Remco Megens

Guest scientist

Dr Remco Megens combines his PI position at IPEK/LMU (Munich) with a position as visiting scientist at CARIM Department of Biomedical Engineering. His major research focus is the development and application of advanced microscopic methods and novel labeling strategies for atherosclerosis research. Advanced microscopic techniques have been extensively used to study various aspects of atherosclerosis in various experimental models. Application of two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) for our research has a strong emphasis on its utilisation in the cardiovascular field. Novel TPLSM methods and labeling strategies have been developed that enable specific imaging of morphological and functional aspects of large arteries and leukocyte recruitment both in vivo and ex vivo. Besides imaging of samples at a microscopic resolution, Remco utilises and develops novel applications and staining strategies for multicolor superresolution (utilizing STED) to study atherosclerosis in 3D at a nanoscopic level.

Department of Biomedical engineering
Universiteitssingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht

  • 2024
    • Frenz-Wiessner, S., Fairley, S. D., Buser, M., Goek, I., Salewskij, K., Jonsson, G., Illig, D., zu Putlitz, B., Petersheim, D., Li, Y., Chen, P. H., Kalauz, M., Conca, R., Sterr, M., Geuder, J., Mizoguchi, Y., Megens, R. T. A., Linder, M. I., Kotlarz, D., ... Klein, C. (2024). Generation of complex bone marrow organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature Methods, 21(5), 868-881.
    • Döring, Y., van der Vorst, E. P. C., Yan, Y., Neideck, C., Blanchet, X., Jansen, Y., Kemmerich, M., Bayasgalan, S., Peters, L. J. F., Hristov, M., Bidzhekov, K., Yin, C., Zhang, X., Leberzammer, J., Li, Y., Park, I., Kral, M., Nitz, K., Parma, L., ... Weber, C. (2024). Identification of a non-canonical chemokine-receptor pathway suppressing regulatory T cells to drive atherosclerosis. Nature cardiovascular research, 3(2), 221-242.
  • 2023
    • Cimen, I., Natarelli, L., Abedi Kichi, Z., Henderson, J. M., Farina, F. M., Briem, E., Aslani, M., Megens, R. T. A., Jansen, Y., Mann-Fallenbuchel, E., Gencer, S., Duchêne, J., Nazari-Jahantigh, M., van der Vorst, E. P. C., Enard, W., Döring, Y., Schober, A., Santovito, D., & Weber, C. (2023). Targeting a cell-specific microRNA repressor of CXCR4 ameliorates atherosclerosis in mice. Science translational medicine, 15(720), Article eadf3357.
    • Bianchini, M., Moeller-Ramon, Z., Weber, C., Megens, R., & Duchene, J. (2023). Short-term western diet causes rapid and lasting alterations of bone marrow physiology. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 123(11), 1100-1104.
    • Egea, V., Megens, R. T. A., Santovito, D., Wantha, S., Brandl, R., Siess, W., Khani, S., Soehnlein, O., Bartelt, A., Weber, C., & Ries, C. (2023). Properties and fate of human mesenchymal stem cells upon miRNA let-7f-promoted recruitment to atherosclerotic plaques. Cardiovascular Research, 119(1), 155-166. Article cvac022.
  • 2022
    • Brandhofer, M., Hoffmann, A., Blanchet, X., Siminkovitch, E., Rohlfing, A. K., El Bounkari, O., Nestele, J. A., Bild, A., Kontos, C., Hille, K., Rohde, V., Froehlich, A., Golemi, J., Gokce, O., Krammer, C., Scheiermann, P., Tsilimparis, N., Sachs, N., Kempf, W. E., ... Bernhagen, J. (2022). Heterocomplexes between the atypical chemokine MIF and the CXC-motif chemokine CXCL4L1 regulate inflammation and thrombus formation. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 79(10), Article 512.
    • Nitz, K., Lacy, M., Bianchini, M., Wichapong, K., Kücükgöze, I. A., Bonfiglio, C. A., Migheli, R., Wu, Y., Burger, C., Li, Y., Forné, I., Ammar, C., Janjic, A., Mohanta, S., Duchene, J., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Megens, R. T. A., Schwedhelm, E., Huveneers, S., ... Atzler, D. (2022). The Amino Acid Homoarginine Inhibits Atherogenesis by Modulating T-Cell Function. Circulation Research, 131(8), 701-712.
    • Taş, K., Volta, B. D., Lindner, C., El Bounkari, O., Hille, K., Tian, Y., Puig-Bosch, X., Ballmann, M., Hornung, S., Ortner, M., Prem, S., Meier, L., Rammes, G., Haslbeck, M., Weber, C., Megens, R. T. A., Bernhagen, J., & Kapurniotu, A. (2022). Designed peptides as nanomolar cross-amyloid inhibitors acting via supramolecular nanofiber co-assembly. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 5004.
    • Karshovska, E., Mohibullah, R., Zhu, M. Y., Zahedi, F., Thomas, D., Magkrioti, C., Geissler, C., Megens, R. T. A., Bianchini, M., Nazari-Jahantigh, M., Ferreiros, N., Aidinis, V., & Schober, A. (2022). Endothelial ENPP2 (Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase 2) Increases Atherosclerosis in Female and Male Mice. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 42(8), 1023-1036.