Kanin Wichapong

Post doc

Dr Kanin Wichapong received his PhD degree in chemistry from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. After completion of his PhD, he went back and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Pharmacy, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany where he also carried out parts of his PhD. During his PhD and post-doc period, he worked on computational and physical chemistry subjects by applying in silico drug discovery and design technologies (e.g. virtual screening and molecular docking) to identify and develop novel inhibitors against different target proteins.

To broaden his research horizons with respect to new research fields in a new science environment, in December 2012 he moved to work at the Department of Biochemistry, Maastricht University. His main research focusses on applications of in silico approaches (such as molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations, and binding free energy calculation) to study and investigate protein-protein interactions as well as to identify and design novel compounds (small compounds or peptides) to modulate protein-protein interactions. The identified bioactive compounds can be further developed as drugs to treat for several related diseases (e.g. cardiovascular diseases and cancer).


Department of Biochemistry
Universiteitsingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
Room number: H4.301

  • 2024
    • Keulen, G. M., Huckriede, J., Wichapong, K., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2024). Histon activities in the extracellular environment: regulation and prothrombotic implications. Current Opinion in Hematology, 31(5), 230-237. https://doi.org/10.1097/MOH.0000000000000827
    • Singh, A., Kraaijeveld, A. O., Curaj, A., Wichapong, K., Hammerich, L., de Jager, S. C. A., Bot, I., Atamas, S. P., van Berkel, T. J. C., Jukema, J. W., Comerford, I., Mccoll, S. R., Mees, B., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Hackeng, T., Liehn, E. A., Tacke, F., & Biessen, E. A. L. (2024). CCL18 aggravates atherosclerosis by inducing CCR6-dependent T-cell influx and polarization. Frontiers in Immunology, 15, Article 1327051. https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2024.1327051
    • Guerkan, B., Poelman, H., Pereverzeva, L., Kruijswijk, D., de Vos, A. F., Groenen, A. G., Nollet, E. E., Wichapong, K., Lutgens, E., van der Poll, T., Du, J., Wiersinga, W. J., Nicolaes, G. A. F., & van 't Veer, C. (2024). The IRAK-M death domain: a tale of three surfaces. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 10, Article 1265455. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmolb.2023.1265455
  • 2023
    • Huckriede, J. B., Beurskens, D. M. H., Wildhagen, K. C. C. A., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Wichapong, K., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2023). Design and characterization of novel activated protein C variants for the proteolysis of cytotoxic extracellular histone H3. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 21(12), 3557-3567. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtha.2023.08.023
    • Thomassen, M. C. L. G. D., Bouwens, B. R. C., Wichapong, K., Suylen, D. P., Bouwman, F. G., Hackeng, T. M., & Koenen, R. R. (2023). Protein arginine deiminase 4 inactivates tissue factor pathway inhibitor-alpha by enzymatic modification of functional arginine residues. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 21(5), 1214-1226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtha.2023.01.017
    • Chabronova, A., van den Akker, G. G. H., Housmans, B. A. C., Caron, M. M. J., Cremers, A., Surtel, D. A. M., Wichapong, K., Peffers, M. M. J., van Rhijn, L. W., Marchand, V., Motorin, Y., & Welting, T. J. M. (2023). Ribosomal RNA-based epitranscriptomic regulation of chondrocyte translation and proteome in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 31(3), 374-385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joca.2022.12.010
    • de Vries, F., Huckriede, J., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2023). The role of extracellular histones in COVID-19. Journal of Internal Medicine, 293(3), 275-292. https://doi.org/10.1111/joim.13585
    • Pavlic, A., Poelman, H., Wasilewski, G., Wichapong, K., Lux, P., Maassen, C., Lutgens, E., Schurgers, L. J., Reutelingsperger, C. P., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2023). Inhibition of Neutral Sphingomyelinase 2 by Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors Results in Decreased Release of Extracellular Vesicles by Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Attenuated Calcification. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(3), Article 2027. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24032027
    • Beukenhorst, A. L., Frallicciardi, J., Koch, C. M., Klap, J. M., Phillips, A., Desai, M. M., Wichapong, K., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Koudstaal, W., Alter, G., & Goudsmit, J. (2023). Corrigendum: The influenza hemagglutinin stem antibody CR9114: Evidence for a narrow evolutionary path towards universal protection ( vol 2 , 1049134 , 2022). Frontiers in Virology, 3, Article 1130102. https://doi.org/10.3389/fviro.2023.1130102
  • 2022
    • Beghi, S., Furmanik, M., Jaminon, A., Veltrop, R., Rapp, N., Wichapong, K., Bidar, E., Buschini, A., & Schurgers, L. J. (2022). Calcium Signalling in Heart and Vessels: Role of Calmodulin and Downstream Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinases. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(24), Article 16139. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms232416139
    • Beukenhorst, A. L., Frallicciardi, J., Koch, C. M., Klap, J. M., Phillips, A., Desai, M. M., Wichapong, K., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Koudstaal, W., Alter, G., & Goudsmit, J. (2022). The influenza hemagglutinin stem antibody CR9114: Evidence for a narrow evolutionary path towards universal protection. Frontiers in Virology, 2, Article 1049134. https://doi.org/10.3389/fviro.2022.1049134
    • Nitz, K., Lacy, M., Bianchini, M., Wichapong, K., Kücükgöze, I. A., Bonfiglio, C. A., Migheli, R., Wu, Y., Burger, C., Li, Y., Forné, I., Ammar, C., Janjic, A., Mohanta, S., Duchene, J., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Megens, R. T. A., Schwedhelm, E., Huveneers, S., ... Atzler, D. (2022). The Amino Acid Homoarginine Inhibits Atherogenesis by Modulating T-Cell Function. Circulation Research, 131(8), 701-712. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.122.321094
    • van den Kerkhof, D. L., Nagy, M., Wichapong, K., Brouns, S. L. N., Suylen, D. P. L., Hackeng, T. M., & Dijkgraaf, I. (2022). Unraveling the role of the homoarginine residue in antiplatelet drug eptifibatide in binding to the αIIbβ3 integrin receptor. Thrombosis Research, 217, 96-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.thromres.2022.07.011
    • Huang, J., Jooss, N. J., Fernández, D. I., Sickmann, A., García, Á., Wichapong, K., Dijkgraaf, I., & Heemskerk, J. W. M. (2022). Roles of Focal Adhesion Kinase PTK2 and Integrin αIIbβ3 Signaling in Collagen- and GPVI-Dependent Thrombus Formation under Shear. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(15), Article 8688. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23158688
    • Hrdinova, J., Fernández, D. I., Ercig, B., Tullemans, B. M. E., Suylen, D. P. L., Agten, S. M., Jurk, K., Hackeng, T. M., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Voorberg, J., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Wichapong, K., Heemskerk, J. W. M., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2022). Structure-Based Cyclic Glycoprotein Ibα-Derived Peptides Interfering with von Willebrand Factor-Binding, Affecting Platelet Aggregation under Shear. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4), Article 2046. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23042046
    • Uengwetwanit, T., Chutiwitoonchai, N., Wichapong, K., & Karoonuthaisiri, N. (2022). Identification of novel SARS-CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) inhibitors: From in silico screening to experimentally validated inhibitory activity. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 20, 882-890. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2022.02.001
  • 2021
    • von Hundelshausen, P., Wichapong, K., Gabius, H. J., & Mayo, K. H. (2021). The marriage of chemokines and galectins as functional heterodimers. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 78(24), 8073-8095. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00018-021-04010-6
    • van der Beelen, S. H. E., Agten, S. M., Suylen, D. P. L., Wichapong, K., Hrdinova, J., Mees, B. M. E., Spronk, H. M. H., & Hackeng, T. M. (2021). Letter: In response to a recent letter by Prior et al.Thrombosis Research, 207, 66-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.thromres.2021.06.017
    • Ercig, B., Arfman, T., Hrdinova, J., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Nicolaes, G. A. F., & Voorberg, J. (2021). Conformational plasticity of ADAMTS13 in hemostasis and autoimmunity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 297(4), Article 101132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbc.2021.101132
    • Huckriede, J., de Vries, F., Hultstroem, M., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C., Lipcsey, M., de Frutos, P. G., Frithiof, R., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). Histone H3 Cleavage in Severe COVID-19 ICU Patients. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 11, Article 694186. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2021.694186
    • Huckriede, J., Anderberg, S. B., Morales, A., de Vries, F., Hultstrom, M., Bergqvist, A., Ortiz-Perez, J. T., Sels, J. W., Wichapong, K., Lipcsey, M., van de Poll, M., Larsson, A., Luther, T., Reutelingsperger, C., Garcia de Frutos, P., Frithiof, R., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). Evolution of NETosis markers and DAMPs have prognostic value in critically ill COVID-19 patients. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 15701. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-95209-x
    • Liu, X., Arfman, T., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Voorberg, J., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). PAD4 takes charge during neutrophil activation: Impact of PAD4 mediated NET formation on immune-mediated disease. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 19(7), 1607-1617. https://doi.org/10.1111/jth.15313
    • Ercig, B., Gomes Graca, N. A., Kangro, K., Arfman, T., Wichapong, K., Hrdinova, J., Kaijen, P., van Alphen, F., van den Biggelaar, M., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Veyradier, A., Coppo, P., Reutelingsperger, C., Nicolaes, G. A. F., Männik, A., & Voorberg, J. (2021). N-glycan mediated shielding of ADAMTS13 prevents binding of pathogenic autoantibodies in immune-mediated TTP. Blood, 137(19), 2694-2698. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.2020007972
    • Liu, X., Wichapong, K., Lamers, S., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). Autocitrullination of PAD4 does not alter its enzymatic activity: In vitro and in silico studies. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 134, Article 105938. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocel.2021.105938
    • Castoldi, E., Hézard, N., Mourey, G., Wichapong, K., Poggi, M., Ibrahim-Kosta, M., Thomassen, M. C. L. G. D., Fournel, A., Hayward, C. P. M., Alessi, M.-C., Hackeng, T. M., Rosing, J., & Morange, P.-E. (2021). Severe thrombophilia in a factor V-deficient patient homozygous for the Ala2086Asp mutation (FV Besançon). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 19(5), 1186-1199. https://doi.org/10.1111/jth.15274
    • van der Beelen, S. H. E., Agten, S. M., Suylen, D. P. L., Wichapong, K., Hrdinova, J., Mees, B. M. E., Spronk, H. M. H., & Hackeng, T. M. (2021). Design and synthesis of a multivalent catch-and-release assay to measure circulating FXIa. Thrombosis Research, 200, 16-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.thromres.2021.01.002
    • Schumski, A., Ortega-Gómez, A., Wichapong, K., Winter, C., Lemnitzer, P., Viola, J. R., Pinilla-Vera, M., Folco, E., Solis-Mezarino, V., Völker-Albert, M., Maas, S. L., Pan, C., Perez Olivares, L., Winter, J., Hackeng, T., Karlsson, M. C. I., Zeller, T., Imhof, A., Baron, R. M., ... Soehnlein, O. (2021). Endotoxinemia Accelerates Atherosclerosis Through Electrostatic Charge-Mediated Monocyte Adhesion. Circulation, 143(3), 254-266. https://doi.org/10.1161/circulationaha.120.046677
    • van den Kerkhof, D. L., Nagy, M., Wichapong, K., Brouns, S. L. N., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Hackeng, T. M., & Dijkgraaf, I. (2021). Inhibition of platelet adhesion, thrombus formation, and fibrin formation by a potent αIIbβ3 integrin inhibitor from ticks. Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis, 5(1), 231-242. https://doi.org/10.1002/rth2.12466
    • Wichapong, K., Silvestre-Roig, C., Braster, Q., Schumski, A., Soehnlein, O., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2021). Structure-based peptide design targeting intrinsically disordered proteins: Novel histone H4 and H2A peptidic inhibitors. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 19, 934-948. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2021.01.026
  • 2020
    • Santovito, D., Egea, V., Bidzhekov, K., Natarelli, L., Mourao, A., Blanchet, X., Wichapong, K., Aslani, M., Brunssen, C., Horckmans, M., Hristov, M., Geerlof, A., Lutgens, E., Daemen, M. J. A. P., Hackeng, T., Ries, C., Chavakis, T., Morawietz, H., Naumann, R., ... Weber, C. (2020). Autophagy unleashes noncanonical microRNA functions. Autophagy, 16(12), 2294-2296. https://doi.org/10.1080/15548627.2020.1830523
    • Miller, M. C., Cai, C., Wichapong, K., Bhaduri, S., Pohl, N. L. B., Linhardt, R. J., Gabius, H.-J., & Mayo, K. H. (2020). Structural insight into the binding of human galectins to corneal keratan sulfate, its desulfated form and related saccharides. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 15708. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-72645-9
    • Santovito, D., Egea, V., Bidzhekov, K., Natarelli, L., Mourao, A., Blanchet, X., Wichapong, K., Aslani, M., Brunssen, C., Horckmans, M., Hristov, M., Geerlof, A., Lutgens, E., Daemen, M. J. A. P., Hackeng, T. M., Ries, C., Chavakis, T., Morawietz, H., Naumann, R., ... Weber, C. (2020). Noncanonical inhibition of caspase-3 by a nuclear microRNA confers endothelial protection by autophagy in atherosclerosis. Science Translational Medicine, 12(546), Article 2294. https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aaz2294
    • Eckardt, V., Miller, M. C., Blanchet, X., Duan, R., Leberzammer, J., Duchene, J., Soehnlein, O., Megens, R. T. A., Ludwig, A.-K., Dregni, A., Faussner, A., Wichapong, K., Ippel, H., Dijkgraaf, I., Kaltner, H., Doering, Y., Bidzhekov, K., Hackeng, T. M., Weber, C., ... Mayo, K. H. (2020). Chemokines and galectins form heterodimers to modulate inflammation. Embo Reports, 21(4), Article 47852. https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.201947852
  • 2019
    • Sang, Y., Huskens, D., Wichapong, K., de Laat, B., Nicolaes, G. A. F., & Roest, M. (2019). A Synthetic Triple Helical Collagen Peptide as a New Agonist for Flow Cytometric Measurement of GPVI-Specific Platelet Activation. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 119(12), 2005-2013. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0039-1697660
    • Silvestre-Roig, C., Braster, Q., Wichapong, K., Lee, E. Y., Marie Teulon, J., Berrebeh, N., Winter, J., Adrover, J. M., Santos, G. S., Froese, A., Lemnitzer, P., Ortega-Gomez, A., Chevre, R., Marschner, J., Schumski, A., Winter, C., Perez-Olivares, L., Pan, C., Paulin, N., ... Soehnlein, O. (2019). Externalized histone H4 orchestrates chronic inflammation by inducing lytic cell death. Nature, 569(7755), 236-240. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1167-6
    • Wichapong, K., Poelman, H., Ercig, B., Hrdinova, J., Liu, X., Lutgens, E., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2019). Rational modulator design by exploitation of protein-protein complex structures. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 11(9), 1015-1033. https://doi.org/10.4155/fmc-2018-0433
    • Davey, N. E., Babu, M. M., Blackledge, M., Bridge, A., Capella-Gutierrez, S., Dosztanyi, Z., Drysdale, R., Edwards, R. J., Elofsson, A., Felli, I. C., Gibson, T. J., Gutmanas, A., Hancock, J. M., Harrow, J., Higgins, D., Jeffries, C. M., Le Mercier, P., Mészáros, B., Necci, M., ... Tosatto, S. C. E. (2019). An intrinsically disordered proteins community for elixir [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research, 8, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.20136.1
  • 2018
    • Miller, M. C., Ludwig, A.-K., Wichapong, K., Kaltner, H., Kopitz, J., Gabius, H.-J., & Mayo, K. H. (2018). Adhesion/growth-regulatory galectins tested in combination: evidence for formation of hybrids as heterodimers. Biochemical Journal, 475(5), 1003-1018. https://doi.org/10.1042/BCJ20170658
    • Ercig, B., Wichapong, K., Reutelingsperger, C. P. M., Vanhoorelbeke, K., Voorberg, J., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2018). Insights into 3D Structure of ADAMTS13: A Stepping Stone towards Novel Therapeutic Treatment of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 118(1), 28-41. https://doi.org/10.1160/TH17-06-0404
  • 2017
    • von Hundelshausen, P., Agten, S. M., Eckardt, V., Blanchet, X., Schmitt, M. M., Ippel, H., Neideck, C., Bidzhekov, K., Leberzammer, J., Wichapong, K., Faussner, A., Drechsler, M., Grommes, J., van Geffen, J. P., Li, H., Ortega-Gomez, A., Megens, R. T. A., Naumann, R., Dijkgraaf, I., ... Weber, C. (2017). Chemokine interactome mapping enables tailored intervention in acute and chronic inflammation. Science Translational Medicine, 9(384), Article eaah6650. https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aah6650
  • 2016
    • Wichapong, K., Alard, J. .-E., Ortega-Gomez, A., Weber, C., Hackeng, T. M., Soehnlein, O., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2016). Structure-Based Design of Peptidic Inhibitors of the Interaction between CC Chemokine Ligand 5 (CCL5) and Human Neutrophil Peptides 1 (HNP1). Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59(9), 4289-4301. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b01952
  • 2015
    • Alard, J.-E., Ortega-Gomez, A., Wichapong, K., Bongiovanni, D., Horckmans, M., Megens, R. T. A., Leoni, G., Ferraro, B., Rossaint, J., Paulin, N., Ng, J., Ippel, H., Suylen, D., Hinkel, R., Blanchet, X., Gaillard, F., D'Amico, M., von Hundelshausen, P., Zarbock, A., ... Soehnlein, O. (2015). Recruitment of classical monocytes can be inhibited by disturbing heteromers of neutrophil HNP1 and platelet CCL5. Science Translational Medicine, 7(317), Article 317ra196. https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aad5330
    • Du, J., Wichapong, K., Hackeng, T. M., & Nicolaes, G. A. F. (2015). Molecular simulation studies of human coagulation factor VIII C domain-mediated membrane binding. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 113(2), 373-384. https://doi.org/10.1160/TH14-02-0180