Frits Prinzen


Frits Prinzen is emeritus professor of Physiology. He studied Medical Biology in Utrecht and defended his PhD in Maastricht in 1982. His research focusses on the relation between the electrical activation and mechanical contraction and pump function of the heart, with specific application to pacemaker therapies in heart failure. His work is highly translational, ranging from preclinical to clinical research and more recently also using computer simulations. Results from his work provided new insights in and opportunities for pacemaker therapies. He has participated in the CTMM-COHFAR consortium and has been and is workpackage leader in several EU-funded projects, including an International Training Network (Personalised in silico Cardiology). Several of his team members achieved personal grants (ZonMw Veni, Vidi, Clinical Fellow; Netherlands Heart Foundation junior and senior postdoc; young staff member). Besides, he ran multiple investigator-initiated studies that were funded by industry. He has been chairman of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society and of the Innovation Committee of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). Currently he is member of the Scientific Initiatives Committee of EHRA. He is (co-)author on 330 scientific articles, with >10,000 citations and H-index of 56.

His main research topic is regional cardiac mechanics and long-term structural and functional adaptations to various conditions, with emphasis on asynchronous electrical activation and cardiac resynchronisation. Primarily animal experimental work, but with important links to Biomedical Engineering (computer models of cardiac electrophysiology and mechanics) and Cardiology (patients with pacemakers, bundle branch block, heart failure). With this background Prof. Frits Prinzen is a world expert on pacing therapies, both for bradycardia and for heart failure (cardiac resynchronisation therapy, CRT).

Department of Physiology
Universiteitssingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
T: +31(0)43 3881080
  • 2019
    • van Stipdonk, A. M. W., Vanbelle, S., ter Horst, I. A. H., Luermans, J. G., Meine, M., Maass, A. H., Auricchio, A., Prinzen, F. W., & Vernooy, K. (2019). Large variability in clinical judgement and definitions of left bundle branch block to identify candidates for cardiac resynchronisation therapy. International Journal of Cardiology, 286, 61-65.
    • Goette, A., Auricchio, A., Boriani, G., Braunschweig, F., Brugada Terradellas, J., Burri, H., Camm, A. J., Crijns, H., Dagres, N., Deharo, J.-C., Dobrev, D., Hatala, R., Hindricks, G., Hohnloser, S. H., Leclercq, C., Lewalter, T., Lip, G. Y. H., Luis Merino, J., Mont, L., ... ESC Scientific Document Group (2019). EHRA White Paper: knowledge gaps in arrhythmia management-status 2019. EP Europace, 21(7), 993-994.
    • Prinzen, F. W., Willemen, E., & Lumens, J. (2019). LBBB and High Afterload: A Dangerous Liaison?JACC-Cardiovascular Imaging, 12(6), 978-980.
    • Nguyen, U. C., Cluitmans, M. J. M., Strik, M., Luermans, J. G., Gommers, S., Wildberger, J. E., Bekkers, S. C. A. M., Volders, P. G. A., Mihl, C., Prinzen, F. W., & Vernooy, K. (2019). Integration of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, electrocardiographic imaging, and coronary venous computed tomography angiography for guidance of left ventricular lead positioning. EP Europace, 21(4), 626-635.
    • van Stipdonk, A. M. W., ter Horst, I., Kloosterman, M., Engels, E. B., Rienstra, M., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Vos, M. A., van Gelder, I. C., Prinzen, F. W., Meine, M., Maass, A., & Vernooy, K. (2019). Response to Letter From Vereckei Regarding, "QRS Area Is a Strong Determinant of Outcome in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy". Circulation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 12(4), Article 007297.
    • van der Weg, K., Prinzen, F. W., & Gorgels, A. P. M. (2019). Editor's Choice- Reperfusion cardiac arrhythmias and their relation to reperfusion-induced cell death. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care, 8(2), 142-152.
    • Willemen, E., Schreurs, R., Huntjens, P. R., Strik, M., Plank, G., Vigmond, E., Walmsley, J., Vernooy, K., Delhaas, T., Prinzen, F. W., & Lumens, J. (2019). The Left and Right Ventricles Respond Differently to Variation of Pacing Delays in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A Combined Experimental- Computational Approach. Frontiers in physiology, 10(FEB), 1-13. Article 17.
    • Lumens, J., Fan, C.-P. S., Walmsley, J., Yim, D., Manlhiot, C., Dragulescu, A., Grosse-Wortmann, L., Mertens, L., Prinzen, F. W., Delhaas, T., & Friedberg, M. K. (2019). Relative Impact of Right Ventricular Electromechanical Dyssynchrony Versus Pulmonary Regurgitation on Right Ventricular Dysfunction and Exercise Intolerance in Patients After Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot. Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(2), Article 010903.
    • de Jaegere, P. P. T., Houthuizen, P., & Prinzen, F. W. (2019). New Conduction Abnormalities After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement An Innocent Bystander or a Serious Adverse Event Indeed?Jacc-Cardiovascular Interventions, 12(1), 62-64.
    • van Everdingen, W. M., Zweerink, A., Salden, O. A. E., Cramer, M. J., Doevendans, P. A., van Rossum, A. C., Prinzen, F. W., Vernooy, K., Allaart, C. P., & Meine, M. (2019). Atrioventricular optimization in cardiac resynchronization therapy with quadripolar leads: should we optimize every pacing configuration including multi-point pacing?EP Europace, 21(1), E11-E19.
  • 2018
    • Chau Nguyen, U., Verzaal, N. J., van Nieuwenhoven, F. A., Vernooy, K., & Prinzen, F. (2018). Pathobiology of cardiac dyssynchrony and resynchronization therapy. EP Europace, 20(12), 1898-1909.
    • van Stipdonk, A. M. W., ter Horst, I., Kloosterman, M., Engels, E. B., Rienstra, M., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Vos, M. A., van Gelder, I. C., Prinzen, F. W., Meine, M., Maass, A. H., & Vernooy, K. (2018). QRS Area Is a Strong Determinant of Outcome in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Circulation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 11(12), Article 006497.
    • Nguyen, U. C., Cluitmans, M. J. M., Prinzen, F. W., Mihl, C., & Vernooy, K. (2018). Reply to the letter from Bhagirath etal. Imaging for cardiac resynchronisation therapy requires cardiac magnetic resonance. Netherlands Heart Journal, 26(12), 641-642.
    • Virag, N., Jacquemet, V., Kappenberger, L., Krause, R., Prinzen, F., & Auricchio, A. (2018). 9th Theo Rossi di Montelera forum on computer simulation and experimental assessment of cardiac function: from model to clinical outcome . EP Europace, 20(Suppl. 3), 1-2.
    • Strik, M., Ploux, S., Huntjens, P. R., Nguyen, U. C., Frontera, A., Eschalier, R., Dubois, R., Ritter, P., Klotz, N., Vernooy, K., Haissaguerre, M., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Prinzen, F. W., & Bordachar, P. (2018). Response to cardiac resynchronization therapy is determined by intrinsic electrical substrate rather than by its modification. International Journal of Cardiology, 270, 143-148.
    • Uyen Chau Nguyen, N. V., Potse, M., Vernooy, K., Mafi-Rad, M., Heijman, J., Caputo, M. L., Conte, G., Regoli, F., Krause, R., Moccetti, T., Auricchio, A., Prinzen, F. W., & Maffessanti, F. (2018). A left bundle branch block activation sequence and ventricular pacing influence voltage amplitudes: an in vivo and in silico study. EP Europace, 20, 77-86.
    • Dupuis, L. J., Arts, T., Prinzen, F. W., Delhaas, T., & Lumens, J. (2018). Linking cross-bridge cycling kinetics to response to cardiac resynchronization therapy: a multiscale modelling study. EP Europace, 20, 87-93.
    • Caputo, M. L., van Stipdonk, A., Illner, A., D'Ambrosio, G., Regoli, F., Conte, G., Moccetti, T., Klersy, C., Prinzen, F. W., Vernooy, K., & Auricchio, A. (2018). The definition of left bundle branch block influences the response to cardiac resynchronization therapy. International Journal of Cardiology, 269, 165-169.
    • Zanon, F., Marcantoni, L., Baracca, E., Pastore, G., Giau, G., Rigatelli, G., Lanza, D., Picariello, C., Aggio, S., Giatti, S., Zuin, M., Roncon, L., Pacetta, D., Noventa, F., & Prinzen, F. W. (2018). Hemodynamic comparison of different multisites and multipoint pacing strategies in cardiac resynchronization therapies. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 53(1), 31-39.
    • Nguyen, U. C., Cluitmans, M. J. M., Luermans, J. G. L. M., Strik, M., de Vos, C. B., Kietselaer, B. L. J. H., Wildberger, J. E., Prinzen, F. W., Mihl, C., & Vernooy, K. (2018). Visualisation of coronary venous anatomy by computed tomography angiography prior to cardiac resynchronisation therapy implantation. Netherlands Heart Journal, 26(9), 433-440.
    • Leyva, F., Zegard, A., Taylor, R. J., Foley, P. W. X., Umar, F., Patel, K., Panting, J., van Dam, P., Prinzen, F. W., Marshall, H., & Qiu, T. (2018). Long-Term Outcomes of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Using Apical Versus Nonapical Left Ventricular Pacing. Journal of the American Heart Association, 7(16), Article 008508.
    • Strik, M., Vernooy, K., & Prinzen, F. W. (2018). Too old to shock? Questioning added benefit of ICD in elderly CRT patients. International Journal of Cardiology, 263, 65-66.
    • Salden, F. C. W. M., Kutyifa, V., Stockburger, M., Prinzen, F. W., & Vernooy, K. (2018). Atrioventricular dromotropathy: evidence for a distinctive entity in heart failure with prolonged PR interval?EP Europace, 20(7), 1067-1077.
    • Niederer, S. A., Gould, J., Sieniewicz, B., Prinzen, F., & Rinaldi, C. A. (2018). Is the rapidly paced pig the optimal model for endocardial cardiac resynchronization therapy?EP Europace, 20(7), 1227-1228.
    • van Everdingen, W. M., Zweerink, A., Salden, O. A. E., Cramer, M. J., Doevendans, P. A., Engels, E. B., van Rossum, A. C., Prinzen, F. W., Vernooy, K., Allaart, C. P., & Meine, M. (2018). Pressure-Volume Loop Analysis of Multipoint Pacing With a Quadripolar Left Ventricular Lead in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology, 4(7), 881-889.
    • Engels, E. B., Mafi-Rad, M., Hermans, B. J. M., Aranda, A., van Stipdonk, A. M. W., Rienstra, M., Scheerder, C. O. S., Maass, A. H., Prinzen, F. W., & Vernooy, K. (2018). Tailoring device settings in cardiac resynchronization therapy using electrograms from pacing electrodes. EP Europace, 20(7), 1146-1153.
    • Rinaldi, C. A., Auricchio, A., & Prinzen, F. W. (2018). Left ventricular endocardial pacing for the critically ill. Intensive Care Medicine, 44(6), 915-917.
    • Prinzen, F. W., Dagres, N., Bollmann, A., Arnar, D. O., Bove, S., Camm, J., Casadei, B., Kirchhof, P., Kuck, K.-H., Lumens, J., Michel, M. C., Schwartz, P. J., Van Vleymen, B., Vardas, P., & Hindricks, G. (2018). Innovation in cardiovascular disease in Europe with focus on arrhythmias: current status, opportunities, roadblocks, and the role of multiple stakeholders. EP Europace, 20(5), 733-738.
    • Nguyen, C., Claridge, S., Vernooy, K., Engels, E. B., Razavi, R., Rinaldi, C. A., Chen, Z., & Prinzen, F. W. (2018). Relationship between vectorcardiographic QRS(area), myocardial scar quantification, and response to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Journal of Electrocardiology, 51(3), 457-463.
    • Piorkowski, C., Arya, A., Markovitz, C. D., Razavi, H., Jiang, C., Rosenberg, S., Breithardt, O.-A., Rolf, S., John, S., Kosiuk, J., Huo, Y., Doring, M., Richter, S., Ryu, K., Gaspar, T., Prinzen, F. W., Hindricks, G., & Sommer, P. (2018). Characterizing left ventricular mechanical and electrical activation in patients with normal and impaired systolic function using a non-fluoroscopic cardiovascular navigation system. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 51(3), 205-214.
    • Huntjens, P. R., Ploux, S., Strik, M., Walmsley, J., Ritter, P., Haissaguerre, M., Prinzen, F. W., Delhaas, T., Lumens, J., & Bordachar, P. (2018). Electrical Substrates Driving Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A Combined Clinical–Computational Evaluation. Circulation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 11(4), Article e005647.
    • van Everdingen, W. M., Zweerink, A., Cramer, M. J., Doevendans, P. A., Nguyen, C., van Rossum, A. C., Prinzen, F. W., Vernooy, K., Allaart, C. P., & Meine, M. (2018). Can We Use the Intrinsic Left Ventricular Delay (QLV) to Optimize the Pacing Configuration for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy With a Quadripolar Left Ventricular Lead?Circulation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 11(3), Article 005912.
    • Sanchez, C., D'Ambrosio, G., Maffessanti, F., Caiani, E. G., Prinzen, F. W., Krause, R., Auricchio, A., & Potse, M. (2018). Sensitivity analysis of ventricular activation and electrocardiogram in tailored models of heart-failure patients. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 56(3), 491-504.
    • Boveda, S., Lenarczyk, R., Haugaa, K. H., Iliodromitis, K., Finlay, M., Lane, D., Prinzen, F., & Dagres, N. (2018). Use of leadless pacemakers in Europe: results of the European Heart Rhythm Association survey. EP Europace, 20(3), 555-559.
    • Maass, A. H., Vernooy, K., Wijers, S. C., van 't Sant, J., Cramer, M. J., Meine, M., Allaart, C. P., De Lange, F. J., Prinzen, F. W., Gerritse, B., Erdtsieck, E., Scheerder, C. O. S., Hill, M. R. S., Scholten, M., Kloosterman, M., ter Horst, I. A. H., Voors, A. A., Vos, M. A., Rienstra, M., & Van Gelder, I. C. (2018). Refining success of cardiac resynchronization therapy using a simple score predicting the amount of reverse ventricular remodelling: results from the Markers and Response to CRT (MARC) study. EP Europace, 20(2), E1-E10.
    • Engels, E. B., Vis, A., van Rees, B. D., Marcantoni, L., Zanon, F., Vernooy, K., & Prinzen, F. W. (2018). Improved acute haemodynamic response to cardiac resynchronization therapy using multipoint pacing cannot solely be explained by better resynchronization. Journal of Electrocardiology, 51(6), S61-S66.
  • 2017
    • Auricchio, A., & Prinzen, F. W. (2017). Enhancing Response in the Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Patient: The 3B Perspective—Bench, Bits, and Bedside. JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology, 3(11), 1204-1219.
    • Pelgrim, G. J., Das, M., van Tuijl, S., van Assen, M., Prinzen, F. W., Stijnen, M., Oudkerk, M., Wildberger, J. E., & Vliegenthart, R. (2017). Validation of myocardial perfusion quantification by dynamic CT in an ex-vivo porcine heart model. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 33(11), 1821-1830.
    • Fixsen, L., De Lepper, A., Van'T Veer, M., Strik, M., Van Middendorp, L., Van De Vosse, F., Prinzen, F., Houthuizen, P., & Lopata, R. (2017). Notice of Removal: Assessment of left bundle branch related strain dyssynchrony: A comparison with tagged MRI. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 0, Article 8092422.
    • Walmsley, J., van Everdingen, W., Cramer, M. J., Prinzen, F. W., Delhaas, T., & Lumens, J. (2017). Combining computer modelling and cardiac imaging to understand right ventricular pump function. Cardiovascular Research, 113(12), 1486-1498.
    • van Everdingen, W. M., Walmsley, J., Cramer, M. J., van Hagen, I., De Boeck, B. W. L., Meine, M., Delhaas, T., Doevendans, P. A., Prinzen, F. W., Lumens, J., & Leenders, G. E. (2017). Echocardiographic Prediction of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Response Requires Analysis of Both Mechanical Dyssynchrony and Right Ventricular Function: A Combined Analysis of Patient Data and Computer Simulations. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 30(10), 1012-1020.
    • Piorkowski, C., Breithardt, O.-A., Razavi, H., Nabutovsky, Y., Rosenberg, S. P., Markovitz, C. D., Arya, A., Rolf, S., John, S., Kosiuk, J., Olson, E., Eitel, C., Huo, Y., Doering, M., Richter, S., Ryu, K., Gaspar, T., Prinzen, F. W., Hindricks, G., & Sommer, P. (2017). Mapping-guided characterization of mechanical and electrical activation patterns in patients with normal systolic function using a sensor-based tracking technology. EP Europace, 19(10), 1700-1709.
    • Nguyen, U. C., Prinzen, F. W., & Vernooy, K. (2017). Left ventricular lead positioning in cardiac resynchronization therapy: Mission accomplished?Heart Rhythm, 14(9), 1373-1374.
    • Janousek, J., Kovanda, J., Lozek, M., Tomek, V., Vojtovic, P., Gebauer, R., Kubus, P., Krejcir, M., Lumens, J., Delhaas, T., & Prinzen, F. (2017). Pulmonary Right Ventricular Resynchronization in Congenital Heart Disease Acute Improvement in Right Ventricular Mechanics and Contraction Efficiency. Circulation-Cardiovascular Imaging, 10(9), Article 006424.
    • Maffessanti, F., Wanten, J., Potse, M., Regoli, F., Caputo, M. L., Conte, G., Surder, D., Illner, A., Krause, R., Moccetti, T., Auricchio, A., & Prinzen, F. W. (2017). The relation between local repolarization and T-wave morphology in heart failure patients. International Journal of Cardiology, 241, 270-276.
    • van Middendorp, L. B., Kuiper, M., Munts, C., Wouters, P., Maessen, J. G., van Nieuwenhoven, F. A., & Prinzen, F. W. (2017). Local microRNA-133a downregulation is associated with hypertrophy in the dyssynchronous heart. Esc heart failure, 4(3), 241-251.
    • Engels, E. B., Strik, M., van Middendorp, L. B., Kuiper, M., Vernooy, K., & Prinzen, F. W. (2017). Prediction of optimal cardiac resynchronization by vectors extracted from electrograms in dyssynchronous canine hearts. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 28(8), 944-951.
    • Mafi-rad, M., Van‘t Sant, J., Blaauw, Y., Doevendans, P. A., Cramer, M. J., Crijns, H. J., Prinzen, F. W., Meine, M., & Vernooy, K. (2017). Regional Left Ventricular Electrical Activation and Peak Contraction Are Closely Related in Candidates for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology, 3(8), 854-862.
    • Nguyen, U. C., Maffessanti, F., Mafi-Rad, M., Conte, G., Zeemering, S., Regoli, F., Caputo, M. L., van Stipdonk, A. M. W., Bekkers, S. C. A. M., Suerder, D., Moccetti, T., Krause, R., Prinzen', F. W., Vernooy', K., & Auricchio, A. (2017). Evaluation of the use of unipolar voltage amplitudes for detection of myocardial scar assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in heart failure patients. PLOS ONE, 12(7), Article 0180637.
    • Burri, H., Prinzen, F. W., Gasparini, M., & Leclercq, C. (2017). Left univentricular pacing for cardiac resynchronization therapy. EP Europace, 19(6), 912-919.