• 2012
    • Mingels, A. M., Joosen, I. A., Versteylen, M. O., Laufer, E. M., Winkens, M. H., Wildberger, J. E., van Dieijen-Visser, M. P., & Hofstra, L. (2012). High-sensitivity cardiac troponin t: Risk stratification tool in patients with symptoms of chest discomfort. PLOS ONE, 7(4), Article e35059. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0035059
    • van Dieijen-Visser, M. P., Mingels, A. M., Jacobs, L. H., Cardinaels, E. P., Wodzig, K. W. H., Bekers, O., Klinkenberg, L. J., & Meex, S. J. R. (2012). Troponin, the best there is!Nederlands tijdschrift voor klinische chemie en laboratoriumgeneeskunde, 37, 15-18.
  • 2010
    • Jacobs, L. H., Mingels, A. M., Wodzig, K. W. H., van Dieijen-Visser, M. P., & Kooman, J. P. (2010). Renal dysfunction, hemodialysis, and the NT-proBNP/BNP ratio. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 134(3), 516-517. https://doi.org/10.1309/AJCPIZHTDSR2OGGX
    • Mingels, A. M. A., Jacobs, L. H. J., Kleijnen, V. W., Laufer, E. M., Winkens, B., Hofstra, L., Wodzig, W. K. W. H., & van Dieijen-Visser, M. P. (2010). Cardiac troponin T elevations, using highly sensitive assay, in recreational running depend on running distance. Clinical research in cardiology, 99(6), 385-391. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-010-0134-x
    • Laufer, E. M., Mingels, A. M. A., Winkens, M. H. M., Joosen, I. A. P. G., Schellings, M. W. M., Leiner, T., Wildberger, J. E., Narula, J., Van Dieijen-Visser, M. P., & Hofstra, L. (2010). The Extent of Coronary Atherosclerosis Is Associated With Increasing Circulating Levels of High Sensitive Cardiac Troponin T. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 30(6), 1269-1275. https://doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.109.200394
    • Jacobs, L. H., van de Kerkhof, J. J., Mingels, A. M., Lima Passos, V., Kleijnen, V. W., Mazairac, A. H., van der Sande, F. M., Wodzig, W. K., Konings, C. J., Leunissen, K. M., van Dieijen-Visser, M. P., & Kooman, J. P. (2010). Inflammation, overhydration and cardiac biomarkers in haemodialysis patients: a longitudinal study.Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 25(1), 243-248. https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfp417
  • 2009
    • Jacobs, L. H., van de Kerkhof, J., Mingels, A. M., Kleijnen, V. W., van der Sande, F. M., Wodzig, W. K., Kooman, J. P., & van Dieijen-Visser, M. P. (2009). Haemodialysis patients longitudinally assessed by highly sensitive cardiac troponin T and commercial cardiac troponin T and cardiac troponin I assays.Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 46(Pt 4), 283-290. https://doi.org/10.1258/acb.2009.008197