Gerry Nicolaes

Associate professor

Dr Gerry Nicolaes received a Masters’ degree in Chemistry from the Utrecht University with majors in clinical chemistry, biochemistry and protein engineering and enzymology. He obtained a PhD from the Maastricht University on the regulation of thrombin formation in normal and hypercoagulable plasma (with Prof. H.C. Hemker) and later spent several years at the laboratory of Prof. B. Dahlbäck at the Lund University (Sweden), focussing on the use of molecular biological technologies in blood coagulation research.

Dr Nicolaes received a Vidi grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to establish a research line that uses structural bioinformatics to rationally approach the structure-function study of proteins involved in coagulation and inflammation. In addition to protein structure-function research, in recent years, in silico drug design and optimisation of biologically active molecules for use in therapy or diagnosis has become one of the major research focusses.

His research interests are within the fields of thrombosis and haemostasis, and in particular on the overlap with the fields of inflammation and atherosclerosis. In this respect, extracellular histones and their role in systemic inflammatory disease and sepsis have evolved into a major research focus.

He is the president of the Netherlands Society on Biomolecular Modelling. He is coordinator of an EU granted doctoral network focusing on novel diagnostics and therapeutics in the systemic inflammation field. He is (co)-author of over 140 peer-reviewed papers, and has supervised a total of 20 PhD students, 15 of whom have finished their PhD and 5 are ongoing. He is co-inventor of several granted patents.

Department of Biochemistry
Universiteitsingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
Room number: 4.352

  • 2024
    • Keulen, G. M., Huckriede, J., Wichapong, K., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2024). Histon activities in the extracellular environment: regulation and prothrombotic implications. Current Opinion in Hematology, 31(5), 230-237.
    • Nicolaes, G. A. F., & Soehnlein, O. (2024). Targeting extranuclear histones to alleviate acute and chronic inflammation. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 45(7), 651-662.
    • Singh, A., Kraaijeveld, A. O., Curaj, A., Wichapong, K., Hammerich, L., de Jager, S. C. A., Bot, I., Atamas, S. P., van Berkel, T. J. C., Jukema, J. W., Comerford, I., Mccoll, S. R., Mees, B., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Hackeng, T., Liehn, E. A., Tacke, F., & Biessen, E. A. L. (2024). CCL18 aggravates atherosclerosis by inducing CCR6-dependent T-cell influx and polarization. Frontiers in Immunology, 15, Article 1327051.
    • Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Gijbels, M. J., Spronk, H., Van Oerle, R., Schrijver, R., Ekhart, P., de Kimpe, S., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2024). M6229 Protects against Extracellular-Histone-Induced Liver Injury, Kidney Dysfunction, and Mortality in a Rat Model of Acute Hyperinflammation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(3), Article 1376.
    • Arfman, T., Zollet, V., van Es, N., Bosch, F. T. M., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Sorvillo, N., & Voorberg, J. (2024). Elevated levels of citrullinated fibrinogen in patients with cancer. eJHaem, 5(1), 136-140.
    • Guerkan, B., Poelman, H., Pereverzeva, L., Kruijswijk, D., de Vos, A. F., Groenen, A. G., Nollet, E. E., Wichapong, K., Lutgens, E., van der Poll, T., Du, J., Wiersinga, W. J., Nicolaes, G. A. F., & van 't Veer, C. (2024). The IRAK-M death domain: a tale of three surfaces. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 10, Article 1265455.
  • 2023
    • Huckriede, J. B., Beurskens, D. M. H., Wildhagen, K. C. C. A., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Wichapong, K., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2023). Design and characterization of novel activated protein C variants for the proteolysis of cytotoxic extracellular histone H3. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 21(12), 3557-3567.
    • de Vries, F., Huckriede, J., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2023). The role of extracellular histones in COVID-19. Journal of Internal Medicine, 293(3), 275-292.
    • Pavlic, A., Poelman, H., Wasilewski, G., Wichapong, K., Lux, P., Maassen, C., Lutgens, E., Schurgers, L. J., Reutelingsperger, C. P., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2023). Inhibition of Neutral Sphingomyelinase 2 by Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors Results in Decreased Release of Extracellular Vesicles by Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Attenuated Calcification. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(3), Article 2027.
    • Beukenhorst, A. L., Frallicciardi, J., Koch, C. M., Klap, J. M., Phillips, A., Desai, M. M., Wichapong, K., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Koudstaal, W., Alter, G., & Goudsmit, J. (2023). Corrigendum: The influenza hemagglutinin stem antibody CR9114: Evidence for a narrow evolutionary path towards universal protection ( vol 2 , 1049134 , 2022). Frontiers in Virology, 3, Article 1130102.
    • van Smaalen, T. C., Beurskens, D. M. H., Kox, J. J. H. F. M., Polonia, R., Vos, R., Duimel, H., van de Wetering, W. J., Lopez-Iglesias, C., Reutelingsperger, C. P., van Heurn, L. W. E., Peutz-Kootstra, C. J., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2023). Extracellular histone release by renal cells after warm and cold ischemic kidney injury: Studies in an ex-vivo porcine kidney perfusion model. PLOS ONE, 18(1), Article e0279944.
  • 2022
    • Bol, M. E., Huckriede, J. B., van de Pas, K. G. H., Delhaas, T., Lorusso, R., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Sels, J. E. M., & van de Poll, M. C. G. (2022). Multimodal measurement of glycocalyx degradation during coronary artery bypass grafting. Frontiers in medicine, 9, 1045728. Article 1045728.
    • Beukenhorst, A. L., Frallicciardi, J., Koch, C. M., Klap, J. M., Phillips, A., Desai, M. M., Wichapong, K., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Koudstaal, W., Alter, G., & Goudsmit, J. (2022). The influenza hemagglutinin stem antibody CR9114: Evidence for a narrow evolutionary path towards universal protection. Frontiers in Virology, 2, Article 1049134.
    • Pavlic, A., Bahram Sangani, N., Kerins, J., Nicolaes, G., Schurgers, L., & Reutelingsperger, C. (2022). Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Neutral Sphingomyelinase 2 in the Release of Exosomes and Vascular Calcification. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(16), Article 9178.
    • Lagedal, R., Eriksson, O., Sorman, A., Huckriede, J. B., Kristensen, B., Franzen, S., Larsson, A., Bergqvist, A., Alving, K., Forslund, A., Persson, B., Ekdahl, K. N., De Frutos, P. G., Nilsson, B., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Lipcsey, M., Hultstrom, M., & Frithiof, R. (2022). Impaired Antibody Response Is Associated with Histone-Release, Organ Dysfunction and Mortality in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(12), Article 3419.
    • Poelman, H., Ippel, H., Gurkan, B., Boelens, R., Vriend, G., van 't Veer, C., Lutgens, E., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2022). Structural anomalies in a published NMR-derived structure of IRAK-M. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling, 111, Article 108061.
    • Hrdinova, J., Fernández, D. I., Ercig, B., Tullemans, B. M. E., Suylen, D. P. L., Agten, S. M., Jurk, K., Hackeng, T. M., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Voorberg, J., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Wichapong, K., Heemskerk, J. W. M., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2022). Structure-Based Cyclic Glycoprotein Ibα-Derived Peptides Interfering with von Willebrand Factor-Binding, Affecting Platelet Aggregation under Shear. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4), Article 2046.
  • 2021
    • Maciuszek, M., Ortega-Gomez, A., Maas, S. L., Garrido-Mesa, J., Ferraro, B., Perretti, M., Merritt, A., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Soehnlein, O., & Chapman, T. M. (2021). Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel pyrrolidinone small-molecule Formyl peptide receptor 2 agonists. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 226, Article 113805.
    • Ercig, B., Arfman, T., Hrdinova, J., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Nicolaes, G. A. F., & Voorberg, J. (2021). Conformational plasticity of ADAMTS13 in hemostasis and autoimmunity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 297(4), Article 101132.
    • Huckriede, J., de Vries, F., Hultstroem, M., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C., Lipcsey, M., de Frutos, P. G., Frithiof, R., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). Histone H3 Cleavage in Severe COVID-19 ICU Patients. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 11, Article 694186.
    • Huckriede, J., Anderberg, S. B., Morales, A., de Vries, F., Hultstrom, M., Bergqvist, A., Ortiz-Perez, J. T., Sels, J. W., Wichapong, K., Lipcsey, M., van de Poll, M., Larsson, A., Luther, T., Reutelingsperger, C., Garcia de Frutos, P., Frithiof, R., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). Evolution of NETosis markers and DAMPs have prognostic value in critically ill COVID-19 patients. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 15701.
    • Liu, X., Arfman, T., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Voorberg, J., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). PAD4 takes charge during neutrophil activation: Impact of PAD4 mediated NET formation on immune-mediated disease. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 19(7), 1607-1617.
    • Maag, A., Sharma, P., Schuijt, T. J., Kopatz, W. F., Kruijswijk, D., Marquart, J. A., van Der Poll, T., Hackeng, T. M., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Meijers, J. C. M., Bos, M. H. A., & van 't Veer, C. (2021). Structure-function of anticoagulant TIX-5, the inhibitor of factor Xa-mediated FV activation. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 19(7), 1697-1708.
    • Ercig, B., Gomes Graca, N. A., Kangro, K., Arfman, T., Wichapong, K., Hrdinova, J., Kaijen, P., van Alphen, F., van den Biggelaar, M., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Veyradier, A., Coppo, P., Reutelingsperger, C., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Männik, A., & Voorberg, J. (2021). N-glycan mediated shielding of ADAMTS13 prevents binding of pathogenic autoantibodies in immune-mediated TTP. Blood, 137(19), 2694-2698.
    • Liu, X., Wichapong, K., Lamers, S., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). Autocitrullination of PAD4 does not alter its enzymatic activity: In vitro and in silico studies. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 134, Article 105938.
    • Morales, A., Rojo Rello, S., Cristobal, H., Fiz-Lopez, A., Arribas, E., Mari, M., Tutusaus, A., de la Cal-Sabater, P., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Ortiz-Perez, J. T., Bernardo, D., & Garcia de Frutos, P. (2021). Growth Arrest-Specific Factor 6 (GAS6) Is Increased in COVID-19 Patients and Predicts Clinical Outcome. Biomedicines, 9(4), Article 335.
    • Schumski, A., Ortega-Gómez, A., Wichapong, K., Winter, C., Lemnitzer, P., Viola, J. R., Pinilla-Vera, M., Folco, E., Solis-Mezarino, V., Völker-Albert, M., Maas, S. L., Pan, C., Perez Olivares, L., Winter, J., Hackeng, T., Karlsson, M. C. I., Zeller, T., Imhof, A., Baron, R. M., ... Soehnlein, O. (2021). Endotoxinemia Accelerates Atherosclerosis Through Electrostatic Charge-Mediated Monocyte Adhesion. Circulation, 143(3), 254-266.
    • Wichapong, K., Silvestre-Roig, C., Braster, Q., Schumski, A., Soehnlein, O., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). Structure-based peptide design targeting intrinsically disordered proteins: Novel histone H4 and H2A peptidic inhibitors. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 19, 934-948.
  • 2020
    • Busch, M. H., Timmermans, S. A. M. E. G., Nagy, M., Visser, M., Huckriede, J., Aendekerk, J. P., de Vries, F., Potjewijd, J., Jallah, B., Ysermans, R., Oude Lashof, A. M. L., Breedveld, P. H., van de Poll, M. C. G., van de Horst, I. C. C., van Bussel, B. C. T., Theunissen, R. O. M. F. I. H., Spronk, H. M. H., Damoiseaux, J. G. M. C., ten Cate, H., ... van Paassen, P. (2020). Neutrophils and Contact Activation of Coagulation as Potential Drivers of COVID-19. Circulation, 142(18), 1787-1790.
    • Graca, N. A. G., Ercig, B., Pereira, L. C. V., Kangro, K., Kaijen, P., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Veyradier, A., Coppo, P., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Mannik, A., & Voorberg, J. (2020). Modifying ADAMTS13 to modulate binding of pathogenic autoantibodies of patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Haematologica-the Hematology Journal, 105(11), 2619-2630.
    • Tutusaus, A., Mari, M., Ortiz-Perez, J. T., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Morales, A., & de Frutos, P. G. (2020). Role of Vitamin K-Dependent Factors Protein S and GAS6 and TAM Receptors in SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19-Associated Immunothrombosis. Cells, 9(10), 1-15. Article 2186.
    • Beurskens, D. M. H., Huckriede, J. P., Schrijver, R., Hemker, H. C., Reutelingsperger, C. P., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2020). The Anticoagulant and Nonanticoagulant Properties of Heparin. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 120(10), 1371-1383.
    • Bol, M. E., Beurskens, D. M. H., Delnoij, T. S. R., Roekaerts, P. M. H. J., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Delhaas, T., van de Poll, M. C. G., Sels, J.-W. E. M., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2020). Variability of Microcirculatory Measurements in Critically Ill Patients. Shock, 54(1), 9-14.
    • Beurskens, D. M. H., Bol, M. E., Delhaas, T., van de Poll, M. C. G., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Nicolaes, G. A. F., & Sels, J.-W. E. M. (2020). Decreased endothelial glycocalyx thickness is an early predictor of mortality in sepsis. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 48(3), 221-228.
    • Tas, J., van Gassel, R. J. J., Heines, S. J. H., Mulder, M. M. G., Heijnen, N. F. L., Acampo-de Jong, M. J., Bels, J. L. M., Bennis, F. C., Koelmann, M., Groven, R. V. M., Donkers, M. A., van Rosmalen, F., Hermans, B. J. M., Meex, S. J. R., Mingels, A., Bekers, O., Savelkoul, P., Oude Lashof, A. M. L., Wildberger, J., ... van Bussel, B. C. T. (2020). Serial measurements in COVID-19-induced acute respiratory disease to unravel heterogeneity of the disease course: design of the Maastricht Intensive Care COVID cohort (MaastrICCht). BMJ Open, 10(9), Article 040175.
  • 2019
    • Sang, Y., Huskens, D., Wichapong, K., de Laat, B., Nicolaes, G. A. F., & Roest, M. (2019). A Synthetic Triple Helical Collagen Peptide as a New Agonist for Flow Cytometric Measurement of GPVI-Specific Platelet Activation. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 119(12), 2005-2013.
    • Bohler, S., Liu, X., Krauskopf, J., Gaiment, F., Aubrecht, J., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Kleinjans, J. C. S., & Briede, J. J. (2019). Acetaminophen Overdose as a Potential Risk Factor for Parkinson's Disease. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 12(4), 609-616.
    • Astuti, P., Beurskens, D., Vajen, T., Nicolaes, G., Zhang, M., & Guido, H. (2019). Protection against neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) toxicity by antioxidant monoHER. Makara Journal of Health Research, 23(2), 108-115.
    • Silvestre-Roig, C., Braster, Q., Wichapong, K., Lee, E. Y., Marie Teulon, J., Berrebeh, N., Winter, J., Adrover, J. M., Santos, G. S., Froese, A., Lemnitzer, P., Ortega-Gomez, A., Chevre, R., Marschner, J., Schumski, A., Winter, C., Perez-Olivares, L., Pan, C., Paulin, N., ... Soehnlein, O. (2019). Externalized histone H4 orchestrates chronic inflammation by inducing lytic cell death. Nature, 569(7755), 236-240.
    • Wichapong, K., Poelman, H., Ercig, B., Hrdinova, J., Liu, X., Lutgens, E., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2019). Rational modulator design by exploitation of protein-protein complex structures. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 11(9), 1015-1033.
    • Seijkens, T. T. P., Poels, K., Meiler, S., van Tiel, C. M., Kusters, P. J. H., Reiche, M., Atzler, D., Winkels, H., Tjwa, M., Poelman, H., Slutter, B., Kuiper, J., Gijbels, M., Kuivenhoven, J. A., Matic, L. P., Paulsson-Berne, G., Hedin, U., Hansson, G. K., Nicolaes, G. A. F., ... Lutgens, E. (2019). Deficiency of the T cell regulator Casitas B-cell lymphoma-B aggravates atherosclerosis by inducing CD8(+) T cell-mediated macrophage death. European Heart Journal, 40(4), 372-382.
  • 2018
    • Braza, M. S., van Leent, M. M. T., Lameijer, M., Sanchez-Gaytan, B. L., Arts, R. J. W., Perez-Medina, C., Conde, P., Garcia, M. R., Gonzalez-Perez, M., Brahmachary, M., Fay, F., Kluza, E., Kossatz, S., Dress, R. J., Salem, F., Rialdi, A., Reiner, T., Boros, P., Strijkers, G. J., ... Ochando, J. (2018). Inhibiting Inflammation with Myeloid Cell-Specific Nanobiologics Promotes Organ Transplant Acceptance. Immunity, 49(5), 819-828.e6.
    • Schelpe, A.-S., Orlando, C., Ercig, B., Geeroms, C., Pareyn, I., Vandeputte, N., Pereira, L. C., Roose, E., Fostier, K., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Deckmyn, H., De Meyer, S. F., Vanhoorelbeke, K., & Jochmans, K. (2018). Child-onset thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura caused by p.R498C and p.G259PfsX133 mutations in ADAMTS13. European Journal of Haematology, 101(2), 191-199.
    • Winter, C., Silvestre-Roig, C., Ortega-Gomez, A., Lemnitzer, P., Poelman, H., Schumski, A., Winter, J., Drechsler, M., de Jong, R., Immler, R., Sperandio, M., Hristov, M., Zeller, T., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Weber, C., Viola, J. R., Hidalgo, A., Scheiermann, C., & Soehnlein, O. (2018). Chrono-pharmacological Targeting of the CCL2-CCR2 Axis Ameliorates Atherosclerosis. Cell Metabolism, 28(1), 175-182.e5.
    • Seijkens, T. T. P., van Tiel, C. M., Kusters, P. J. H., Atzler, D., Soehnlein, O., Zarzycka, B., Aarts, S. A. B. M., Lameijer, M., Gijbels, M. J., Beckers, L., den Toom, M., Slutter, B., Kuiper, J., Duchene, J., Aslani, M., Megens, R. T. A., van 't Veer, C., Kooij, G., Schrijver, R., ... Lutgens, E. (2018). Targeting CD40-Induced TRAF6 Signaling in Macrophages Reduces Atherosclerosis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71(5), 527-542.
    • Ercig, B., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Voorberg, J., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2018). Insights into 3D Structure of ADAMTS13: A Stepping Stone towards Novel Therapeutic Treatment of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 118(1), 28-41.
  • 2017
    • Aarts, S. A. B. M., Seijkens, T. T. P., Kusters, P. J. H., van der Pol, S. M. A., Zarzycka, B., Heijnen, P. D. A. M., Beckers, L., den Toom, M., Gijbels, M. J. J., Boon, L., Weber, C., de Vries, H. E., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Dijkstra, C. D., Kooij, G., & Lutgens, E. (2017). Inhibition of CD40-TRAF6 interactions by the small molecule inhibitor 6877002 reduces neuroinflammation. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 14(1), Article 105.
    • von Hundelshausen, P., Agten, S. M., Eckardt, V., Blanchet, X., Schmitt, M. M., Ippel, H., Neideck, C., Bidzhekov, K., Leberzammer, J., Wichapong, K., Faussner, A., Drechsler, M., Grommes, J., van Geffen, J. P., Li, H., Ortega-Gomez, A., Megens, R. T. A., Naumann, R., Dijkgraaf, I., ... Weber, C. (2017). Chemokine interactome mapping enables tailored intervention in acute and chronic inflammation. Science Translational Medicine, 9(384), Article eaah6650.
    • van Smaalen, T. C., Beurskens, D. M. H., Hoogland, E. R. P., Winkens, B., Christiaans, M. H. L., Reutelingsperger, C. P., van Heurn, L. W. E., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2017). Presence of Cytotoxic Extracellular Histones in Machine Perfusate of Donation After Circulatory Death Kidneys. Transplantation, 101(4), e93-e101.
  • 2016
    • Wichapong, K., Alard, J. .-E., Ortega-Gomez, A., Weber, C., Hackeng, T. M., Soehnlein, O., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2016). Structure-Based Design of Peptidic Inhibitors of the Interaction between CC Chemokine Ligand 5 (CCL5) and Human Neutrophil Peptides 1 (HNP1). Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59(9), 4289-4301.