Wim van Zwam


• Medical study, MD (Free University, Amsterdam) 1989
• Tropical Medicine (Dutch Tropical Institute, Amsterdam) 1992
• Radiology (Maastricht University Medical Centre) 2002
• International Diplome in Neurovascular Diseases, MSc (Université Paris XI) 2004
Positions and Employment
• Resident Tropical Medicine (Surgery – Gynaecology) 1989 – 1992
Slotervaart General Hospital, Amsterdam
• Tropical Doctor, Medecins Sans Frontieres 1992 – 1994
Somalië, Laos, Sri Lanka
• Resident Radiology, MUMC+, Maastricht 1995 – 2002
• Interventional Radiology, Leuven, Belgium 2002
• Neuro-interventional Radiology, Tilburg 2002
• Neuro-interventional Radiology, Essen, Germany 2003
• Interventional Radiology, MUMC+, Maastricht 2003
Thesis, PhD: 2013
Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: Imaging strategies and cost-effectiveness aspects in diagnostic work-up and post-therapeutic follow-up.
• PI of MACCA study (Magnetic resonance Angiography with Contrast in patients with Cerebra Aneurysms). Funding: 300k Euro from Profileringsfonds azM. 2006-2010 
• Co-PI, member of executive committee and imaging committee of the MRCLEAN trial (Multicenter Randomized Clinical trial of Endovascular treatment of Acute ischemic stroke in the Netherlands). 2010 - 2015
Funding: 800k Euro from Dutch Heart Foundaton; 500k Euro from unrestricted grants. 
Professional memberships: NVvR, NGIR, NNG, NVF, ESR, CIRSE, ESMINT, WFITN
Chair of Stroke Task Force, CIRSE
Board member of ESMINT
Member executive committee European Board of NeuroInterventions (EBNI)

PI of MRCLEAN_Late (MRCLEAN - patients arriving between 6 – 24 hrs after symptom onset), study under CONTRAST umbrella.
Co-PI, member of executive committee and imaging committee of CONTRAST (COnsortium for New Treatments in Acute Stroke).
Funding: 4000k Euro from Dutch Heart Foundaton; 4000k Euro from unrestricted grants. 200k Euro from Dutch Brain Council. 272k Euro from ZonMW
Member of executive committee MRCLEAN NoIV.

Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 HX Maastricht
PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht
T: +31(0)43 387 69 09

  • 2024
    • Robbe, M. M. Q., Pinckaers, F. M. E., van Kuijk, S. M. J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., van Zwam, W. H., & Postma, A. A. (2024). Post-endovascular therapy contrast extravasation in the mesial temporal region on dual-energy CT is associated with outcome in acute ischemic stroke patients. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases, 33(11), Article 107949. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2024.107949
    • Zhao, H., Xu, Z., Chen, L., Wu, L., Cui, Z., Ma, J., Sun, T., Lei, Y., Wang, N., Hu, H., Tan, Y., Lu, W., Yang, W., Liao, K., Teng, G., Liang, X., Li, Y., Feng, C., Nie, T., ... Zheng, C. (2024). Large-scale pretrained frame generative model enables real-time low-dose DSA imaging: An AI system development and multi-center validation study. Med. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.medj.2024.07.025
    • Strbian, D., Tsivgoulis, G., Ospel, J., Räty, S., Cimflova, P., Georgiopoulos, G., Ullberg, T., Arquizan, C., Gralla, J., Zelenak, K., Hussain, S., Fiehler, J., Michel, P., Turc, G., & van Zwam, W. H. (2024). European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and European Society for Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT) guideline on acute management of basilar artery occlusion. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1136/jnis-2024-022053
    • Tanaka, K., Brown, S., Goyal, M., Menon, B. K., Campbell, B. C. V., Mitchell, P. J., Jovin, T. G., Saver, J. L., Muir, K. W., White, P. M., Bracard, S., Guillemin, F., Roos, Y. B. W. E. M., van Zwam, W. H., Najm, M., Dowlatshahi, D., Hill, M. D., Demchuk, A. M., & HERMES Collaboration (2024). HERMES-24 Score Derivation and Validation for Simple and Robust Outcome Prediction After Large Vessel Occlusion Treatment. Stroke, 55(8), 1982-1990. https://doi.org/10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.045871
    • Diana, F., Romoli, M., Raz, E., Agid, R., Albuquerque, F. C., Arthur, A. S., Beck, J., Berge, J., Boogaarts, H. D., Burkhardt, J.-K., Cenzato, M., Chapot, R., Charbel, F. T., Desal, H., Esposito, G., Fifi, J. T., Florian, S., Gruber, A., Hassan, A. E., ... Peschillo, S. (2024). Complex intracranial aneurysms: a DELPHI study to define associated characteristics. Acta Neurochirurgica, 166(1), Article 294. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00701-024-06182-z
    • van Zwam, W. H., Aguiar de Sousa, D., & Ribo, M. (2024). ESR Bridges: imaging and treatment of cerebral ischaemia-a multidisciplinary view. European Radiology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00330-024-10891-5
    • van der Sluijs, P. M., Su, R., Cornelissen, S., van Es, A. C. G. M., Nijeholt, G. J., van Doormaal, P. J., van Zwam, W. H., Dippel, D. W. J., van Walsum, T., van der Lugt, A., & MR CLEAN Registry Investigators (2024). Assessment of automated TICI scoring during endovascular treatment in patients with an ischemic stroke. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1136/jnis-2024-021892
    • Knapen, R. R. M. M., Olthuis, S. G. H., van Es, A. C. G. M., Emmer, B. J., Schonewille, W. J., van der Leij, C., van Zwam, W. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & MR CLEAN LATE Trial investigators (2024). Association of first-line thrombectomy technique and outcome in late-window large vessel occlusion strokes: A post hoc analysis of the MR CLEAN-LATE trial. International journal of stroke. https://doi.org/10.1177/17474930241268303
    • Knapen, R. R. M. M., Goldhoorn, R.-J. B., Hofmeijer, J., Lycklamaa Nijeholt, G. J., van den Berg, R., van den Wijngaard, I. R., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., van Zwam, W. H., van der Leij, C., MR CLEAN Registry Investigators, Goldhoorn, R.-J., Hinsenveld, W., Staals, J., Postma - Jacobi, L., Brans, R., Olthuis, S., & Pinckaers, F. (2024). Balloon Guide Catheter Versus Non-Balloon Guide Catheter: A MR CLEAN Registry Analysis. Stroke: vascular and interventional neurology, 4(4), Article e001103. https://doi.org/10.1161/SVIN.123.001103
    • Su, R., van der Sluijs, P. M., Chen, Y., Cornelissen, S., van den Broek, R., van Zwam, W. H., van der Lugt, A., Niessen, W. J., Ruijters, D., & van Walsum, T. (2024). CAVE: Cerebral artery–vein segmentation in digital subtraction angiography. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 115, Article 102392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compmedimag.2024.102392