Matthijs Blankesteijn

Associate professor

Dr Matthijs Blankesteijn is associate professor of Pharmacology and Principal Investigator at CARIM. He obtained Master degrees in Biology and Chemistry from the Radboud University Nijmegen (1988), followed by a PhD degree from the same university in 1993. He then joined the Pharmacology department of Maastricht University as a post-doc, and after a postdoctoral training in Harvard Medical School in Boston in 1997-1998 (supervisor Prof. V. Dzau), he returned to the Department of Pharmacology as a staff member. For his research, he has received funding from ZonMw, NHS and FES, including a Vidi grant in 2003. He has published over 60 Wi-1 papers with an average Impact Factor of 6.3 and Hirsch-index of 28. He was elected as Board member of the Dutch Society of Pharmacology in 2015.

Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Universiteitssingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht

  • 2025
    • Manukjan, N., Fulton, D., Ahmed, Z., Blankesteijn, W. M., & Foulquier, S. (2025). Vascular endothelial growth factor: a double-edged sword in the development of white matter lesions. Neural Regeneration Research, 20(1), 191-192.
  • 2024
    • Manukjan, N., Chau, S., Caiment, F., van Herwijnen, M., Smeets, H. J., Fulton, D., Ahmed, Z., Blankesteijn, W. M., & Foulquier, S. (2024). Wnt7a Decreases Brain Endothelial Barrier Function Via β-Catenin Activation. Molecular Neurobiology, 61(7), 4854-4867.
    • Pinckaers, N. E. T., Blankesteijn, W. M., Mircheva, A., Shi, X., Opperhuizen, A., van Schooten, F.-J., & Vrolijk, M. F. (2024). In Vitro Activation of Human Adrenergic Receptors and Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 by Phenethylamine Analogues Present in Food Supplements. Nutrients, 16(11), Article 1567.
  • 2023
    • Manukjan, N., Majcher, D., Leenders, P., Caiment, F., van Herwijnen, M., Smeets, H. J. J., Suidgeest, E., van der Weerd, L., Vanmierlo, T., Jansen, J. F. A., Backes, W. H. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J. J., Staals, J., Fulton, D., Ahmed, Z., Blankesteijn, W. M., & Foulquier, S. (2023). Hypoxic oligodendrocyte precursor cell-derived VEGFA is associated with blood-brain barrier impairment. Acta neuropathologica communications, 11(1), Article 128.
  • 2022
    • Pinckaers, N., Blankesteijn, M., Opperhuizen, A., Van Schooten, F. J., & Vrolijk, M. (2022). In vitro pharmacological characterization of phenethylamine and alkylamine analogues found in nutritional supplements at human adrenergic and trace amine-associated receptors. Toxicology Letters, 368, S280-S280.
  • 2021
    • Gouweleeuw, L., Wajant, H., Maier, O., Eisel, U. L. M., Blankesteijn, W. M., & Schoemaker, R. G. (2021). Effects of selective TNFR1 inhibition or TNFR2 stimulation, compared to non-selective TNF inhibition, on (neuro)inflammation and behavior after myocardial infarction in male mice. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 93, 156-171.
    • Daskalopoulos, E. P., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2021). Effect of Interventions in WNT Signaling on Healing of Cardiac Injury: A Systematic Review. Cells, 10(2), Article 207.
  • 2020
    • Reinhold, S., Blankesteijn, W. M., & Foulquier, S. (2020). The Interplay of WNT and PPARγ Signaling in Vascular Calcification. Cells, 9(12), Article 2658.
    • Kerkhofs, D., van Hagen, B. T., Milanova, I. V., Schell, K. J., van Essen, H., Wijnands, E., Goossens, P., Blankesteijn, W. M., Unger, T., Prickaerts, J., Biessen, E. A., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Foulquier, S. (2020). Pharmacological depletion of microglia and perivascular macrophages prevents Vascular Cognitive Impairment in Ang II-induced hypertension. Theranostics, 10(21), 9512-9527.
    • Manukjan, N., Ahmed, Z., Fulton, D., Blankesteijn, W. M., & Foulquier, S. (2020). A Systematic Review of WNT Signaling in Endothelial Cell Oligodendrocyte Interactions: Potential Relevance to Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. Cells, 9(6), Article 1545.
    • Blankesteijn, W. M. (2020). Interventions in WNT Signaling to Induce Cardiomyocyte Proliferation: Crosstalk with Other Pathways. Molecular Pharmacology, 97(2), 90-101.
    • Giamouridis, D., Gao, M. H., Lai, N. C., Guo, T., Miyanohara, A., Blankesteijn, W. M., Biessen, E. A. L., & Hammond, H. K. (2020). Urocortin 2 Gene Transfer Improves Heart Function in Aged Mice. Molecular Therapy, 28(1), 180-188.
  • 2019
    • Matteucci, M., Fina, D., Jiritano, F., Blankesteijn, W. M., Raffa, G. M., Kowalewski, M., Beghi, C., & Lorusso, R. (2019). Corrigendum to: ‘Sutured and sutureless repair of postinfarction left ventricular free-wall rupture: a systematic review’ [Eur J Cardiothorac Surg; doi:10.1093/ejcts/ezz101]. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 56(5), 1023-1023.
    • Matteucci, M., Fina, D., Jiritano, F., Blankesteijn, W. M., Raffa, G. M., Kowalewski, M., Beghi, C., & Lorusso, R. (2019). Sutured and sutureless repair of postinfarction left ventricular free-wall rupture: a systematic review. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 56(5), 840-848.
    • Daskalopoulos, E. P., Hermans, K. C. M., Debets, J., Strzelecka, A., Leenders, P., Vervoort-Peters, L., Janssen, B. J. A., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2019). The Beneficial Effects of UM206 on Wound Healing After Myocardial Infarction in Mice Are Lost in Follow-Up Experiments. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 6, Article 118.
    • Matteucci, M., Fina, D., Jiritano, F., Meani, P., Blankesteijn, W. M., Raffa, G. M., Kowaleski, M., Heuts, S., Beghi, C., Maessen, J., & Lorusso, R. (2019). Treatment strategies for post-infarction left ventricular free-wall rupture. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care, 8(4), 379-387.
    • Reinhold, S., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2019). Wnt/β-Catenin Inhibitor Dickkopf 1: A Novel Predictor for Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Events. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 39(2), 121-123.
    • Giamouridis, D., Gao, M. H., Lai, N. C., Tan, Z., Kim, Y. C., Guo, T., Miyanohara, A., Blankesteijn, M. W., Biessen, E. A. L., & Hammond, H. K. (2019). Urocortin 3 Gene Transfer Increases Function of the Failing Murine Heart. Human Gene Therapy, 30(1), 10-20.
  • 2018
    • Foulquier, S., Namsolleck, P., Van Hagen, B. T., Milanova, I., Post, M. J., Blankesteijn, W. M., Rutten, B. P., Prickaerts, J., Van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & Unger, T. (2018). Hypertension-induced cognitive impairment: insights from prolonged angiotensin II infusion in mice. Hypertension Research, 41(10), 817-827.
    • Mosleh, W., Chaudhari, M. R., Sonkawade, S., Mahajan, S., Khalil, C., Frodey, K., Shah, T., Dahal, S., Karki, R., Katkar, R., Blankesteijn, W. M., Page, B., Pokharel, S., Kim, M., & Sharma, U. C. (2018). The Therapeutic Potential of Blocking Galectin-3 Expression in Acute Myocardial Infarction and Mitigating Inflammation of Infarct Region: A Clinical Outcome-Based Translational Study. Biomarker Insights, 13, 1–10. Article 1177271918771969.
    • Foulquier, S., Daskalopoulos, E. P., Lluri, G., Hermans, K. C. M., Deb, A., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2018). WNT Signaling in Cardiac and Vascular Disease. Pharmacological Reviews, 70(1), 68-141.
    • Giamouridis, D., Gao, M., Lai, N. C., Tan, Z., Kim, B. C., Guo, T., Miyanohara, A., Blankesteijn, M., Biessen, E., & Hammond, H. K. (2018). Effects of Urocortin 2 Versus Urocortin 3 Gene Transfer on Left Ventricular Function and Glucose Disposal. JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 3(2), 249-264.
  • 2017
    • Sharma, U. C., Mosleh, W., Chaudhari, M. R., Katkar, R., Weil, B., Evelo, C., Cimato, T. R., Pokharel, S., Blankesteijn, W. M., & Suzuki, G. (2017). Myocardial and Serum Galectin-3 Expression Dynamics Marks Post-Myocardial Infarction Cardiac Remodelling. Heart Lung and Circulation, 26(7), 736-745.
    • Uitterdijk, A., Springeling, T., Hermans, K. C. M., Merkus, D., de Beer, V. J., Gorsse-Bakker, C., Mokelke, E., Daskalopoulos, E. P., Wielopolski, P. A., Cleutjens, J. P. M., Blankesteijn, W. M., Prinzen, F. W., van der Giessen, W. J., van Geuns, R.-J. M., & Duncker, D. J. (2017). Intermittent pacing therapy favorably modulates infarct remodeling. Basic Research in Cardiology, 112(3), Article 28.
  • 2016
    • Altara, R., Manca, M., Hessel, M. H., Gu, Y., van Vark, L. C., Akkerhuis, K. M., Staessen, J. A., Struyker Boudier, H., Booz, G. W., & Blankesteijn, M. (2016). CXCL10 Is a Circulating Inflammatory Marker in Patients with Advanced Heart Failure: a Pilot Study. Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, 9(4), 302-314.
    • Hermans, K. C. M., Daskalopoulos, E. P., & Blankesteijn, M. (2016). The Janus face of myofibroblasts in the remodeling heart. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 91, 35-41.
    • Uitterdijk, A., Hermans, K. C. M., de Wijs-Meijler, D. P. M., Daskalopoulos, E. P., Reiss, I. K., Duncker, D. J., Blankesteijn, M., & Merkus, D. (2016). UM206, a selective Frizzled antagonist, attenuates adverse remodeling after myocardial infarction in swine. Laboratory Investigation, 96(2), 168-176.
  • 2015
    • Blankesteijn, W. M. (2015). Has the search for a marker of activated fibroblasts finally come to an end?Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 88, 120-123.
    • Altara, R., Gu, Y.-M., Struijker-Boudier, H. A. J., Thijs, L., Staessen, J. A., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2015). Left Ventricular Dysfunction and CXCR3 Ligands in Hypertension: From Animal Experiments to a Population-Based Pilot Study. PLOS ONE, 10(10), Article e0141394.
    • Blankesteijn, W. M., & Hermans, K. C. M. (2015). Wnt signaling in atherosclerosis. European Journal of Pharmacology, 763, 122-130.
    • Hermansand, K. C. M., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2015). Wnt Signaling in Cardiac Disease. Comprehensive Physiology, 5(3), 1183-1209.
    • Daskalopoulos, E. P., Vilaeti, A. D., Barka, E., Mantzouratou, P., Kouroupis, D., Kontonika, M., Tourmousoglou, C., Papalois, A., Pantos, C., Blankesteijn, W. M., Agathopoulos, S., & Kolettis, T. M. (2015). Attenuation of post-infarction remodeling in rats by sustained myocardial growth hormone administration. Growth Factors, 33(4), 250-258.
  • 2014
    • Altara, R., Manca, M., Hessel, M. H. M., Janssen, B. J., Struijker-Boudier, H. H. A., Hermans, R. J. J., & Blankesteijn, M. (2014). Improving membrane based multiplex immunoassays for semi-quantitative detection of multiple cytokines in a single sample. BMC Biotechnology, 14, Article 63.
    • Daskalopoulos, E. P., Hermans, K. C. M., & Blankesteijn, M. (2014). Cardiac (myo)fibroblast: Novel Strategies for its Targeting Following Myocardial Infarction. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 20(12), 1987-2002.
  • 2013
    • Daskalopoulos, E. P., Hermans, K. C. M., Janssen, B. J. A., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2013). Targeting the Wnt/frizzled signaling pathway after myocardial infarction: A new tool in the therapeutic toolbox?Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 23(4), 121-127.
  • 2012
    • Daskalopoulos, E. P., Janssen, B. J. A., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2012). Myofibroblasts in the Infarct Area: Concepts and Challenges. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(1), 35-49.
    • ter Horst, P., Smits, J. F. M., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2012). The Wnt/Frizzled pathway as a therapeutic target for cardiac hypertrophy: where do we stand. Acta Physiologica, 204(1), 110-117.
  • 2011
    • He, B. J., Joiner, M. A., Singh, M. V., Luczak, E. D., Swaminathan, P. D., Koval, O. M., Kutschke, W., Allamargot, C., Yang, J., Guan, X., Zimmerman, K., Grumbach, I. M., Weiss, R. M., Spitz, D. R., Sigmund, C. D., Blankesteijn, W. M., Heymans, S., Mohler, P. J., & Anderson, M. E. (2011). Oxidation of CaMKII determines the cardiotoxic effects of aldosterone. Nature Medicine, 17(12), 1610-U125.
    • Laeremans, H., Hackeng, T. M., van Zandvoort, M. A. M. J., Thijssen, V. L. J. L., Janssen, B. J. A., Ottenheijm, H. C. J., Smits, J. F. M., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2011). Blocking of Frizzled Signaling With a Homologous Peptide Fragment of Wnt3a/Wnt5a Reduces Infarct Expansion and Prevents the Development of Heart Failure After Myocardial Infarction. Circulation, 124(15), 1626-U107.
    • Verkaar, F., van der Stelt, M., Blankesteijn, W. M., van der Doelen, A. A., & Zaman, G. J. R. (2011). Discovery of Novel Small Molecule Activators of beta-Catenin Signaling. PLOS ONE, 6(4), 7.
    • Verkaar, F., van der Doelen, A. A., Smits, J. F. M., Blankesteijn, W. M., & Zaman, G. J. R. (2011). Inhibition of Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling by p38 MAP Kinase Inhibitors Is Explained by Cross-Reactivity with Casein Kinase I delta/epsilon. Chemistry & Biology, 18(4), 485-494.
  • 2010
    • Laeremans, H., Rensen, S. S. M., Ottenheijm, H. C. J., Smits, J. F. M., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2010). Wnt/frizzled signalling modulates the migration and differentiation of immortalized cardiac fibroblasts. Cardiovascular Research, 87(3), 514-523.
    • Verkaar, F., Blankesteijn, W. M., Smits, J. F. M., & Zaman, G. J. R. (2010). beta-Galactosidase enzyme fragment complementation for the measurement of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Faseb Journal, 24(4), 1205-1217.
    • van den Borne, S. W. M., Diez, J., Blankesteijn, W. M., Verjans, J., Hofstra, L., & Narula, J. (2010). Myocardial remodeling after infarction: the role of myofibroblasts. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 7(1), 30-37.
  • 2007
    • van de Schans, V. A. M., van den Borne, S. W. M., Strzelecka, A. E., Janssen, B. J., van der Velden, J. L., Langen, R. C., Wynshaw Boris, A., Smits, J. F., & Blankesteijn, W. M. (2007). Interruption of Wnt Signaling Attenuates the Onset of Pressure Overload-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy. Hypertension, 49(3), 473-480.