Robert van Oostenbrugge


Robert van Oostenbrugge is Professor of Neurology, with a chair on Vascular Neurology, head of the Department of Neurology (UM); principal Investigator of CARIM and programme leader of Vascular Neurology / Stroke. Robert (R.J.) van Oostenbrugge; (born Havelte, 1965) obtained a MD at the Maastricht University in Maastricht (1990). He was registered as neurologist in 2000 and obtained a PhD in 1999 (University Maastricht, Maastricht). In 2013, he was appointed Professor of Neurology chair of the Department of Neurology at Maastricht University. He is member of the Centers of Excellence in Neurodegeneration initiative and of the JPND funded initiative HARNESS aiming to harmonise imaging standards in vascular dementia, member of the board of the Dutch Section of Vascular Neurology.

Department of Neurology
P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 HX Maastricht 
PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht
T: +31 (0)43 387 70 58


  • 2024
    • Robbe, M. M. Q., Pinckaers, F. M. E., van Kuijk, S. M. J., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., van Zwam, W. H., & Postma, A. A. (2024). Post-endovascular therapy contrast extravasation in the mesial temporal region on dual-energy CT is associated with outcome in acute ischemic stroke patients. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases, 33(11), Article 107949.
    • van Voorst, H., Pitkanen, J., van Poppel, L., de Vries, L., Mojtahedi, M., Martou, L., Emmer, B. J., Roos, Y. B. W. E. M., van Oostenbrugge, R., Postma, A. A., Marquering, H. A., Majoie, C. B. L. M., Curtze, S., Melkas, S., Bentley, P., Caan, M. W. A., CONTRAST Consortium Collaborators, & MR CLEAN No IV (2024). Deep learning-based white matter lesion volume on CT is associated with outcome after acute ischemic stroke. European Radiology, 34(8), 5080-5093.
    • Zonneveld, T. P., Vermeer, S. E., van Zwet, E. W., Groot, A. E. D., Algra, A., Aerden, L. A. M., Alblas, K. C. L., de Beer, F., Brouwers, P. J. A. M., de Gans, K., van Gemert, H. M. A., van Ginneken, B. C. A. M., Grooters, G. S., Halkes, P. H. A., van der Heijden-Montfroy, T. A. M. H. G., Jellema, K., de Jong, S. W., Lövenich-Ciccarello, H., van der Meulen, W. D. M., ... Kruyt, N. D. (2024). Safety and efficacy of active blood-pressure reduction to the recommended thresholds for intravenous thrombolysis in patients with acute ischaemic stroke in the Netherlands (TRUTH): a prospective, observational, cluster-based, parallel-group study. Lancet Neurology, 23(8), 807-815.
    • Immens, M. H., Ekker, M. S., Verburgt, E., Verhoeven, J. I., Schellekens, M. M., Hilkens, N. A., Boot, E. M., Van Alebeek, M. E., Brouwers, P. J., Arntz, R. M., Van Dijk, G. W., Gons, R. A., Van Uden, I. W., den Heijer, T., de Kort, P. L., de Laat, K. F., Van Norden, A. G., Vermeer, S. E., Van Zagten, M. S., ... de Leeuw, F.-E. (2024). Trigger factors in patients with a patent foramen ovale-associated stroke: A case-crossover study. International journal of stroke, 19(7), 809-816.
    • Knapen, R. R. M. M., Olthuis, S. G. H., van Es, A. C. G. M., Emmer, B. J., Schonewille, W. J., van der Leij, C., van Zwam, W. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & MR CLEAN LATE Trial investigators (2024). Association of first-line thrombectomy technique and outcome in late-window large vessel occlusion strokes: A post hoc analysis of the MR CLEAN-LATE trial. International journal of stroke.
    • Knapen, R. R. M. M., Goldhoorn, R.-J. B., Hofmeijer, J., Lycklamaa Nijeholt, G. J., van den Berg, R., van den Wijngaard, I. R., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., van Zwam, W. H., van der Leij, C., MR CLEAN Registry Investigators, Goldhoorn, R.-J., Hinsenveld, W., Staals, J., Postma - Jacobi, L., Brans, R., Olthuis, S., & Pinckaers, F. (2024). Balloon Guide Catheter Versus Non-Balloon Guide Catheter: A MR CLEAN Registry Analysis. Stroke: vascular and interventional neurology, 4(4), Article e001103.
    • Knapen, R. R. M. M., Celen, M., Pinckaers, F. M. E., Wagemans, B. A. J. M., van Zwam, W. H., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., & van der Leij, C. (2024). Comparison of Clinical and Radiological Outcomes Between Different (Balloon) Guide Catheter With and Without Inflated Balloon in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: A MaSQ-Registry Study. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 47(7), 918-928.
    • Nies, K. P. H., Aizaz, M., van Dam-Nolen, D. H. K., Goring, T. C. D., Schreuder, T. A. H. C. M. L., van Orshoven, N. P., Postma, A. A., Bos, D., Hendrikse, J., Nederkoorn, P., van der Geest, R., van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Mess, W. H., & Kooi, M. E. (2024). Signal intensity and volume of carotid intraplaque hemorrhage on magnetic resonance imaging and the risk of ipsilateral cerebrovascular events: the Plaque At RISK (PARISK) study. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 26(2), Article 101049.
    • Schellekens, M. M. I., Springer, R. C. S., Boot, E. M., Verhoeven, J. I., Ekker, M. S., van Alebeek, M. E., Brouwers, P. J. A. M., Arntz, R. M., van Dijk, G. W., Gons, R. A. R., van Uden, I. W. M., den Heijer, T., van Tuijl, J. H., de Laat, K. F., van Norden, A. G. W., Vermeer, S. E., van Zagten, M. S. G., Van Oostenbrugge, R. J., Wermer, M. J. H., ... Tuladhar, A. M. (2024). Cognitive trajectory in the first year after first-ever ischaemic stroke in young adults: the ODYSSEY study. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 95(6), 571-579.
    • Van Voorst, H., Hoving, J. W., Koopman, M. S., Daems, J. D., Peerlings, D., Buskens, E., Lingsma, H., Marquering, H. A., De Jong, H. W. A. M., Berkhemer, O. A., Van Zwam, W. H., Van Walderveen, M. A. A., Van Den Wijngaard, I. R., Dippel, D. W. J., Yoo, A. J., Campbell, B., Kunz, W. G., Majoie, C. B., Emmer, B. J., ... MR CLEAN Registry Investigators (2024). Costs and health effects of CT perfusion-based selection for endovascular thrombectomy within 6 hours of stroke onset: a model-based health economic evaluation. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 95(6), 515-527.