Sylvia Heeneman


Sylvia Heeneman is a Professor of Health Profession Education at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML), CARIM and School of Health Profession Education (SHE), Maastricht University. She studied Health Sciences at Maastricht University (graduated 1991) and completed a PhD in Cardiovascular Research (CARIM), on changes in peripheral arteries after a myocardial infarction (graduated 1997). She completed the Master Health Profession Education (MHPE) programme, Maastricht University, in 2014 (with honours).

Research in cardiovascular research: mechanisms of atherosclerosis, specifically radiation-induced atherosclerosis, and molecular imaging of atherosclerosis.

Research in health profession education: (programmatic) assessment, professional performance, portfolio and mentoring.


Department of Pathology
Verheylaan 10, 6229 HX Maastricht
Room number: 5M1.011
T: +31(0)43 387 66 29

  • 2024
    • Rademakers, T., Manca, M., Jin, H., Orban, T., Perisic, L. M., Frissen, H. J. M., Rühle, F., Hautvast, P., van Rijssel, J., van Kuijk, K., Mees, B. M. E., Peutz-Kootstra, C. J., Heeneman, S., Daemen, M. J. A. P., Pasterkamp, G., Stoll, M., van Zandvoort, M. A. M. J., Hedin, U., Dequiedt, F., ... Biessen, E. A. L. (2024). Human atherosclerotic plaque transcriptomics reveals endothelial beta-2 spectrin as a potential regulator a leaky plaque microvasculature phenotype. Angiogenesis, 27(3), 461-474.
    • van der Gulden, R., Thoonen, B. P. A., Heeneman, S., Muris, J. W. M., Sagasser, M. H., Timmerman, A. A., & Scherpbier-de Haan, N. D. (2024). How to use polarity thinking™ to manage tensions between accountability and learner agency when using a multipurpose portfolio?Education for Primary Care. Advance online publication.
    • Fuentes-Cimma, J., Sluijsmans, D., Riquelme, A., Villagran, I., Isbej, L., Olivares-Labbe, M. T., & Heeneman, S. (2024). Designing feedback processes in the workplace-based learning of undergraduate health professions education: a scoping review. BMC Medical Education, 24(1), Article 440.
    • McDonald, J., Hu, W., & Heeneman, S. (2024). Struggles and Joys: A Mixed Methods Study of the Artefacts and Reflections in Medical Student Portfolios. Perspectives on Medical Education, 13(1), 1-11.
  • 2023
    • Goertzen, L., Schils, T., & Heeneman, S. (2023). Co-designing formative assessment practices: A collaboration between elementary school teachers and researchers to conceptualize and implement formative assessment as a unified practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 134, Article 104306.
    • Naothavorn, W., Puranitee, P., Kaewpila, W., Sumrithe, S., Heeneman, S., van Mook, W. N. K. A., & Busari, J. O. (2023). An exploratory university-based cross-sectional study of the prevalence and reporting of mistreatment and student-related factors among Thai medical students. BMC Medical Education, 23(1), Article 473.
    • van der Gulden, R., Timmerman, A. A., Sagasser, M. H., Kramer, A., Scherpbier-de Haan, N., Thoonen, B., & Heeneman, S. (2023). How does portfolio use support self-regulated learning during general practitioner specialty training? A qualitative focus group study. BMJ Open, 13(2), Article e066879.
  • 2022
    • McDonald, J., Ryan, S., Heeneman, S., & Hu, W. (2022). Informed self-assessment during the transition to medical school: a longitudinal narrative study. BMJ Open, 12(12), Article e065203.
    • van der Gulden, R., Timmerman, A., Muris, J. W. M., Thoonen, B. P. A., Heeneman, S., & Scherpbier-de Haan, N. D. (2022). How does portfolio use affect self-regulated learning in clinical workplace learning: What works, for whom, and in what contexts?Perspectives on Medical Education, 11(5), 247-257.
    • Torre, D., Schuwirth, L., Van der Vleuten, C., & Heeneman, S. (2022). An international study on the implementation of programmatic assessment: Understanding challenges and exploring solutions. Medical Teacher, 44(8), 928-937.