Marijke Kuijpers

Associate professor

Dr Marijke Kuijpers studied Biological Health Sciences at Maastricht University, after which she could start on a joint PhD project of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology, studying studied platelet receptors and procoagulant activity in thrombus formation. After obtaining her PhD, she received a Kootstra fellowship, and started on a post-doc project from the Dutch Heart Foundation to investigate the role of platelets and coagulation in thrombus formation on ruptured atherosclerotic plaques.

Since 2011, she has been working as a scientific researcher in the Laboratory on Cell Biochemistry of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, chaired by Prof. Johan Heemskerk, within the Department of Biochemistry. Furthermore, she is connected to the Thrombosis Expertise Center (TEC) from Maastrich UMC+, which main aim is to improve translational research.

The current focus of her research is (hyper)active platelet function under pathologic circumstances: cancer, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, hyperlipidemia (diabetes type 2, Alzheimer). Main research questions are: the full characterisation gain-of-function platelet phenotypes and exploration of the underlying signaling mechanisms. She has a particular interest in the effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, often used as anti-cancer treatment, on platelet functions in vitro and in patients. Furthermore, she is part of the EU Horizon2020 TAPAS, investigating whether targeting platelet adhesion receptors can lead to better anti-thrombotic treatment without bleeding.

Department of Biochemistry
Universiteitssingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht
PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
Room number: 4.320

  • 2024
    • Jooss, N. J., Diender, M. G., Fernandez, D. I., Huang, J., Heubel-Moenen, F. C. J., van der Veer, A., Kuijpers, M. J. E., Poulter, N. S., Henskens, Y. M. C., te Loo, M., & Heemskerk, J. W. M. (2024). Restraining of glycoprotein VI- and integrin a2ß1-dependent thrombus formation by platelet PECAM1. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 81(1), Article 44.
    • Zhang, P., von Ungern-Sternberg, S., Hastenplug, L., Solari, F., Sickmann, A., Kuijpers, M., Heemskerk, J. W., Walter, U., & Jurk, K. (2024). Multi-phased kinetics and interaction of protein kinase signaling in glycoprotein VI-induced platelet aIIbß3 integrin activation and degranulation. Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Advance online publication.
    • Melo, S. F., Nondonfaz, A., Aqil, A., Pierrard, A., Hulin, A., Delierneux, C., Ditkowski, B., Gustin, M., Legrand, M., Tullemans, B. M. E., Brouns, S. L. N., Nchimi, A., Carrus, R., Dejosé, A., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Kuijpers, M. J. E., Ritter, J., Steinseifer, U., Clauser, J. C., ... Oury, C. (2024). Design, manufacturing and testing of a green non-isocyanate polyurethane prosthetic heart valve. Biomaterials Science, 12(8), 2149-2164.
    • Provenzale, I., Solari, F. A., Schoenichen, C., Brouns, S. L. N., Fernandez, D. I., Kuijpers, M. J. E., van Der Meijden, P. E. J., Gibbins, J. M., Sickmann, A., Jones, C., & Heemskerk, J. W. M. (2024). Endothelium-mediated regulation of platelet activation: Involvement of multiple protein kinases. Faseb Journal, 38(4), Article e23468.
    • Fernández, D. I., Troitiño, S., Sobota, V., Tullemans, B. M. E., Zou, J., van den Hurk, H., García, Á., Honarnejad, S., Kuijpers, M. J. E., & Heemskerk, J. W. M. (2024). Ultra-high throughput-based screening for the discovery of antiplatelet drugs affecting receptor dependent calcium signaling dynamics. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 6229. Advance online publication.
  • 2023
    • Oury, C., Meyers, S., Jacques, N., Leeten, K., Jiang, Z., Musumeci, L., Lox, M., Debuisson, M., Goffin, E., Pirotte, B., Delvenne, P., Nchimi, A., Hubert, C., Heptia, M., Hubert, P., Kuijpers, M. J. E., Vanassche, T., Martinod, K., Verhamme, P., & Lancellotti, P. (2023). Protective Effect of Ticagrelor Against Infective Endocarditis Induced by Virulent Staphylococcus aureus in Mice. JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 8(11), 1439-1453.
    • Schönichen, C., Montague, S. J., Brouns, S. L. N., Burston, J. J., Cosemans, J. M. E. M., Jurk, K., Kehrel, B. E., Koenen, R. R., Ní Áinle, F., O'Donnell, V. B., Soehnlein, O., Watson, S. P., Kuijpers, M. J. E., Heemskerk, J. W. M., & Nagy, M. (2023). Antagonistic Roles of Human Platelet Integrin αiIbβ3 and Chemokines in Regulating Neutrophil Activation and Fate on Arterial Thrombi under Flow. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 43(9), 1700-1712.
    • Fernandez, D. I., Diender, M., Hermida-Nogueira, L., Huang, J., Veiras, S., Henskens, Y. M. C., te Loo, M. W. M., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Kuijpers, M. J. E., & Garcia, A. (2023). Role of SHP2 (PTPN11) in glycoprotein VI-dependent thrombus formation: Improved platelet responsiveness by the allosteric drug SHP099 in Noonan syndrome patients. Thrombosis Research, 228(1), 105-116.
    • Antunes-Ferreira, M., D'Ambrosi, S., Arkani, M., Post, E., In 't Veld, S. G. J. G., Ramaker, J., Zwaan, K., Kucukguzel, E. D., Wedekind, L. E., Griffioen, A. W., Egbrink, M. O., Kuijpers, M. J. E., van den Broek, D., Noske, D. P., Hartemink, K. J., Sabrkhany, S., Bahce, I., Sol, N., Bogaard, H.-J., ... Wurdinger, T. (2023). Tumor-educated platelet blood tests for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer detection and management. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 9359.
    • Sabrkhany, S., Kuijpers, M. J. E., Van Kuijk, S. M. J., Griffioen, A. W., & Oude Egbrink, M. G. A. (2023). Age- and gender-matched controls needed for platelet-based biomarker studies. Haematologica-the Hematology Journal, 108(6), 1667-1670.