percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty in fibromuscular dysplasia: A cohort study. Journal of Hypertension, 31(6), 1183-1188. https://doi.org/10.1097/HJH.0b013e32836044b2
    • Nielsen, S. E., Schjoedt, K. J., Rossing, K., Persson, F., Schalkwijk, C. G., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Parving, H. H., & Rossing, P. (2013). Levels of NT-proBNP, markers of low-grade inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction during spironolactone treatment in patients with diabetic kidney disease.Journal of the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System, 14(2), 161-166. https://doi.org/10.1177/1470320312460290
    • Alnima, T., de Leeuw, P. W., Tan, F. E. S., & Kroon, A. A. (2013). Renal Responses to Long-Term Carotid Baroreflex Activation Therapy in Patients With Drug-Resistant Hypertension. Hypertension, 61(6), 1334-U425. https://doi.org/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.01159
    • van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Schalkwijk, C. G., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Obesity-associated low-grade inflammation in type 2 diabetes mellitus: causes and consequences. Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 71(4), 174-187.
    • Wesselius, A., Bours, M. J. L., Henriksen, Z., Syberg, S., Petersen, S., Schwarz, P., Jorgensen, N. R., van Helden, S., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2013). Association of P2X(7) receptor polymorphisms with bone mineral density and osteoporosis risk in a cohort of Dutch fracture patients. Osteoporosis International, 24(4), 1235-1246. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-012-2059-x
    • van Vught, A. J. A. H., Dagnelie, P. C., Arts, I. C. W., Froberg, K., Andersen, L. B., El-Naaman, B., Bugge, A., Nielsen, B. M., & Heitman, B. L. (2013). Dietary arginine and linear growth: the Copenhagen School Child Intervention Study. British Journal of Nutrition, 109(6), 1031-1039. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114512002942
    • van Dooren, F. E. P., Nefs, G., Schram, M. T., Verhey, F. R. J., Denollet, J., & Pouwer, F. (2013). Depression and Risk of Mortality in People with Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLOS ONE, 8(3), Article e57058. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0057058
    • van Bussel, B. C. T., Ferreira, I., van de Waarenburg, M. P., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Henry, R. M., Feskens, E. J., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Multiple inflammatory biomarker detection in a prospective cohort study: a cross-validation between well-established single-biomarker techniques and an electrochemiluminescense-based multi-array platform.PLOS ONE, 8(3), Article 58576. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0058576
    • Wesselius, A., Bours, M. J. L., Henriksen, Z., Syberg, S., Petersen, S., Schwarz, P., Jorgensen, N. R., van Helden, S., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2013). Association of P2Y(2) receptor SNPs with bone mineral density and osteoporosis risk in a cohort of Dutch fracture patients. Purinergic Signalling, 9(1), 41-49. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11302-012-9326-3
    • Eringa, E. C., Serne, E. H., Meijer, R. I., Schalkwijk, C. G., Houben, A. J. H. M., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Smulders, Y. M., & van Hinsbergh, V. W. M. (2013). Endothelial dysfunction in (pre)diabetes: Characteristics, causative mechanisms and pathogenic role in type 2 diabetes. Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders, 14(1), 39-48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11154-013-9239-7
    • Muris, D. M. J., Houben, A. J., Schram, M. T., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Microvascular dysfunction: An emerging pathway in the pathogenesis of obesity-related insulin resistance.Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders, 14(1), 29-38. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11154-012-9231-7
    • Wesselius, A., Bours, M. J. L., Jorgensen, N. R., Wiley, J., Gu, B., van Helden, S., van Rhijn, L., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2013). Non-synonymous polymorphisms in the P2RX (4) are related to bone mineral density and osteoporosis risk in a cohort of Dutch fracture patients. Purinergic Signalling, 9(1), 123-130. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11302-012-9337-0
    • Heijnen, B. F. J., Nelissen, J., van Essen, H., Fazzi, G. E., Tervaert, J. W. C., Peutz-Kootstra, C. J., Mullins, J. J., Schalkwijk, C. G., Janssen, B. J. A., & Struijker-Boudier, H. A. J. (2013). Irreversible Renal Damage after Transient Renin-Angiotensin System Stimulation: Involvement of an AT(1)-Receptor Mediated Immune Response. PLOS ONE, 8(2), Article e57815. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0057815
    • Esser, D., Oosterink, E., 't Roodt, J. O., Henry, R. M. A., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Muller, M., & Afman, L. A. (2013). Vascular and Inflammatory High Fat Meal Responses in Young Healthy Men; A Discriminative Role of IL-8 Observed in a Randomized Trial. PLOS ONE, 8(2), Article e53474. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0053474
    • Gaens, K. H., Stehouwer, C. D. A., & Schalkwijk, C. G. (2013). Advanced glycation endproducts and its receptor for advanced glycation endproducts in obesity. Current Opinion in Lipidology, 24(1), 4-11. https://doi.org/10.1097/MOL.0b013e32835aea13
    • Cornelis, T., Spaanderman, M. E. A., Beerenhout, C., Perschel, F. H., Verlohren, S., Schalkwijk, C. G., van der Sande, F. M., Kooman, J. P., & Hladunewich, M. (2013). Antiangiogenic factors and maternal hemodynamics during intensive hemodialysis in pregnancy.Hemodialysis international, 17(4), 639-643. https://doi.org/10.1111/hdi.12042
    • Geelen, C. C., van Greevenbroek, M. M., van Rossum, E. F., Schaper, N. C., Nijpels, G., 't Hart, L. M., Schalkwijk, C. G., Ferreira, I., van der Kallen, C. J., Sauerwein, H. P., Dekker, J. M., Stehouwer, C. D., & Havekes, B. (2013). BclI Glucocorticoid Receptor Polymorphism Is Associated With Greater Body Fatness: The Hoorn and CODAM Studies. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 98(3), E595-E599. https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2012-3442
    • Wyers, C. E., Reijven, P. L. M., Evers, S. M. A. A., Willems, P. C., Heyligers, I. C., Verburg, A. D., van Helden, S. H., & Dagnelie, P. C. (2013). Cost-effectiveness of nutritional intervention in elderly subjects after hip fracture: A randomized controlled trial. Osteoporosis International, 24(1), 151-162. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-012-2009-7
    • Touwslager, R. N., Gielen, M., Mulder, A. L. M., Gerver, W. J. M., Zimmermann, L. J., Dagnelie, P. C., Houben, A. J. H. M., Stehouwer, C. D. A., Derom, C., Vlietinck, R., Loos, R. J. F., & Zeegers, M. P. (2013). Genetic and environmental factors in associations between infant growth and adult cardiometabolic risk profile in twins. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98(4), 994-1001. https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.112.039131
    • Wlazlo, N., van Greevenbroek, M. M. J., Ferreira, I., Jansen, E. H., Feskens, E. J., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Schalkwijk, C. G., Bravenboer, B., & Stehouwer, C. D. A. (2013). Iron Metabolism Is Associated With Adipocyte Insulin Resistance and Plasma Adiponectin: The Cohort on Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Maastricht (CODAM) study.Diabetes Care, 36(2), 309-315. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc12-0505
    • Gerards, S. M., Hummel, K., Dagnelie, P. C., de Vries, N. K., & Kremers, S. P. (2013). Parental self-efficacy in childhood overweight: validation of the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist in the Netherlands. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(1), Article 7. https://doi.org/10.1186/1479-5868-10-7
    • Smulders, M. W., Kietselaer, B. L. J. H., Das, M., Wildberger, J. E., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Veenstra, L., Brunner La Rocca, H. P., van Dieijen-Visser, M. P., Mingels, A. M. A., Dagnelie, P. C., Post, M. J., Gorgels, A. P. M., van Asselt, A. D. I., Vogel, G., Schalla, S., Kim, R. J., & Bekkers, S. C. A. M. (2013). The role of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography angiography in suspected non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients: Design and rationale of the CARdiovascular Magnetic rEsoNance imaging and computed Tomography Angiography (CARMENTA) trial. American Heart Journal, 166(6), 968-975. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2013.09.012
    • Knapen, L. M., Dittrich, S. T., de Vries, F., Starup-Linde, J., Vestergaard, P., Henry, R. M. A., Stolk, L. M., Neef, C. K., & Bazelier, M. T. (2013). Use of biguanides and the risk of colorectal cancer: a register-based cohort study. Current Drug Safety, 8(5), 349-356. https://doi.org/10.2174/15680266113136660068
    • Pouwer, F., Wijnhoven, H. A. H., Ujcic-Voortman, J. K., de Wit, M., Schram, M. T., Baan, C. A., & Snoek, F. J. (2013). Ethnic aspects of emotional distress in patients with diabetes - the Amsterdam Health Monitor Study. Diabetic Medicine, 30(1), E25-E31. https://doi.org/10.1111/dme.12031
    • Weijs, B., de Vos, C. B., Tieleman, R. G., Peeters, F., Limantoro, I., Kroon, A. A., Cheriex, E. C., Pisters, R., & Crijns, H. J. G. M. (2013). The occurrence of cardiovascular disease during 5-year follow-up in patients with idiopathic atrial fibrillation. EP Europace, 15(1), 18-23. https://doi.org/10.1093/europace/eus203
    • Jahja, R., Huijbregts, S. C. J., de Sonneville, L. M. J., van der Meere, J. J., Bosch, A. M., Hollak, C. E. M., Rubio-Gozalbo, M. E., Brouwers, M. C. G. J., Hofstede, F. C., de Vries, M. C., Janssen, M. C. H., van der Ploeg, A. T., Langendonk, J. G., & van Spronsen, F. J. (2013). Mental health and social functioning in early treated Phenylketonuria: The PKU-COBESO study. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 110(SUPPL.), S57-S61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymgme.2013.10.011