Barend Mees

Assistant Professor

Dr Barend Mees studied medicine at LUMC in Leiden and completed his training as General and Vascular Surgeon at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. He subsequently spent almost three years in Melbourne, Australia, to further specialise in Endovascular Surgery. Since May 2014 he has been a consultant Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon in the Department of Vascular Surgery at Maastricht UMC+ and UniKlinik Aachen, Germany. His clinical area of interest is the (endovascular) treatment of (complex) aortic disease and peripheral arterial disease. He is the research coordinator of the Department of Vascular Surgery and has obtained a PhD in Vascular Biology from Erasmus MC, INSERM (U689, Paris) and Max-Planck Institute (Bad Nauheim, Germany).

His main research focus areas are vascular biology, tissue engineering and innovative endovascular techniques. He is member of the leadership of the Cardiovascular Moonshot of RegMedXB and member of the management team of the InScite XS-GRAFT project. He is the inventor of the MAZE Box, a novel hands-on simulator for Endovascular Surgery and tutor for Vascular International. Dr Mees has been examiner of the UEMS FEBVS examination since 2017. He is organiser of the I-MEET congress and co-director of the European Vascular Course.

Department of Vascular Surgery
P. Debeyelaan 25, 6229 HX Maastricht 
PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht
T:+31(0)43 387 74 78

  • 2024
    • Tinelli, G., D'Oria, M., Sica, S., Mani, K., Rancic, Z., Resh, T. A., Beccia, F., Azizzadeh, A., Da Volta Ferreira, M. M., Gargiulo, M., Lepidi, S., Tshomba, Y., Oderich, G. S., Haulon, S., SLIM F-U EVAR Collaborative Study Group, & Mees, B. (2024). The sac evolution imaging follow-up after endovascular aortic repair: an international expert opinion-based Delphi consensus study. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 80(3), 937-945.
    • Rademakers, T., Manca, M., Jin, H., Orban, T., Perisic, L. M., Frissen, H. J. M., Rühle, F., Hautvast, P., van Rijssel, J., van Kuijk, K., Mees, B. M. E., Peutz-Kootstra, C. J., Heeneman, S., Daemen, M. J. A. P., Pasterkamp, G., Stoll, M., van Zandvoort, M. A. M. J., Hedin, U., Dequiedt, F., ... Biessen, E. A. L. (2024). Human atherosclerotic plaque transcriptomics reveals endothelial beta-2 spectrin as a potential regulator a leaky plaque microvasculature phenotype. Angiogenesis, 27(3), 461-474.
    • Lemmens, C. C., Konings, T. J. A. J., Dean, A., Wanhainen, A., Mani, K., Gormley, S., Khashram, M., Mees, B. M. E., & Schurink, G. W. H. (2024). Branch Thrombus after Endovascular Treatment with Arch Branched Devices for Aortic Arch Pathologies. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. Advance online publication.
    • Hoitz, N. C. C., Nugteren, M. J., Huizing, E., Fioole, B., Mees, B. M. E., de Borst, G. J., & Ünlü, Ç. (2024). Duplex ultrasound surveillance after femoropopliteal endovascular treatment for peripheral arterial disease: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Annals of Vascular Surgery. Advance online publication.
    • Jin, H., Zhang, C., Nagenborg, J., Juhasz, P., Ruder, A. V., Sikkink, C. J. J. M., Mees, B. M. E., Waring, O., Sluimer, J. C., Neumann, D., Goossens, P., Donners, M. M. P. C., Mardinoglu, A., & Biessen, E. A. L. (2024). Genome-scale metabolic network of human carotid plaque reveals the pivotal role of glutamine/glutamate metabolism in macrophage modulating plaque inflammation and vulnerability. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 23(1), Article 240.
    • Hatzl, J., van Basten Batenburg, M., Yeung, K. K., Fioole, B., Verhoeven, E., Lauwers, G., Kölbel, T., Wever, J. J., Scheinert, D., Van den Eynde, W., Rouhani, G., Mees, B. M. E., Vermassen, F., Schelzig, H., Böckler, D., Cuypers, P. W. M., & Zephyr study group collaborators (2024). Clinical Performance of the Low Profile Zenith Alpha Abdominal Endovascular Graft: 2 Year Results from the ZEPHYR Registry. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 68(1), 40-48.
    • Bastos Gonçalves, F., Mees, B., Tulamo, R., & members of the ESVS Guidelines Steering Committee (2024). ESVS Guidelines App: Bringing Evidence Based Vascular Practice to your Pocket. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 67(6), 872-874.
    • Ünlü, Ç., Deloose, K., & Mees, B. (2024). Guidewire Selection and Techniques in Peripheral Arterial Interventions. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 67(6), 1027-1030.
    • Konings, T. J. A. J., Delhaas, T., & Mees, B. M. E. (2024). Re: "Thoracic Stent Graft Numerical Models to Virtually Simulate Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 67(6), 1025.
    • Hoitz, N., Kraima, A., Fioole, B., Mees, B., de Borst, G. J., & Ünlü, Ç. (2024). Surveillance After Surgical and Endovascular Treatment for Peripheral Artery Disease: a Dutch Survey. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 67(6), 980-986.